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Luminiere Solas's page

Organized Play Member. 638 posts (4,036 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 aliases.


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Lantern Lodge

Nether wrote:
Luminiere Solas wrote:
it's a fantasy game in a universe with completely different rules from our own. where abominations we would find horrifically ugly in the real world, are considered the epitome of sexy. (night hags), a world where humans breed with everything, a world where people can perform nearly impossible feats of athletic prowess by 4th level, a world where the mightiest heroes can wade waist deep through hot lava with little regard for their lives or fall thousands of feet with minor scrapes, a world where old men can chant mathematical formulae, rub thier hands in bat feces, and create a 45 foot diameter globe of fire from over 400 feet away. a world where modern japanese schoolgirls wearing black pajamas can kill fire breathing spellcasting sentient reptiles with thier heirloom tokugawa era daisho. a world where native american shamans, wear the hides of the beasts of the sahara desert, kill brain eating space aliens while taking the form of prehistoric dinosaurs, and commanding thier sentient animated pet tree to assist them, a world where medieval knights, wear rennaiscance era plate armor, worship greek gods, wield roman era falcatas, and slice through sentient jello, a world where young female puppeteers dressed like fragile china dolls, wearing lots of makeup, with a simple cute dance, turn an entire audience into thier personal marionettes, a world where a clueless and sheltered alter boy, can present his silver cross, and due to his faith in the lord, damage all undead in a burst centered around himself, because he beleives in the lord, a world where the local apothecary can further detach himself away from humanity the more skilled he becomes. a world where a little half elf girl can manifest her imaginary friend into reality and have it protect her from local bullies. clearly not intended to mirror our own world.
Ok, so what is your stance on stat dumping?

i really don't mind it, i encourage it. though some dump stats fit some roles better than others. for example, it is very hard to imagine a non-enchanter wizard with a high charisma. they steriotypically spend a lot of time holed up in a corner doing research.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

it's a fantasy game in a universe with completely different rules from our own. where abominations we would find horrifically ugly in the real world, are considered the epitome of sexy. (night hags), a world where humans breed with everything, a world where people can perform nearly impossible feats of athletic prowess by 4th level, a world where the mightiest heroes can wade waist deep through hot lava with little regard for their lives or fall thousands of feet with minor scrapes, a world where old men can chant mathematical formulae, rub thier hands in bat feces, and create a 45 foot diameter globe of fire from over 400 feet away. a world where modern japanese schoolgirls wearing black pajamas can kill fire breathing spellcasting sentient reptiles with thier heirloom tokugawa era daisho. a world where native american shamans, wear the hides of the beasts of the sahara desert, kill brain eating space aliens while taking the form of prehistoric dinosaurs, and commanding thier sentient animated pet tree to assist them, a world where medieval knights, wear rennaiscance era plate armor, worship greek gods, wield roman era falcatas, and slice through sentient jello, a world where young female puppeteers dressed like fragile china dolls, wearing lots of makeup, with a simple cute dance, turn an entire audience into thier personal marionettes, a world where a clueless and sheltered alter boy, can present his silver cross, and due to his faith in the lord, damage all undead in a burst centered around himself, because he beleives in the lord, a world where the local apothecary can further detach himself away from humanity the more skilled he becomes. a world where a little half elf girl can manifest her imaginary friend into reality and have it protect her from local bullies. clearly not intended to mirror our own world.

Lantern Lodge

i love how the old post i made last year is still so popular. if i could signature it. i would.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

you hear a few small sentences in celestial as Lumi makes some odd hand signs. and suddenly, the sounds of loud thundering movement and a hungry pack of wolves could be heard.

Spellcraft; DC15:

ghost sound, to frighten the kobolds. or at least make them shaken.

i need to see some DC 13 will saves

Celestial Incantation:

the golden blossom of the dawn compels you. a pack of wolves approaches you. run far away you little reptillian fiends, for this is the dawnflower's sanctified pack. they show no mercy to the wicked and provide no quarter. repent for your sins and surrender, or be defeated by the most vicious of beasts.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

the young nephilim smiled as the girl pointed. will you accompany us? it would be easier to protect you if you came with us.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

well. can you show us the way to your friends? staying here would be bad for thier health and i would like to minimize the number of foes we face.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

and i am still waiting for a holy champion of the dawnflower before i get married.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

well, we do kinda look alike. there is the chance we might be related.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

i can't fully gaurantee it, but i will do my best to keep you safe. i'm not old enough to be a mother yet, but if you wish, you can call me Sis or Lumi for the moment Lumi replies calmly. she appeared fairly young herself.

