Varisian Wanderer

Lou Kasuri's page

362 posts. Alias of Edward Sobel.


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I remember that, I applied but due to work schedules was unable to participate. and I had a discussion with the GM about that.

I was in another table and it went nowhere.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou approaches as well, but not up front. this adventuring thing is still new to him.

With the rain approaching we best find shelter. who knows, maybe there is a decent kitchen in there.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

During the journey Lou kept a bit to himself, he seemed interested in the plants and possible spices that grow wild in this area, hoping to find some.

Once camp is set up Lou prepares a meal for everyone. it is only somewhat good comparatively speaking given the available resources.

cook: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

yet given what he had, it turns out rather good.

During his watch, Lou does his best to be attentive, but he realizes that his partner is rather exhausted, so he tries to let him relax. hoping to pick up the extra duties for him.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

its all good...

maybe I can cook something for you

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

don't know what Lou was looking at but it wasn't the trail. or the surroundings or for danger.

He found himself walking behind Shelby though.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou finally comes sloshing through the mud toward the group. panting a little finally made it, everyone ok? what happened to you guys?

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

sorry all, been distracted alot lately...I am also scatter brained at times.

but there was not much for Lou to do except wade through themud. anyway.

I am sure he will be useful in the future (maybe by level 6 or 7?)

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou continues to slosh through the marsh to reach the others.

double move again to get closer.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou simply struggles to get through the terrain to reach the others.

double move

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

I'll go again then?

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

ok see the map now and I need to adjust my action

Lou moves up to the goblin not to far away from him. emulating his sister, but with a touch of his own style using his walking stick Lou twirls the staff as makes a sudden strike to the side of the goblin's head.

attack orange goblin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

what is bad, Lou probably knows all to weel IC as well

Lou simply moves closer to get at the goblins.

can't see the map right now, hopefully when I get home though

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

and no ....never-mind I will not say his name....

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

ok thanks, but at work now and no map access while at work...

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

where is the rest of the party on the map?

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

*switches to cooking channel*

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou was starting straggle, he seemed lost, he stopped to pick some flowers and some various "weeds" but all the while he was looking to the distance, apparently listening.

goblins. he says softly.

getting up he tucks what he has gathered in his pouch but remains standing there, trying to pinpoint the source of whatever it is he hears.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

plants and chefs:

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Lou followed along, he was not really much of a tracker, but he did know his spices.

he kept an eye out for spices that would be beneficial for tonight's meal.

profession cook: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Darn it, I can't find that portrait, is there a link?

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

The Well-Adjusted party +1 chef:

Lou was just as lost as everyone, he is not normally a wilderness kind of guy.

He does his best to keep with those that are not "lost"

after the book falls out, Lou raises an eyebrow. not so much out of surprise but out of recognition, Noro had the same book that she would try and hide from both him and father.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

survival - untrained: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]
Selbarina "Shelby" Renarin wrote:

Waiting for the inside folks to come out and tell us it's time to go. :p

"I can't imagine anyone not liking Ameiko. She's so outgoing and friendly and beautiful..." Her brow furrows in confusion. "Perhaps something between her father and yours, maybe? Who knows?" She shrugs, sipping at the tea. "This is good. No wonder Ameiko keeps you around." A small smile sits on her lips, her tone joking for once.

just to close this out

Lou looks up seems its time to move out. oh, and thanks, about the tea. I do hope you are doing better now.

Lou joins the group to head out.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]
Selbarina "Shelby" Renarin wrote:

Shelby absently accepts the cup of tea from Lou, looking off into the distance. His words finally punch through her emotions, and she looks at him with a puzzled expression. "Tea? What's that got to do with anything?" She holds the look for another moment, then starts to chuckles, shrugging. "I suppose tea is as good a reason to feel blessed as any other."

She sips at the tea as they wait for the rest of their companions to exit the building and get ready to go. She turns her head, looking at Lou, "Do you ever wonder what your homeland is like? Or, I guess I should say your ancestors' homeland?"

Lou sits beside her sipping his tea, he obviously is ready to listen to her, but instead she asks him.

not really, I mean, my father refused to talk about it. I often asked about the history of our family, where he learned his fighting techniques. but he never really answered.

sips some more tea, After the mess with my sister, I guess I felt a little, i don't know, afraid to ask. So I just made myself content working at the Dragon. I haven't really talked to father for some time now. He does not like Amieko or her family. I don't know why, its like he blames them for something.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

nooooo a party of ponys....

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

I had to look that one up.

now lets see you pull that off...

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

yes, i had a iroh moment

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou finishes up cleaning up after the meal, and packs some goodies for the road, as the others discuss plans.

he listens to what they are saying, not wanting to be in the dark later on.

after a bit he pours a pair of cups of tea.

looking about he realizes that one is missing.

Lou heads outside looking for his wayward traveling companion.

