Cross-Blooded Sorcerer and spells known

Rules Questions

So, to quote Cross-Blooded

"Drawbacks: A crossblooded sorcerer has one fewer spell
known at each level (including cantrips) than is presented
on Table 3-15: Sorcerer Spells Known on page 73 of the
Core Rulebook. Furthermore,..."

Everything after the furthermore I am understanding. I got confused since that means, and I will use 4th level as the example, even though I can cast at least 3 times for level 2 spells (Higher based on Cha of course) I know 0 Level 2 spells, since at 4th level I would only earn 1, and I know one fewer which is 0.

I am understanding that correctly, right?

Yes, being Crossblooded is terrible if you intend to level as a Sorcerer. It's really best for taking a 1 level dip in Sorcerer to grab two arcana for your other spellcasting class (orc/draconic for blasting wizards or magi, or something like undead/serpentine for an enchanter).

mplindustries wrote:
Yes, being Crossblooded is terrible if you intend to level as a Sorcerer. It's really best for taking a 1 level dip in Sorcerer to grab two arcana for your other spellcasting class (orc/draconic for blasting wizards or magi, or something like undead/serpentine for an enchanter).

Thanks, may still work for the idea I was going for..Just only probably 1 level of Sorcerer instead of 4 now.

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