LordRidley_1st's page

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zylphryx wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:

"lets deconstruct superheros to make them more relevant by having them act like petty, selfish politicos" playing behind his eyes.

Sorry . . . just slipped out.

Well, it worked for The Authority. So rather than come up with something unique and (possibly) unpopular, let's follow a proven formula until we have horse juice.

Ah, the Authority ... great series. The spin-off of A Man Called Kev was also quite good.

But I digress. I did enjoy Spiderman 3, though it was most definitely the weakest of the three films.

** spoiler omitted **

FYI : Venom was Topher Grace. He and I both agree that we could have done without the open face with venom teeth shots! MY disappointment: "We'll eat your brain Parker!" was NEVER uttered.