
Lord Worcestershire of Perrins's page

Organized Play Member. 66 posts (67 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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So I'm brainstorming about how and why I'll bring back Vorel Foxglove and what that will mean to my campaign.

I'm picking up my ROTRL campaign after a year off. My group is about to enter the Graul homestead and encounter that house full of nightmares and I can't help but think about the last time they went through a house full of horror, Misgivings.

My group didn't properly exorcise Vorel's spirit. I've been holding onto that bit of information in the back of my brain and was curious how that would all unfold later. I'm pretty sure they used fire to burn the patch of fungus from the cave wall which according the the AP the fungus will regrow in 24 hours unless the site is subject to a Hallow and Consecrate spell or dispel evil spell...none of which happened. Hallow and Dispel Evil are level 5 cleric spells which requires at least a 9th level cleric. The party is 8th level now (They were only 6th ot 7th level when they went through Foxglove Manor) so I'm thinking that after all the nonsense at Fort Rannick is handled and they have some down time maybe I will take them back to Misgivings to finally take care of Vorel. According to the adventure they should be around 10th level after completing Hook Mountain Massacre. I don't really want to sidetrack too much but I believe that if they wait too long this is something that would eventually come back to haunt them. (Wocka Wocka Wocka!)

The way I see it, Vorel is gonna be pretty pissed and wanting revenge...so how does that play out? Everything I've been lead to believe is that Vorel was a Necromancer which tried and failed to become a Lich so he was at least 11th level and I believe maybe even 15th level. According to the anniversary edition on page 90, anyone who attempts to light the house on fire will be targeted with fear, confusion, phantasmal killer, dominate person, or charm monster (CL 15)

Sooooo? 15th level Necromancer...maybe a Lich...maybe a ghost...does he possess someone that came by to loot the place, or maybe dominate them and send them out to harass the party? Does he bring back the recently slain Aldern somehow? Raise a bunch of ghouls or shadows or something? Maybe he reaches out to and dominates the ghouls who live in the Devil's Platter?

As I said before, the party is off at the Graul farm. One of the PC's, the party's Evoker has sort of been retired and is now an NPC stationed back in Sandpoint doing research with Brodert Quink and helping Mayor Deverin, Sheriff Hemlock and Ameiko form an Adventure's Guild to help protect Sandpoint and the surrounding area from all of the shenanigans that keep popping up. The town nobles have commissioned a guildhouse be built on Chopper's Isle for the party and other adventurers that are recruited to come protect Sandpoint.

Some other ideas I've had that sort of tie in to all of this are perhaps the NPC wizard was tainted by Vorel during their former encounter or maybe he goes back to investigate Foxglove Manor for his research and is dominated then. I also thought of working in the ghost of Jervis Stoot somehow. Maybe the dominated wizard wrangles up Ol' Chopper after his new found interest in necromancy...

Just brain storming...all comments welcome. What do you guys think?

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Xanesha, the lamia matriarch from Magnimar acquired Vorel's Legacy from The Skinsaw Man and then sold it to the Red Mantis agents. They would be in the area. Perhaps they recognized your PC from a chance encounter or perhaps X's sister paid them to track down the party after their repeated scooby-doo, meddling kids-esque shenanaganery.

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About to run the Graul Farm encounter for my group. I ran this a few years ago for a different group and had a blast with it but I'd like some help with ideas of how to make this a very memorable and horrifying encounter.

I'm going to make a few changes here and there that I did before or that I've picked up off the boards like making Mammy a Gravewalker Witch and switching some of the weaponry out to give it more of a hillbilly horror farm feel like giving Crowfood a scythe instead, and possibly arming some of the other ogrekin with weapons designed for capturing and/or torturing like nets and mancatchers and such.
I also plan on wrapping the porch around the eastern side of the house and switching the rooms, kitchen A4, and Playpen A5, so that it will be more difficult for the group to bypass such a fun trap on the porch by just going in the "back door" that is oddly located right by the front door. I'll probably throw in some fly swarms especially in places like the kitchen to go along with the Fortitude save stink to actually mechanically disorient the party and to get a better feel of how disgusting the place really is. Any other fun ideas, mechanically or flavor wise to throw in? Has anyone tried throwing in some pit traps or such out in the fields for Rukus or Crowfood to attempt to chase or lure people into?