the young Nephilim Turns to Barnabus, i don't recall having a younger sister. but i do remember a sickly fetchling countess i used to play with back when we were children. she was older than me by a matter of months.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Yes, we really are here to rescue you. you have the word of a servant of the Dawnflower. you also have the word of the daughter of an angel. i promise not to harm you. Lumi was gently trying to calm the little girl down.

diplomacy (if needed) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

the young nephilim will gently and slowly approach the little girl. hello. we have come to rescue you and your friends. can you show us where they are?

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 Lumi begins speaking cheerfully in celestial.


oh thank you, shining blossom of the dawn. your blessing is most appreciated.

she then reverted back to common

i think i see something over there the young nephilim pointed. her blessed luck was going to run out eventually. but she seemed to excited to worry.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Arianna isn't the only one trained in survival. in fact, i offered to assist and got lucky.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi smiled nervously and stuttered a bit. i-i can assist with the tracking. i-i'm not an expert at it, but i can help support another at the task. in fact, i feel especially confident at the moment. it's as if the dawnflower has blessed my otherwise mediocre skill

survival (Aid another to track or lead tracking, group choice)1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi attempt to throw her voice to make it appear she was 10 feet away from where she really was and demoralize the newly arrived bugbear. appearantly, her innocent demeanor greatly hindered her attempt to demoralize it. hey, Giant! your buddy was slain by a great titan slayer, you better run.

perform ventriloquism 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

intimidate 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 3 - 4 = 5

stealth check ((hiding behind some bushes or brush or something.)) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi will throw her voice and bluff the hexed bugbear in common. hey, look behind you! i think i saw a grizzly bear and it looks hungry

Perform (Ventriloquism) to throw off her voice and make it sound like it's coming from elsewhere

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

bluff (a form of ranged feint)

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

basically, improvised ranged feint or something Vs the hexed bugbear. the intent is to make the bugbear flatfooted during the next round.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi will hide behind a tree or some bushes and pretend to be a helpless bystander not too far from the other group members, ready to catch the goblins off guard.

stealth (if needed again) 1d20 ⇒ 16

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

initiative (if needed)

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Lumi has currently had an episode of obliviousness in her ability to react. she merely quietly pretends to be an innocent bystander pre combat. looking cute and harmless.

Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

and no, women did not historically run around in chainmail bikinis with a giant axe in each hand either.

Lantern Lodge

Drejk wrote:
Luminiere Solas wrote:
appearantly, every warrior in the history of europe wore full plate and wielded a curved blade of some kind as well.
Hadn't they?

i was being snarky.

but really, Full plate was developed during the Renaiscance as a response to the advancement of firearms and crossbows. it was also extremely cost prohibitive. guns quickly outclassed it.

but i am sure, that just about everywhere, there were groups of peasant class individuals whom were restricted from using weapons, so they learned to use a combination of unarmed combat techniques and farm implements to bypass these restrictions.

Lantern Lodge

Kryzbyn wrote:
Atarlost wrote:
Certainly the Monk is out of place. You can tell they're out of place by the fact that they focus almost exclusively on exotic weapons that are not exotic purely for reasons of balance. If a guy who fights with bare hands, kamas, and sais were not out of place bare hands, kamas, and sais would not be exotic, and improved unarmed strike is pretty much a special exotic weapon proficiency. It's just listed in the feat chapter instead of the weapons chapter like the nonstandard proficiency rules for bastard sword and dwarven waraxe.
Hmm. No one in the history of Europe fought with their bare hands or farming implements? Interesting!

appearantly, every warrior in the history of europe wore full plate and wielded a curved blade of some kind as well.

