
Lord Worcestershire of Perrins's page

Organized Play Member. 66 posts (67 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

After the PC's returned Lamatar Bayden's corpse to Myriana I wanted to stress the urgency to return to Sandpoint quickly and suggested that traditional means would not get them back in time.

I don't have anyone in the group who can cast Teleport so I have come up with the idea of traveling to the Sanos Forest and using the portal to the First World that is said to exist there. I have an Unchained Summoner who is a First Worlder Archetype that is interested in conducting merchant business and setting up ties to the Witch Market so I thought this might also be a fun way to work that in. I'm also thinking of replacing his cohort that was killed at Hook Mountain with a Gnome from Sanos Forest to help in the transition.

Instead of Myriana being consumed with the reincarnation of Lamatar she is requesting that the group take his remains to the portal and suggest that once he is in the First World he can then be reincarnated and returned to her. I also thought about having him return in the form of taking on the personality of an intelligent weapon in the form of his magical longbow but that is another story altogether.

So once inside they will deliver a token from Myriana to someone or something in exchange for passage to somewhere near Sandpoint. I was thinking of doing something similar to a Narnia feeling of many doors or portals in a grove, or a Alice in Wonderland situation or Pan's Labyrinth but I'd prefer not to get too far off track. I was thinking they might see one of the The Tane but not encounter any of them, at least not in combat.

Any other ideas? What should they see, or do? Where should they end up close to Sandpoint?

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So I'm brainstorming about how and why I'll bring back Vorel Foxglove and what that will mean to my campaign.

I'm picking up my ROTRL campaign after a year off. My group is about to enter the Graul homestead and encounter that house full of nightmares and I can't help but think about the last time they went through a house full of horror, Misgivings.

My group didn't properly exorcise Vorel's spirit. I've been holding onto that bit of information in the back of my brain and was curious how that would all unfold later. I'm pretty sure they used fire to burn the patch of fungus from the cave wall which according the the AP the fungus will regrow in 24 hours unless the site is subject to a Hallow and Consecrate spell or dispel evil spell...none of which happened. Hallow and Dispel Evil are level 5 cleric spells which requires at least a 9th level cleric. The party is 8th level now (They were only 6th ot 7th level when they went through Foxglove Manor) so I'm thinking that after all the nonsense at Fort Rannick is handled and they have some down time maybe I will take them back to Misgivings to finally take care of Vorel. According to the adventure they should be around 10th level after completing Hook Mountain Massacre. I don't really want to sidetrack too much but I believe that if they wait too long this is something that would eventually come back to haunt them. (Wocka Wocka Wocka!)

The way I see it, Vorel is gonna be pretty pissed and wanting revenge...so how does that play out? Everything I've been lead to believe is that Vorel was a Necromancer which tried and failed to become a Lich so he was at least 11th level and I believe maybe even 15th level. According to the anniversary edition on page 90, anyone who attempts to light the house on fire will be targeted with fear, confusion, phantasmal killer, dominate person, or charm monster (CL 15)

Sooooo? 15th level Necromancer...maybe a Lich...maybe a ghost...does he possess someone that came by to loot the place, or maybe dominate them and send them out to harass the party? Does he bring back the recently slain Aldern somehow? Raise a bunch of ghouls or shadows or something? Maybe he reaches out to and dominates the ghouls who live in the Devil's Platter?

As I said before, the party is off at the Graul farm. One of the PC's, the party's Evoker has sort of been retired and is now an NPC stationed back in Sandpoint doing research with Brodert Quink and helping Mayor Deverin, Sheriff Hemlock and Ameiko form an Adventure's Guild to help protect Sandpoint and the surrounding area from all of the shenanigans that keep popping up. The town nobles have commissioned a guildhouse be built on Chopper's Isle for the party and other adventurers that are recruited to come protect Sandpoint.

Some other ideas I've had that sort of tie in to all of this are perhaps the NPC wizard was tainted by Vorel during their former encounter or maybe he goes back to investigate Foxglove Manor for his research and is dominated then. I also thought of working in the ghost of Jervis Stoot somehow. Maybe the dominated wizard wrangles up Ol' Chopper after his new found interest in necromancy...

Just brain storming...all comments welcome. What do you guys think?

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About to run the Graul Farm encounter for my group. I ran this a few years ago for a different group and had a blast with it but I'd like some help with ideas of how to make this a very memorable and horrifying encounter.

