
Luke Engelhardt's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

"There's nothing in canon that suggests the printing press even exists outside of that one off mention. Books are probably made they way they were before Gutenberg.... individually by hand. That was one of the major occupations of monasteries back then. It also means that only the well to do have access to any significant number."

Actually due to the high literacy rate everyone with 3 int is literate even commoners indicate the printing press would have had to have been invented about 80 years before 4667 AR. In order for broadsheets in Galt's revolution to be effective the literacy rate would need to be high.

The real word example of the first time the printing press has an effect on politics is the protestant reformation. The reformation started in 1517, and the printing press was invented in about 1440 hence it took about 80 years for literacy rates to rise to the point that the printed word could topple persons in power.

Silver Crusade

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First and foremost, I am not a doctor nor and I a medical professional. If you have been exposed to tetanus seek medical aid right away! Having said that the trouble with no cure being listed is that tetanus in the real world is curable with the in game equivalent of fort saves and heal checks according to the research I have done. so why is there no cure listed?

Silver Crusade 1/5

Olaf the joyous wrote:
AxeMurder0 wrote:

Sent you an email awhile ago Luke, haven't heard back. Is there a warhorn or group or mailing list or pidgeon exchange or something for the Ames/Des Moines area?

Luke Engelhardt wrote:

There is indead a PFS grope in Des Moines(DSM). if you drop me a line at sgtlukeeng_3@hotmail,com I will be sure to respond to any question you may have. Des Moines is only 30 miles from Ames.

here is the info for the des moines group

Must have gotten cought in my spam filter if you E-mail me again with the subjcet of "Gamming in Des Moines" I will be on the look out for it

Silver Crusade 1/5

There is indead a PFS grope in Des Moines(DSM). if you drop me a line at sgtlukeeng_3@hotmail,com I will be sure to respond to any question you may have. Des Moines is only 30 miles from Ames.