Lucky Ben Willhuff

'Lucky' Ben Willhuff's page

7 posts. Alias of xdahnx.


"Bear steaks we can do. Nice bear steaks are a little tougher."

The stables were great. You can join in now, certainly, as you hear your name being called.

"A kind of cattle, I guess. It's bear. You want to talk about somethin' that will full you up, bear is all you need."

The Dead Well


Ben's eyes widen as he listens to Andrea. You're right about that. I can't wait for things to get back to normal." He shoots his eyes over at the two undercover guards sitting by the door. "I'd love to get my bar back, though I'd prefer it in one piece. Guess we'll just have to sit it out. Let me show you your room, Miss."

Ben will lead you up a flight of stairs and down a hallway to a far room on the left. It's sparsely furnished, but has a lock on the inside and is very clean.

The Dead Well


"A camel steak?", Ben guffaws, "Sure kid, coming right up. We don't have any Sothis brew, but we make a nice stout here that I'm sure you'll like."

Ben sets about preparing some kind of steak for Paellet, a sizzling smell fills the air. "The place is called The Dead Well, because of where I built it. Mostly right on top of that there well. The well's all dried up though, and there wasn't really any other place to put the bar. At least no place that was far enough away from the Conqueror's Blade. I made my fortune gambling, y'see. Folks call me 'Lucky' Ben. This place is doing pretty well, so people sometimes want a bit of that luck for themselves. Locals usually throw a copper or two down the well for good luck. You're welcome to try it if you want. Just don't tell no one what ya wished for. That's bad luck. Trust me, I know."

Ben finishes his story right around the time he finishes the steak, sliding it over to Paellet. It's certainly not camel, but it's certainly not beef, either. Mutton may be the closest analogue.

Ben squares up with the halfling and turns to the upset Andrea. "Look miss, I really didn't mean nuthin' by it. I just don't really have the coin to hire someone. Not with this army at our door. Times are gonna be tough pretty soon, and I don't think I can take on another worker. If you still want the room, I can rent you a clean one for five silver a night.

The Dead Well


"The Stable-boy's name is Jensen. He's a little slow, but he's good with horses. He don't talk none either, but he's a real good listener. He sleeps out there with the animals, so you don't got nothin' to worry about. Go on and sort your business out."

The young boy listens to Jon's instruction with wide-eyes, nodding in assent to everything that he's shown. The boy quickly stuffs the silver piece into his shirt pocket, and sets about seeing to your mount.
"A working girl? What makes you think I need any help here? I don't know what kind of place you think this is, but I'm not so sure your talents would be best for this place. Besides, I might not even have a bar if the Andoren army burns this town to the ground."

Ben spits on the ground, and continues to prepare your food, eventually sliding a few plates of a thick soup and crusty bread your way.

thom, you can use your best judgement with jumping in.

Jon, Andrea, Paellet, Rose;


"You can keep 'em here if you need. We've got a little stable out back, and I only charge 6 silver a day for 'em, feed included. 'Course you could keep them down at Terron's Yard. He's probably got room there. I can't guarantee that Tandifoor will even give you the time of day, but you could try down at the Lodge, too."

Ben pushes your drinks across the bar toward you, and busily sets himself into work. "Let me get started on your food."

If you were provided a mount by Gasker, he currently has them. If you had one of your own, you'll have to take care of it.

"This early, lass? Are you sure?" the old man behind the counter pours the drink without waiting for a response. "It'll put hair on your chest, I swear. That's something to keep you warm on the road. Though by the sounds of it, you're not going to be travelling anywhere for a good while. Four copper, if you please."

While Andrea scans the room, her gut stops her eyes as they focus on two men sitting near the door. They've kept their eyes on her and the other newcomers the entire time you've been there. Drinks sit, untouched, in front of them, while one hand maintains a constant presence beneath the table.