I'm going to make a few changes here and there that I did before or that I've picked up off the boards like making Mammy a Gravewalker Witch and switching some of the weaponry out to give it more of a hillbilly horror farm feel like giving Crowfood a scythe instead, and possibly arming some of the other ogrekin with weapons designed for capturing and/or torturing like nets and mancatchers and such.
I also plan on wrapping the porch around the eastern side of the house and switching the rooms, kitchen A4, and Playpen A5, so that it will be more difficult for the group to bypass such a fun trap on the porch by just going in the "back door" that is oddly located right by the front door. I'll probably throw in some fly swarms especially in places like the kitchen to go along with the Fortitude save stink to actually mechanically disorient the party and to get a better feel of how disgusting the place really is. Any other fun ideas, mechanically or flavor wise to throw in? Has anyone tried throwing in some pit traps or such out in the fields for Rukus or Crowfood to attempt to chase or lure people into?

My party consists of:
Human Rogue 8 (Formerly a half elf, but is now a clone of the Runelord Sorcha-Thanks Shattered Star!)
Tiefling Witch 8
Half Elf Fighter 8
Dwarf Fighter 8
Half Elf Ranger 8 and wolf animal companion
GM PC Half Elf Cleric of Erastil 8 and firepelt animal companion.
NPC Elf Ranger Shaelelu Andosana

The party is about to encounter Rukus for the first time on the road.

So I am running The Anniversary Edition ROTRL for my buddy who has reached the encounter with Nualia in area E4 of Thistletop in Burnt Offerings and I have been toying with an idea that I would like to gather some more suggestions and ideas from some of the creative minds here before going any further.

I can not supply the source but I read once here on the message boards someone stuck a teleportation circle off of Area C16 of Skulls Crossing in The Hook Mountain Massacre that was connected to another hidden teleportation circle within Thistletop and I thought that was pretty genius and plan to encorporate that into my own game and have decided to perhaps go another step and use this same magical principle to accidentally send Nualia and/or the PC's to a location in The Mushfens, either The Lady's Light or The Sunken Queen.

The idea is the magic in Thistletop is going wonky after thousands of years as already explained in area E8 Communication Room, and I would like to use this opportunity to send him out to some cool places in Varisia and maybe kill a few more goblins before returning to finish the adventure, or perhaps if separated from Nualia track her down before she causes anymore harm.

All of these ideas of dungeon delving in The Mushfens got me thinking about a certain diabolical trap I keep hearing about in Shattered Star: The Curse of The Lady's Light and how I would really like to throw this in somehow to this adventure and I think my player would really appreciate it too. I have never played or read The Curse of The Lady's Light so the question is, how do I make this work? Should I pick up the adventure and just work in what I can? Would it be too early to do this as that adventure assumes your party to be 5th level? I suppose I could complete all of Thistletop before sending the party instead of sending them during the battle with Nualia. I could also work in a similar trap in Thistletop but I want to work in the idea of the Teleportation Circle for earlier and I would also prefer the idea of the female rogue waking up looking like The Runelord of Lust and not the Runelord of Greed.

My player created the four party members and this is his first time playing Pathfinder. I control two of the players for role playing purposes but he controls all four during battle. Not that it totally makes a difference but the party is as follows:
Female Half-elf Rogue
Male Half-elf Cleric of Erastil
Male Elf fighter (GM PC)
Male Human Invoker (GM PC)
Shaelelu Andosana
Orik Vancaskerkin (recruited for his freedom)

They are currently in Thistletop areas E3 and E4 and the hall leading to area E5 and are in the first round of battle with Nualia, her yeth hound, Tsuto and Lyrie Akenja. They have defeated Bruthazmus and recruited Orik in exchange for his freedom.

So, any other cool ideas or suggestions?

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So I had an idea for a controller style bard, specifically using the Lotus Geisha wielding a fighting fan for the purpose of feinting and either a sai or finding some way of getting proficiency in nunchaku for use in disarm. I planned on taking the feats Combat Expertise, Improved Feint and Improved Disarm.

Now here is my question, If I use Improved Feint to feint as a move action with the fighting fan in my off hand, and then as my standard action that round use my other weapon in my primary hand to disarm my opponent in this instance would that impose two-weapon fighting penalties? My first guess is no since I am not using the fighting fan to gain an extra attack during a full attack. Any ideas? Thanks!