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Lorren's page

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Agreed, allowing it to be used if there's no one around would quickly become a massive headache. Great reply and very in-depth, thanks!

I'm honestly surprised that they worded the feat in this way. As mentioned, they use the word bless in the feat description itself, and allowing it to work on Bless would encourage teamwork further by allowing self-focused players to still buff their allies. But like your well-made post says, Bless and similar spells don't seem to work with it.

I do recognize that they just used the word bless as a general term, no worries there. It's just odd that they'd pick the name of one of the arguably most popular spells to use as the generic term then make the feat not work with Bless, lmao.

I wonder if it's partially meant to give them some design space for later on? A level 10 or 12 feat that widened the applicability of Zealous Rush would slot in nicely.

Woops, thanks!

Hi, I have a quick question about Zealous Rush (the 8th level Cleric feat) and the spell Bless.

Zealous Rush's wording says that you "bless yourself on the move," but since Bless is a spell that affects more than yourself since it's an emanation, it doesn't seem to work with Bless going by RAW.

However, it does feel like RAI is that Bless should be able to trigger the feat, given that they chose the word Bless in the description. It also makes sense, thematically and mechanically, with it being an 8th level feat. Otherwise, it only works on the narrow range of self-buffs like Heroism or self-heals.

How would you rule this feat at your table? I'm 50/50 on it myself. Letting Zealous Rush work on aura-like effects seems reasonably powerful for an aura buff build.