
Luc Duchesne's page

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I have received my last Dungeon mag # 150, but no sign of Drangon mag # 358 and 359 yet

Thank you

I'm from Quebec province to and I don't have received 358 and 359 yet!"


So I received my Dragon #353 yesterday, what about you Tramarius?

Two of my players left the game, one because he don't feel gaming for a time, the second one because the first don't play anymore and he won't play without him.... so the game is suspended because of those two! And no one want to play de weekend, friday night and weekend is for drinking and partying for my player, as for me, I stay home dreaming of a good bunch of player who want to play..


I'm the cleric guy who stay behind and buff friends and allies... close secong, paladin


Thanks, that's the kind of info I was hoping to find, I'm quite unhappy with it, but I can live trought. the most bizard thing is, the magazine is probably print here in Qc province, ship to the US, and then ship to canandian subscriber.

and for Michel, I guess I will have to live with some late issues over the year as Tramarius said.

Thank you and sorry for my bad english writing skill :P


I am now under a circumstance of live that give me only two players for D&D, once upon a time, we were aroind 12 players, all the game we were starting, we have to give it quick because everyone would eventualy heard of the game and show up uninvited. now that everyone had finish school, found a job and moved away, there is only 3 of us left in our hometown. for sure there is many other player but how to find them, there is non local store around...

So i decide to write here something in hope someone around our town read this board!

Thank you,

Europe received dragon #353, and Canada, in north america, didn't receive the #352????

I spend 1 hour today at the phone with canadian post, listening to pre enregistred message, heard thousand of different menu, just to heard that the problem must be Paizo.... Come on guys, I have faith in you and your magazines, they keed me alive between gaming sessions!

sorry if it look like flaming, but im a subscriber of two other US magazine and I receive them on time this week!


So far this year, I haven't receive any magazine since late december, early january. I was hoping there was no problem with my subscriptions at both magazine. The last one I receive were Dragon 351 and Dungeon 143. I haven't complain yet since I live in Canada and I always receive my issues after the locals stores. As I read this board I realize I'm not the only one with issues problems. I miss 3 issues last year, and I'm strating this new year of gaming with 2 issues missing so far.... maybe there is something wrong!

Thank you,