My party consists of:
Human Rogue 8 (Formerly a half elf, but is now a clone of the Runelord Sorcha-Thanks Shattered Star!)
Tiefling Witch 8
Half Elf Fighter 8
Dwarf Fighter 8
Half Elf Ranger 8 and wolf animal companion
GM PC Half Elf Cleric of Erastil 8 and firepelt animal companion.
NPC Elf Ranger Shaelelu Andosana

The party is about to encounter Rukus for the first time on the road.

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I think for alot of people it is easy to forget Nualia's intentions in this adventure. Tsuto is a play thing and nothing more really. I believe she would be more upset about the loss of Lyrie, who was researching how to find and free Malfeshnekor but she may have already discovered enough for Nualia to continue on her own. Nualia wouldn't really care about the loss of goblins either so it is unlikely she would pursue any of the characters out of revenge. Her number one goal at this point is continuing her ritual transformation into a half-fiend and then onto becoming a full fledged demon (most likely a Vrock) and the best way for her to do so at this point is "Third Ritual" from http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/demon which says,

"Third Ritual: At some point after the mortal contacts her demon lord (typically after the second ritual succeeds, but sometimes before), the demon sends the mortal a vision of a task that must be completed (such as freeing a bound evil outsider from a Material Plane prison or assassinating a powerful cleric of a good religion). This task is typically one of significance to the demon lord, and in many cases one that the mortal has no hope of completing until she grows more powerful. There is no time limit for how long the mortal has to complete this task, but she must maintain her weekly devotions to her demon in the time that passes in the form of regular worship and continued atrocities in the demon’s name. Additional burnt offerings to the demon, betrayals of allies, and assaults on innocents are popular choices. Once the assigned task is completed, the mortal must perform another ritual in honor of her demonic lord—a sacrifice consisting of no less than a dozen nonevil intelligent creatures offered in the course of no more than a single week. The mortal must make a DC 30 Knowledge (religion) check at the end of the sacrifice, but gains a +1 bonus on the check for every 5 additional sacrifices offered beyond the initial dozen. If the check succeeds, the third ritual ends and the mortal permanently gains the half-fiend template."

Her goal is not to fight to the death all cinematic style but to free the bound fiend in Thistletop and to use him, a servant of Lamashtu in his own right, to sacrifice all the people of Sandpoint to Lamashtu thus completing the Third Ritual. If the PC's wait too long to return to Thistletop this could indeed be what she attempts. I would suggest perhaps leveling them first before a showdown in the town square between them and Nulia, a Barghest and a handfull of yeth hounds.

I think Yossarian's suggestion of using the Mark Of Lamashtu is dead on gold but as I said I would tweak it to use for Lyrie and not necessarily Tsuto.

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Maybe blacks are jungle dwellers because they just are...just like Eskimos live in the cold, and so on and such with all the different races of humans...Our racial differences are actually used to adapt and live in our chosen locations. It is the same with animals...it is just geography and has nothing to do with oppression. I think this is used the same way every game system out there has a 24 hour day and a 365 day year...it is just what people are familiar with.

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She is pretty far gone...she killed and sacrificed her father to her god...pretty much the same with her monster baby. Her mission is clear, burn EVERYTHING. She hates everything about her former life including her appearance. She was tormented her entire life for what she was and she wants more than anything to become a demon and serve her goddess. I don't think you can bring her back from that. In my opinion she flees. She is whipped and knows it. If you think she burns the stockade down on the way out then maybe she does but she doesn't face the party to die in my opinion. I say she runs to Magnimar with a heart full of hate for Sandpoint and the party members. I think her plan is the same as it always has been.

Maybe she comes back later with a dragon and an army of stone giants...that might work.

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There is the Adoptive Parentage racial trait from the Advanced Race Guide. You could be human and gain all of the Elven weapon familiarities including the rapier.

Adoptive Parentage: Humans are sometimes orphaned and adopted by other races. Choose one humanoid race without the human subtype. You start play with that race's languages and gain that race's weapon familiarity racial trait (if any). If the race does not have weapon familiarity, you gain either Skill Focus or Weapon Focus as a bonus feat that is appropriate for that race instead. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.

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