Lurlinerife's page

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Curaigh wrote:

Congratulations Landon, slope game 3D online

Pirates are always a good choice probably because they can be so many classes. I liked the PFS tie-ins since the top four will be doing that I am glad you are familiar with OP. I like the add a wayfinder add an ioun stone bit, but it seems risky to me from a design point, as Clark pointed out. Still this was in my Keep Pile, so thank you.

Suggestions for future rounds: bring out the guns. The mimicry of Pirates and the dependence on other items (in the eyes of many readers at least) needs to be countered by raw creativity.

Good luck and nice job. :)

It's unclear if the ioun stone effect affects the ship and crew, or just the ship itself. If it's the former, the 20k price may be too good, because giving a stone to everyone on board would be incredibly expensive.