Lantern Lodge

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Luminiere Solas wrote:

i don't get why people see D&D or it's derivatives as medieval european.

you have medieval knights wearing rennaiscane era armor, wielding roman era falcatas, worshipping greek gods, traveling with native american shamans wearing the hides of saharan beasts, who transform into prehistoric dinosaurs who are accompanied by modern japanese schoolgirls wielding Tokugawa Era Daisho and Wearing black pajamas, and old men wearing robes and pointed hats who chant mathematical equations to control reality, on a journey to kill brain eating space aliens, giant sentient firebreathing spellcasting reptiles and sentient jello.

just had to post this again.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi will follow the group as well. staying relatively silent, dusting off her robes and adjusting the fit of her ribbons as she reaches into her right sleeve and pulls out a batonlike weapon of decent quality in preparation for the potential oncoming attack.

stealth, draw hanbo as i sneak 1d20 ⇒ 20

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

that harsher language? what was it? i don't really understand it. but it gave me the chills. Lumi said as she was shivering at the gutteral sounds. not out of an understanding of the language, but out of a natural tendency that occurs when others spoke this tongue. something about it invoked a hint of fear in the angelic lass.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi will approach Jund and touch his wounds as a white light glows on her hand. sealing the gaping injuries. speaking something that sounded akin to a prayer or incantation in celestial

to those who speak celestial:

Blossom of the dawn, as your vessel, allow me to channel your readiant light and heal this wounded champion.

cure light wounds on jund, i will then approach Arianna and heal her next with a cure light wounds. this process will take 2 rounds

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

well, i'm going to be out state later today, and likely for the rest of the weekened, until either monday or tuesday. if you wish to continue, you may DMPC Lumi for the time being.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi will turn around and analyze the objects to find out whether or not they are undead. after bit of verbal nudging gets her focused noggin going.

knowledge religion check

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

perception check to notice the combat

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

then if the objects are confirmed to be undead. she will attempt to damage them with a burst of positive energy.

1d6 ⇒ 5 positive energy damage DC 14 will for half

if not, then she will move next to denny and whack one of the objects with her hanbo instead

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17 attack roll

1d6 ⇒ 6 damage roll

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

"well, i can escort you there if you wish. our polish is a simple lemon juice based solution. not very strong, but it gets the job done. i got demoted a bit after a few accidents caused by some rather mischievious spirits. but yes, i would love to see the benefits of your polishing solution. it might give me more time to interact with the children." Lumi smiles as she speaks to the gnome.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

i'm going to be out of state from friday till monday. Wanna DMPC my character during that time?

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi smiles at the gnome. my name is Lumiere Dawnbringer, if you wish to shorten it for informal convenience, you may call me Lumi. i polish the altars at a temple not too far from here.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)


Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

what are your houserules on channeling?

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)
DM Azure_Zero wrote:

I have a house rule where cure and inflict spells are a static number,

Light = 10
Mod = 20
Serious = 30
Critical =40

didn't know that. much better. does it also apply to channel?

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

the young woman approaches the gnome curiously. i'm not responsible for the creation of that corpse. but please allow me to heal those wounds a little. she begins a short verse in celestial as she takes her hand and places it on the gnomes wound. attempting to seal it slightly with a strange golden light.

for those who speak celestial:

Blossom of the Dawn, i am your vessel, with this light you have gifted me, allow me to assist the recovery of this wounded champion.

walk up to the badly injured gnome and cast cure light wounds

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

technically oracle, but close enough

approaching the fight was a small framed female youth clad in white loose robes with a red flame mofif, a red scarf around her neck, a pair of white (dyed) leather boots, and a pair of white lace trimmed gloves that leave her fingertips exposed. her metallic sheened golden blonde hair fell down to her ankles held in a pair of twintails, her eyes, blue as those of a newborn, her skin, flawless and pale. at her right hip was some kind of well made baton-like weapon, across her shoulder was a backpack. next to her weapon was a sealed pouch. she had very little grasp of what was going on, as if her little trip to "lala land" lead her in the current direction.

Lantern Lodge

Female Chelexian Aasimaar Oracle (Life Mystery)

Lumi here. ready to heal hey, where is everyone? *Lumi looks around confused*

Lantern Lodge

Fixed Lumi's combat numbers and wealth to match 2nd level.

Lantern Lodge

DM Azure_Zero wrote:
I see your still updating

any other piece by piece updates?

Lantern Lodge

DM Azure_Zero wrote:
the profile is missing HP and a few other things

may i ask what's missing?

