
Loreal's page

2 posts (19 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Hi CrazyHedgehog,

I've come up with a background story that explains why my character (human female cleric of Sarenrae) is wandering alone in the jungle. She will not tell her background story to the group though. I've left some gaps that you can fill in with places of your liking so you can tailor it to your campaign. I will PM the background story shortly.

Hello everybody, I'm BoomSmurfs (Rowena) wife. Thanks for letting me join your game. Looking forward to reading the character creation rules. I'm thinking of creating a wizard as you don't seem to have one at this time. My favourite classes are wizard and rogue. However, I've never managed to play a rogue beyond 6th level and rogue is already covered by Rowena. I could also create a cleric if the group feels that that is a more useful addition to the group.