
Lulz the Neutral's page

35 posts (39 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.


Blackvial wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
And that is why the protagonists of Hell's Vengeance are, in defiance of all evidence... the real heroes. :O
they're the heroes cheliax needs

But are they the heroes Cheliax deserves? Probably.

Also, Hellknight just sounds cool. Axisknight? Inevitableknight?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
quibblemuch wrote:
Tyinyk wrote:

You could always do the darkest and most profane of Thread Necromantic acts and.....

** spoiler omitted **

I was told that causes hair to grow on the unliving bone that was your hand.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm votin' for Soltysik.

I blame the whole violence/sex thing on those guys who wore buckles on their hats and passed out smallpox-infested blankets.

DM Wellard wrote:

Well we all know that Merisiel's CHA 10 is a function of her bloodthirsty personality.

But yes it would be like her to put the completely wrong people into the wrong posts. I see Seelah or Kyra leading a palace revolt sooner or Later..

The rogue in my table top group is determined to be treasurer..

A Rogue makes a perfect treasurer, just be sure to include the "treasurers tax" (how much he's going to skim) in the budget.

James Jacobs wrote:
Similar to how drow were when they were first envisioned for the game, ours worship various demon lords.

A demon pantheon, sounds awesome.

Thank you very much.

Lulz the Neutral wrote:

Order 903549 shipped Mar 11 = Never recieved.

Order 903550 shipped Apr 8 = Never recieved.
Order 906553 shipped Apr 11 = Recieved.

I think the first two orders were shipped to a burned out house.

I changed the shipping address on the subscription page, but that dosen't seem to have effected the shipping address on the order page. And I still haven't recieved my original Pathfinder #7, let alone #8.

Order 903549 shipped Mar 11 = Never recieved.
Order 903550 shipped Apr 8 = Never recieved.
Order 906553 shipped Apr 11 = Recieved.

I think the first two orders were shipped to a burned out house.

Lulz the Neutral wrote:
Same here. I just hope they didn't ship it to a burned out house and someone else picked it up.

Now I'm just waiting to see if the one I bought with another order beats the one from my subscription here. I'll probably get Seven Days to the Grave before I get Edge of Anarchy.

Coridan wrote:
So in our game, sundering the other guy's coin pouch with the dagger made it a lot easier =p

I believe that move is called the "Vasectomy."

Same here. I just hope they didn't ship it to a burned out house and someone else picked it up.

Some say Giant Wormey Beast, I says Graboid!

STR 15
INT 10
DEX 12
CON 18

Easily mind-cotrolled Fighter, here I come!

Isn't Rodham an Obox-obite name? Just saying.

I've always wanted to see a kind of "Ye Olde Shadow Over Innsmouth" adventure with Dagon worshipping Kuo-toa. I'm sure someone's already done it.

Also, if you like the vidya gaems there's Dark Corners of the Earth and Eternal Darkness with heavy Mythos inspiration and numerous others that were "touched by Cthulhu's (non-noodley) appendage."

Snorter wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
In a recent Call of Cthulhu campaign that just wrapped up, my girlfriend played a gay cowboy from Texas. I kept waiting for her character to hit on my ruggedly handsome, pudgy French linguist, but sadly that never occurred. :\

What was the adventure called?

Pokeback Mountain?

Brokeback Mountains of Madness?

Tigerhead McJazzhands is probably a Rakshasasasasa ... sa.

Curaigh wrote:
I'll go check, be back with an answer in a minute...

The Langoliers got him.

It's good to be the King.

Grimcleaver wrote:

Blame Vecna!

See, the series of events that propelled him to godhood (due to his ascent into Sigil) also caused a cataclysmic chain reaction of changes throughout the multiverse--changes that would seem like "the way it'd always been" to all those within the setting when they looked back on them. According to the resolution section of the final adventure of the trilogy (Die Vecna Die, if I recall correctly) it is said that the cascade of radical cosmological upheavals would continue for ages to come. This really could just be another instance of that.

Crisis on Infinite Planes?

Kruelaid wrote:

The new town with an all new name will be called...

Onette, and down the road is Twoson.

Cory Stafford 29 wrote:
I know that the bit was supposed to be comedic, but did anyone notice how non-heroic the tiefling warlock was portrayed? She was basically a psychopath. There is nothing heroic about her. She killed and innocent gnome plus the announcer for a measley bag of gold and kicked the pet badger for good measure. Is this what they expect their new target audience to want? Let's forget about pesky little things like morality, right and wrong, etc. I wonder is this is one reason alignment is getting taken out. It might get in the way of the WOW kids being able to roxxor. It's become let's sell our soul for power and wantonly slay anything we see, instead of heroes trying to save the village or barony from an evil menace. Is this what the game is becoming? It seems sad to me.

Kill everything and take their stuff. Sounds familiar.

The gnome was funny. The Tief' was a little too "90s antihero/Baroness" for me. Overall, I liked it.

Hasbro = Illuminati? It all fits so perfectly!

DangerDwarf wrote:
Good, evil, law, chaos.

I thought they were getting rid of those?

Coming soon "The Census of Cthulhu".

Jim the Troll wrote:
Just Trolling!!!

I see you trollin'. I'm hatin'. Now I'm going to catch you trollin' dirty.

Come on. Rogue River. They could have busted out the studded leather and searched the town for traps.

For every 10 Japanese people you talk to 9 will be direct decendants of famous samurai and 1 will be a ninja.

Tell it to Queen Doppelpopolus, Doppelganger!

Just have the BBEG beat them to a pulp and yell "You ain't earned the right to die by my hand." Also call him Bill Cutting.

I don't know about anyone else, but I personally am very sensitive to temperature in my nether regions and never allow anything remotely hot near my crotch.

James Jacobs wrote:
There's no chance of seeing a non-PHB race iconic anytime soon. They're the ones that the game is built for, and they're the ones the game plays best with in my opinion.

So the iconic barbarian won't be an awakened gorilla with a monocle and tophat?

All of these artists are ripping off the prehistoric cave painters.