Lantern Lodge

HP for 2nd level

1d8 ⇒ 3
1d8 ⇒ 7

Lantern Lodge

let them loot the corpse. let the new guy come at Average Party Level with wealth as per the wealth by level chart.

but do the following

dissalow the same type of build (a 2WF rogue can't be used to replace a 2WF rogue, etc, an enchanter can replace a transmuter though)

dissallow more than half your wealth to be spent on a single item

assume any "background" craft checks took 10

introduce the new PC when you feel it's appropriate.

Lantern Lodge

cranewings wrote:
Jezai wrote:
cranewings wrote:

There are two problems I found: I didn't realize his extra 20' range required a move action for aiming. Not that big of a deal.

Bigger deal: can you stack the penalty for firing into melee with the cover penalty for shooting at someone directly across from the ally he is fighting?

Yes, they do stack. Thats why he needs to take those two feats which hurts his options.
Thanks. Which feats? Precise shot and?

Point Blank Shot.

Lantern Lodge

SR is a penalty. when you get higher level, it means you can't use those cure wands anymore. meaning that the healer has to use thier actual spell slots. limiting thier combat ability and thier adventure day to keep YOU alive. a standard action spent lowering your resistance is a delay in party overland travel. which is an issue in dynamic campaigns.

Lantern Lodge

they aren't really any more overpowered than dwarves are.

a lot of races are specialized towards a specific niche. these guys are just excellent offensive martials. such as barbarians and fighters.

it's not much different from an elf wizard, dwarven druid, or human sorcerer.

Lantern Lodge

Cheapy wrote:

So...where's the downside?

All I'm seeing is one of the most powerful races out there.

they are only a 10 RP race. the downside is that i didn't milk extra RP by exploiting non applicable flaws.

10RP is the standard and they are intended to be a proud warrior race.

Lantern Lodge


Ability Modifiers; +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity; a Nekogami is a strong agile warrior like her goddess ancestor

Type. Outsider (Native); Nekogami are the mostly human blooded descendants of a minor goddess.

Medium: Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space
of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet

Darkvision 60 ft: a nekogami can see in the dark up to 60 feet. This works like the dwarf ability of the same name

Fast Speed; a Nekogami has a base land speed of 40 feet.

Divine Will; a Nekogami, due to her Divine Nature Receives a +2 Racial bonus on will saving throws

Natural Armor; a Nekogami, due to her enhanced density receives a +1 natural armor bonus to her armor class

Languages: Common, 1 Regionally appropriate Human Language of Choice, Bonus Languages. A Nekogami may choose any language (Except secret languages such as druidic) as a bonus language


Native Outsider 2 (includes darkvision)
flexible modifiers 2
natural armor +1 2
dual minded 1
fast speed 1
linguist array 2

basic things

upped the language array and traded the bonus feat for natural armor.

Lantern Lodge

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
Luminiere Solas wrote:

i plan to used those traits to shore up my to fort, will, initiative and unarmed damage.

i have a rough unarmed build with

Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 14

it doesn't have as much to hit or AC as one would expect at first. but that can easily be shored up by items.

the enhanced int gives more skill points, the wis gives better perception and will saves, the enhanced constitution gives better hit points and fort saves. and i could always exploit vows to get extra Ki. so what if i lose face duty? a vow of silence and vow of fasting will eventually in the endgame provide the equivalent of 2 extra Ki feats and i can always find a way to pick up sign language.

sneak attack can carry the needed damage just fine.

Are you going to be doing a monk/ninja? The monk vows are only available to monks. If so, you only have to pump Wisdom or Charisma as long as you take at least 4 monk levels; when you get the ninja ki pool, it says that if you have a ki pool from another class you can decide which stat it uses. Wisdom would be the obvious choice if you're not going to be the party face. Zen Archer monk synergizes really effectively with Ninja, but so do a number of other monk archetypes.

according to the SRD, ninjas can take vows too. (or anyone with a Ki pool)

Lantern Lodge

i plan to used those traits to shore up my to fort, will, initiative and unarmed damage.

i have a rough unarmed build with

Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 14

it doesn't have as much to hit or AC as one would expect at first. but that can easily be shored up by items.

the enhanced int gives more skill points, the wis gives better perception and will saves, the enhanced constitution gives better hit points and fort saves. and i could always exploit vows to get extra Ki. so what if i lose face duty? a vow of silence and vow of fasting will eventually in the endgame provide the equivalent of 2 extra Ki feats and i can always find a way to pick up sign language.

sneak attack can carry the needed damage just fine.

Lantern Lodge