He finally notices Shelby and goes up to her. While it is always best to believe in one’s self, a little help from others can be a great blessing, as well as the gift of good tea. as he sits beside her offering her a cup of tea.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou was standing there cleaning up as the outburst occurred.

looking to Walthus he simply shrugs and hands him the last piece of toast before taking the dirty dishes into the kitchen area.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

yup x1.5 hourly rate

Lou was up practically pre-dawn. he was accustomed to it by now.

he had a hardy breakfast going for everyone by the time they awoke

As others awoke, Lou quietly made sure all were served. not many were interested in the cook, that was fine with him for now.

breakfast time: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

lou would cook, also busy wyeek and weekend, will post tonight, hopefully, worked an extra 32 hours this week (plus my base 40).

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou was preparing a small meal for everyone, since he never made it inside

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou was still outside having never gotten the chance to enter inside.

He has no idea about who is inside at the moment. but while outside Lou does prepare a small meal for the victors considering the meager rations the group has.

cook: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

just a reminder that I leave tomorrow for here, I don't know about how often I will be online.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

lou is here

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

hello there. already posted my status in the runelords game.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

same as the other thread...

have a good holiday

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Archibald believed he was the last to wake, but it is not unheard of to miss the drunken cook as he lay in a small patch of now shade, as luck would have it with the rising sun. Lou's spot to rest was nice and shaded.

The conversation eventually awaken him. and Archibald realizes he was in fact not the last to rise.

He seemed to miss the entire conversation and calmly gathered his things and made his way to the group as they start to head out.

where to now? You sure the goblins are down this way? indicating the trail.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]
Tshilaba Vadoma wrote:

Having heard Lou to his right, the fortuneteller looked over his shoulder when the beast fell to the wet soil. At first he didn't see him due to the fact that the monk was up to his knees in the soft soil of the swamp. "Ah! You gave me a start, O Cunning Culinary Captain. I'd remembered you taller." He reached out a hand to help the man out of the mire.

"The real question I have for you is 'Should we eat it'?" He added the last bit with a bit of a grin to show that he was joking, at the same time, he was willing his stomach to stay quiet. He'd wished he had brought at least a snack along with them for the journey.

Lou just looks up and gives a smile. and takes the offered hand out of the mud. one word of this back in town... and Lou makes a mocking fist at Tsh.

best let it sink into the swamp. I wouldn't even know how to cook something like that.

lou trudges back into camp and removes his wet clothing to dry. he then curls back up for some rest.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

know local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 --- ahh come on-- I am rolling a d20 right?

Lou now up and noticing the creature is not a goblin. well now, this is new. looks like those old tales ring true. well time to end this

attack of futility: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 --- really? again?

Lou does a spectacular flip and is about to come down hard on the creature's head but with barely a shift to the left Lou instead land in the mud patch and sinks to his knees.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

I might be able to come up with something I see you are in the game? If so how would you describe the tone of the adventure? serious? a little light hearted? dark and brooding?

also how much custom rules are needed to be known?

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Lou simply wakes up at the sound of alarm. he does not have much time and is quickly to his feet.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou groggily awakens, it seemed like he just lay down a few minutes ago, oh wait he did lay down only a few minutes ago.

I hope this is something good, I was just about dream of...never-mind. he decides it best not to divulge anything further.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

I wanna sleep: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

yup, I gonna sleep

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou pokes around the perimeter some gathering some twigs and kindling to start a fire. he seems lost in thought as he does so.

eventually returning to camp he has enough to get a fire started but not enough to keep it going.

apparently not realizing that, he starts to build the fire anyway. distracted by his thoughts as he works

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

perception even though its moot now: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Lou looks to Liera, A few since the raid a few years back, she pounded quite a few of them.

sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Lou look to the Halfling as they walk, Oh look, Charades again

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Ok. Just dont forget, we ate here for ya too.

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

After hearing the explanation Lou realizes why he never was much help on camping trips. put him in a kitchen he can make some wonderful creations, but hunting and tracking, and hell just know what stuff is? don't count on him.

Lou strains to try and figure out what is supposedly watching the group.

ya know, I kind of hope it is goblins, then I can take some out and show Noro that she ain't the only one that can kick a goblin's ass

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

or not...

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]
Tshilaba Vadoma wrote:

After that he meandered over toward the cook. It was probably good to take care of debts. He holds out a familiar silver coin to Lou and says, "In all the rush and confusion, I forgot to pay for breakfast. Would you make sure this got back to the proper place? I can wait for change."

Lou refuses the coin, on the house, just glad to have someone enjoy my cooking.

Later on the trail, Lou stops when Datura apparently spotted something.

Lou returns some gestures, making glasses out of his fingers and covering his eyes the point to his head with a circular motion, he then makes a drinking / drunk gesture, ending the routine with a shrug of his shoulders.

secret message not recieved

Male Human Monk 1 [HP 10/10; AC 17 / FF 14 / T 16; F+4/ R: +5 / W: +5; init: +3; Perc: +7]

Lou places his hand on Liera's shoulder, your among friends now, nothing to be nervous about.

looking toward the trail, this is as good as any I suppose. I think this one leads toward the sea though.

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