
Lunar Mage's page

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Ooh, I love this kind of discussion! For me, it would have to be either Desna or Shelyn if we're talking about the main pantheon. Desna's been my fave for a long time since I came to Pathfinder from 3.5 and other TTRPGs. I love her imagery of butterflies and the night sky, and I've been falling in love with some of her teachings, especially as presented in Inner Sea Gods. Along with that, I'm something of a world traveller and love learning about other cultures. Previously, I've mainly been attracted to moon-aspected deities like Sehanine back in the Greyhawk pantheon or Selune in Forgotten Realms, but Desna's the closest I've found in Pathfinder's main pantheon. And she's still quite awesome.

That being said, Shelyn's been starting to get my attention more, both because I consider myself an amateur artist and writer AND because I've been lucky in love recently (in a very happy and healthy long distance relationship for well over a year now). Along with that, Shelyn's story is extremely moving.

If we're counting the Empyreal Lords, I've really gotten to like a lot of them, but Ashava and Seramaydiel are my two faves. ^_^

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I've been a fan of Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 for a long time, and I'm now starting to fall further in love with the Bard, particularly with some of the options given for the Bard in Pathfinder like the various archetypes and bardic masterpieces. With this in mind, I've been a bit sad that (at least from what I've seen) there haven't been many prestige classes designed with the Bard in mind and decided it might be fun to make one of my own. To that end, I've found some inspiration in both the Seeker of the Song from 3.5's Complete Arcane and the World Singer from the d20 supplement Quintessential Bard (along with other features in that book). The concept involves mastering performances capable of various magical effects, and one of the prerequisites would likely be taking one or two Bardic Masterpieces.

That being said, I'm at a loss for how to make the Arcane Songspinner (working title) a well-balanced and engaging prestige class. The two main inspirations I have seem quite under-powered. The Seeker of the Song grants no spellcasting bonus (i.e. no new spells per day or spell known), and the World Singer only gives it every two levels. Along with that, I'm not exactly sure what else to add for class features aside from the new songs (essentially new bardic performance types). I could really use the help in developing this! ^_^()

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Ooh! Yay! My favorite Pathfinder goddess ^_^

Pretty much everything Martiln and Mikaze have said already holds true for any cleric or worshiper of Desna, whether or not they're traveling in Ustalav. There is at least one thing I'd like to add though, particularly given the nature of the Carrion Crown adventure path (I've looked through a few of the installments, though I will refrain from saying anything about them so as not to spoil anything for you ^_-). In Ustalav, horror is basically part of life. There's a lot of superstition and fear regarding the country's past, and when you look at it, it's pretty clear why. However, I did find one thing in Faiths of Purity that's definitely worth mentioning, and I believe it will definitely apply to what you'll probably encounter in this campaign (provided you don't do what my normal gaming crew does and screw over the plot for a few hours of amazing and glorious chaos and hilarity ^_^).

The line reads, "You do not seek out pain or horror specifically, but you are able to place such things in their proper context without being forever scarred." Basically, you roll with whatever punches life throws your way and work through the situations to reach a good end. And, when all's said and done, you're able to deal with what happened and not let the consequences ruin your life. Even as an eternal optimist, you know there's still some pain in life, but you deal with it the best you can and keep moving towards the hope and joy you're seeking. And in most of these scenarios (assuming things unfold this way), remember this: if nothing else, you guys made it out alive and hopefully in one piece. There's some joy to be found in that. ^_^

If you don't have Faiths of Purity already, at least grab the PDF version. It's influenced a lot of my characters (most if not all of whom worship Desna), and I personally enjoy it as a resource. ^_- The old Gods and Magic supplement still provides some good insight, and the second Rise of the Runelords adventure path installment featured Desna. Both of those could be worth a look as well. Good luck!! ^_-