
Lord Onyx's page

9 posts. Alias of LordOnyx.


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Lord Onyx wrote:
You have been heard. I officially decree it.

Its funny.. I never would of otherwise even posted anything here.

But since I am here.. lets post something on-topic:

Oddly enough, I think the name is Fine.. Mystics would prolly have been more fitting, but meh.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

So when can we get back to demanding name changes? This thread has gone horribly off topic. :-/

** spoiler omitted **

The best way would prolly be to reach up to where your Publisher made an Unnecessary and unprofessional comment and snip that post as well as all that followed it OFF the board and only have a few people exposed to it.. then let the conversation continue along, blissfully unaware that it was ever derailed

Guy Humual wrote:

I agree completely with Lord Onyx. Publishers should read every single suggestions on these boards and respond to them completely individually and maintain a certain level of professionally. I don't care how many times these comments have been made, nor how unreasonable they might be, the staff here at Paizo should always be courteous and kind to all potential customers. Have you not heard that the customer is always right Mr Mona?

Don't get me wrong though! We the general public are under no obligation to behave ourselves! We're allowed to make vague general complaints, be as rude or as snippy as we want, threaten boycotts . . . I mean we're not being paid to be here! But you Mr Mona . . . Lord Onyx and I expected better from you! For shame!

Oh your cute.. very funny.. BRAVO Mr. Comedian.

"We're allowed to make vague general complaints, be as rude or as snippy as we want, threaten boycotts" - We ARE actually.. allowed to do just that.

"Publishers should read every single suggestions on these boards and respond to them completely individually" - OR they should only read them.. perhaps even completely ignoring the 19th incarnation of a subject or thread, and only comment when they have something CONSTRUCTIVE to add.

" and maintain a certain level of professionally." - OR perhaps Professionalism but otherwise QFT

Watcher wrote:

I'm sorry if I came off as insincere. <shrug>

I do however stand by what I said. Please note that I didn't attack your point of view, or you personally. I just suggested that there might be more to this particular situation than you might otherwise know.

In return you took a big ol' dump on me and Daigle. :D

That's okay. Consider it a welcome to the boards gift. Sincerely, I hope you find a better experience in another thread.

Well I took Seekeroflights' reply to be dismissive of my feelings and point of view, therefore I fired back at HIM.

I have little issue with Watcher or Daigle.. except to say that I disagree with anyone who states I have a thin skin and haven't been around long enough to know what was meant..

You see the point is it doesn't matter what was meant, it doesn't matter of Merickdale and the publisher are BBQ buddies that chit chat every night on the phone and banter endlessly. As a representaive of Paizo. all his responses should be as Neutral and inoffensive as possible. You wanna trade flame blows with an internet bully? Make a different name to post with. He abused his position by using it to belittle and mock someone else in a public forum.

If ANYONE could have found his response curt, dismissive or condescending... he shouldn't have made it.. period. At least not as Mr. Publisher, representative of Paizo. He has definitely sullied the companies fun and friendly gamer persona by showing his ass.
He could be a saint in real life but that comment was still crappy and unnecessary.

And it made ME feel like he was dismissive of a customers opinion.
THAT is all that really matters.. he should simply not have replied at all if he had nothing constructive to add.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

eh not at all. You have what less then 10 posts. You really do not know enough about either poster to know if that was a joke a friendly jab or an insult.

I mean welcome and all man, but that came off as friendly jab not insult just as MerrikCale tone came off the same way. I think your seeing something that was not there and was not intended

And most of those 10 post are HERE in THIS thread.. I am a Lurker, one of the Thousands of gamers who Read and Watch.. but don't bother to post. His reply Offended ME I don't care WHO he was talking to. It comes of as condescending.. to ME

Period... The End.
I am sure I am not the only person with 10 or less or No posts that could have been offended by the publisher responding to a customer in such a way. The nameless readers WAY out number the frequent posters and if his company relied on just the "Forum Elite" to survive.. IT WOULD NOT.

So thanks for YOUR condescending attitude.. but you can keep it.

I still say he should not have made that Post,it was in bad taste and showed poor judgment at best... callous disregard for his customers at worst.

Adam Daigle wrote:

Good points, Watcher. To this I'll add that the same argument has been made for the past six months since the announcement. There have been posts and posts worth of discussion regarding this point and plenty of reasons given for and against. Paizo stated that these names were mostly locked in after the announcement was made, they did listen to arguments on the contrary, in addition to opening up their entire design to user review and playtest.

The names are what they are, and as a few folks have mentioned upthread, are as apt as cleric, monk, and rogue when it comes to pedantic vocabulary.

Wow.. the defense of the publisher is awesome .. apparently the "Forum Elite" kowtow to and revere anyone with a Paizo Title here. They are Gods.

They can Do No Wrong.

Except regardless of how many times threads have been made and how many times its been discussed.. his response as a representative of Paizo is still out of line, inappropriate and condescending.

Watcher wrote:
Lord Onyx wrote:

This response from the publisher btw is kinda prickish and mean-spirited.. if that's the way they are going to talk to us then I think we should not support their company.

It just really rubs me the wrong way that the publisher would respond in such a fashion.. the "No." from him earlier was more than sufficient and should have been the last thing he added. As customers and players we then have the right to discuss and criticize their decisions and should not have to take derisive replies from the people we support with our $s.

I'm not trying to be an apologist, really, but hear me out.

This isn't a new issue, and it's been talked out a lot. Honest.

I grant you, new people come to these boards all the time and maybe we regulars forget that, and we shouldn't. We should be patient that sometimes folks just don't realize that the topic has been exhausted.

I don't know Mr. Mona personally, but I do know he appreciates his customers and he and his staff care deeply about giving people a quality product. I met him once at Gencon while he was supervising an author signing and he really didn't have any time to talk. I just mentioned I was a super subscriber and thanked him for the products his company put out. I intended to let him go, but he made the time to at least shake my hand and thank me for my business and apologized that he didn't have more time.

These people care about their customers. Honest.

Maybe he was terse, but there's been a lot of bickering about this topic. The decision is made, and it's so easy to correct in one's own private home game. We're really not tied to what they put in the rule book.

That's great, so he shook your hand and now he can be an ass on the boards just because he eye-rolled when he saw yet another thread about his Class name. He should have kept his eye-rolling and his typed response to himself. He added nothing constructive and was merely rubbing it in that there was actually nothing anyone could do or say about the matter.. he wins.. True enough.. but no way to talk to people who you want to pay your mortgage.

Erik Mona wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
I have been barking up this tree for awhile

Any luck?

This response from the publisher btw is kinda prickish and mean-spirited.. if that's the way they are going to talk to us then I think we should not support their company.

It just really rubs me the wrong way that the publisher would respond in such a fashion.. the "No." from him earlier was more than sufficient and should have been the last thing he added. As customers and players we then have the right to discuss and criticize their decisions and should not have to take derisive replies from the people we support with our $s.

stuart haffenden wrote:

If anyone is interested in pdfs of...

Summon Monster I - IX
Augmented Summon Monster I - IX
Summon Nature's Ally I - IX
Augmented Summon Nature's Ally I - IX

reply here with a mail address.

[I've started this thread as the Subject line of the original one didn't really make it clear that I've now done them all]

[Edit] I'll keep an eye on the original thread just in case!

I'd love a copy of each:

Ooo I see links THX!!