I'm running a Shackles game and dicoverd thatmost people did not take the oppertunity to play a ocean themed class that wound never have any, or very little use on land. That being said, I think the Sea Singer Bard is good. We have a venerable Gnome with sea singer as capt. I think it works well, But the players not really leadership material. The Rogue Pirate archetype is good too. we have a Dwarf with this. that man will be standing on a plank as the ship falls apart in the seas and never fall off it haha. Gets good swim and manovering the riggings like a monkey. Really who doesn't wanna sneak attack from the top ropes.
I used Mage hands as a Pale Master in 3.5 to do touch attacks from range(it even said that they can be delivered this way in the spell, not sure on PF) If you don't mind a few feats for armour Dodge, Mobillity, Lightning stance, Wind stance all togeather in the feat list in the core rulebook work on Dex and makeing armour better in one way or another.
Yeah his Father after many years took in his favrite illagetimate son to take his place eventually. Based from Gnomes of Golarion and well my favorite character in War and Peice Count Ilya Andreyevich Rostov (and his son). Thought Gnome might shake it up a little. I think if Taldan Knight feat is an sign of what normally becomes knights it should be human or halfling. After reading Advanced Player's guide and saw no perfered class for Gnomes as Cav's I figured I was starting on weird ground. The GM and I figured a Bachelor(knight) being the lowwest we could find was a good level to start with in the Feudalism. Some of the roll playing things it suggests for a Bachelor in the Dargon Mag. was to build a manor for themselves and that they are eager to prove themselves and often die(thought that fit Gnome and adventurer). Clockwork Knights and the like are just so hard to find info on and well Knights too for that matter (can't wait for Knights of the Inner sea). I love running Gnomes and was looking for something challengeing. I usually stick to casting though. Thats why I'm tryen to get it as develpoed as I can.
haha can't beleaive I haven't read the front and back of the books. Sheesh been reading the whole books as they come out too. Don't know why I didn't think of reading that. Love the Idea's! I think this will help for the nxt game and some future games. Always wanted to play in a Pirate game, so I love running it and the players are haveing a good time doing a differant style of adventureing too. Hope I get some more hate getting block in planing, but then wouldn't get advice like this if I didn't.
Other than some things already mentioned I have had a fraind that made sure his Monk left most doors broken by fist(not something I was keen on) and in another game we had a Dwarf carry a ram that he and another PC would beat the door down. I relise this dosn't help for chests, but helps with doors. Not the best sugestion I realize this is not the best recomendations even with a Rogue we have needed these in game from time to time. Alternately You can try to embed a NPC Rogue to help the group. I try not to use this if I can help it though, as I try to not step on the partys toes. also it could be a passing Pilgim that could travel with them for just a time like travelers often did back in the middle ages for safty.Hope this helps.
First off yes I too would like one following me. The new Race guide might have something for a Drow in it to help in the Traits in face Drow perfered class Cleric gets extra spell or castings, just skimmed it. For archery some good all around feats: Quick draw, Point-blank shot, Far shot, Shoot on the run, Rapid shot,(Top of page 116 out of Core rule book has these and more). as for healing, useing what a Cleric gets already is a good way to boost it. Take selective Channeling(choose who in the Channel whos healed or not), extra channeling, and there are more in Core Rule book also and more in Ultimate Majic. Little rusty on Rogue though, haven't played one in a while. Hope this helps some.
... Not sure whats with all the magic and mind reading for a fighter, but have you ever thought of chalk and a writeing tablet? I have ran a Warforged. To rollplay not talken much(I never did), I had a peice of glass with a metal boarder and wrote in steam from a finger on 1 side while the party read the other side. The DM came up with a price a bam done. I've had a DM/GM that wanted use to stay away from magic before, so even though I often play mages my first responce to a problem is not spells anymore. Hope this helps.
I'm running a Gnome Cav too. It sounds like The GM should have said that it wouldn't be to useful in the game. The book even says to ask if Cav. would be useful in the game. There are interesting feats for chrgeing and Bull rushing and are expanded in Advanced Players Guide along with in Ultimate Combat. If I remimber correctly one of them has a feat that allows you to turn while performing a Bull Rush, not sure if that helps any.
I am running a Gnome Cavalier from Taldor that is in Anderon(where the games is main setting. 2 of the other party are from Cheliax and are basiclly run-away slave. I don't really have a problem with a bounch of unbearded that wanna shake up the system in Cheliax. I have read a Dragon mag. on Knights and am tryen to make a Knights entourage. His goals are to become a traveling Champion to gain pretige, fame and fortune. He wants to rebuild his father manor in Taldor and public works of the Hamlet that the manor is in. I want to get into the Lion Blades. They are who I will be feeding information to. Is there any ideas that anyone can offer me to enrich this PC.
I have made a game that my group is playing a group of pirates that are baised out of the Shackles. Lucky for me I have been reading the new pubs on the Shackles as fast as they are writeing them and all pirate like pubs made by pathfinder. They have obtained a base of opperations and have gone delving in a lost mine/ Temple on the island. They have also gone on navel raids, have smugled Pesh, and hit a Chilaxen merchant ship. I got ideas on where to take it, but was wondering if anyone had any helpful suggestions on ideas. I have ideas for treasure hunting and the like, but thought that someone else might have good ideas on what to do with the Shackles climate or the like, Gohl-gan empire so on. Amy ideas are welcome. Thanks |