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So I have a massive concern here, my current party all level 4 (paladin, cleric, archivist bard, sorcerer, and alchemist) just completed Vorkstag and Grine's. I fudged a few rolls because once they were inside the fights weren't too hard. They captured both alchemists. But, the real difficulty came from the Flesh Golem Hound.
This thing has DR 5/Adamintine. I had forgotten how hard this would be to overcome, especially with 60some HP? I had forgotten how the rules work and so reduced all damage to one if it wasn't greater than 5. If I hadn't done this, someone would have died. This beasty does 8 damage minimum (up to 23), and between DR 5 and AC 20, I don't see how they were intended to kill it without losing at least one or two people, or killing it at all. They'll be level 5 for the one at the scloss, so that'll be helpful. But how are they intended to hurt it, the hook apparatus, or the faceless golem? These things all have AC that only the paladin can break even 1/2 the time, two of them are immune to magi so the sorcerer is nearly useless, the alchemists damage is either bombs that can do 3-6 if he's lucky, or natural attacks that if he's lucky enough to hit, only do damage on max damage, a bard who ccan't do... well... anything to them save on extremely lucky crossbox bolts. What am I missing that is supposed to make these encounters doable to the party at this point? They won't survive two more encounters of that nature.
I think I'm a bit late to the party with this one, but thought I'd share anyway.
I'm currently on Trial, and introduced Adivion (we're calling him Adrien) with the noble (name forgotten, as his named became Gaston instead) who is The Whispering Tyrant's descendant. Adivion is a friend or acquaintance with much of the upper nobility of Ustalav and is traveling with Gaston to determine whether or not he is the descendant of the Tyrant, as he has (in my mind) done with several others. They were far off still when word of Lorrimar's death reached them so they arrived long after the funeral, on the final night the PCs were in Ravengro, and stayed for a small celebratory feast with Kendra, the PCs, and several members of the Ravengro populace. The PCs immediately took to Gaston as a gregarious and pleasant man, while most developed a quick distaste for Adivion, despite the fact that he helped them. They asked for aid in understanding the runes around Harrowstone, he agreed to help, and lied as to the meaning.
Currently Gaston and Adivion are in Leipstadt for the Trial of the Beast, or at least to see the Punishing Man used (I intend to have it used to execute other criminals, even if the Beast is acquitted), where upon Gaston will drag Adivion to the Lodge in chapter 3 against Adivion's wishes, as he wishes to hunt. I'm intending these two characters to maintain some contact with the PCs in almost every chapter. I may also up Kendra's role a bit.
So random question. I've been getting out of this that Adrissant is connected to Lorrimmar somehow. Is that in the later books (I haven't read them yet), something I missed in these ones, or is it just something that general community discussion has created?
I'm probably gonna switch tracks, and as for everything in town, they've done just about everything, including optional events, except for Gibs. It's actually funny, they're irrationally suspicious of Gibs, and automatically assume he's behind anything that happens in town, but have little reason to assume anything wrong.
They even went to his house as soon as the V went up, but they didn't really investigate him. They just showed up at his door and went 'Hey! Did you do these bad things you jerk?' 'No, f&@@ off.' And that was it.
Thank you guys for the tips. I'll probably add a few ectoplasmic guys to the Lopper's encounter, assume they were other looters that have tried to explore the ruin over the years.
I have a short XP question. I was having trouble figuring out which experience track to use, as it doesn't make mention of using medium until trial of the beast, so I originally had my player's on the fast track.
However, now I'm not sure what to do, they're currently sitting at roughly 5000 a piece (there's five of them), and in the dungeons they still have the Splatter Man and the Lopper remaining, along with the good captain, though they've cleared out most of the rest of Harrowstone (a few smaller encounters skipped that I'm fairly certain they won't reach, or XP for haunts they didn't actually defeat). The remaining encounters and story XP will net them about 2000 a piece. If I switch them over to the medium track right now, they will still be roughly 2000 xp shy each of level 4 by the start of the Trial of the Beast. Should I stay on the fast track? My only concern with that is that at the rate at which they gain XP they could very well start getting too high too fast.
Anyway, if anyone could give me some advice on the matter, I'd appreciate it.
Name: Dr. Acula (Stolen Identity, real name unknown)
Race: Human (Scarzni)
Classes/levels: Rogue (Cut-purse) 3
Adventure: The Haunting Of Harrowstone
Location: Central Dungeon Chamber
Catalyst: Igniting Skeletons
The Gory Details: (optional)
Despite general softness and a striking inability to roll well on his HP (and a negative con modifier), the good 'doctor' made a habit of running head first into the fray with the paladin, and given his substantially lower AC, also had a habit of taking a beating.
Having been brought down to 1 HP from having the beats laid on him, there was a skeleton to the west and the south of the good doctor when they finally ignited, dealing exactly eleven damage from the initial opening of their auras and cooking the good doctor.
Me being merciful, and decided that unless it's really cool everyone gets one, fudged the rolls for him though. Next time they'll be roast doctor on the menu.