Luebbi's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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My question was answered elsewhere and I wanted to share. You can buy the token rims for 1$ here:

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I just got the Foundry VTT "Outlaws of Alkenstar - Punks in a Powderkeg" module. It is GORGEOUS. Only skimmed so far, but holy hell.

Anyway, I like how all the tokens are set up with a steampunky orange or silver rim. Is there a way to get the empty token template to make your own tokens, for example for the PCs? a base .psd would be great to get from Paizo.

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Captain Morgan wrote:
I have this idea for a gnoll. Their inherent physicality and pack based nature gives me this image of a gnoll frat boy that I'm extremely tickled by, despite my real life distaste for fraternities. While the minor in wizard is a given, I can't decide if I want to major in witch or alchemist. Going full caster seems appropriate for the magic school theme, but I have wanted to play an alchemist for a while and the Gnoll is soooo good for them.

Sounds good! Before I settled on my alchemist, I also toyed with the idea of a frat boy-type Fighter who just got accepted because he's really good at Magaayamba Quidditch or whatever, and keeps going around calling other students nerds :P