Lord Neden's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts (4 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

andreww wrote:

I don't softball when I run, certainly not at tier 7-11. The group I ran for had one permanent character death, they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

It sounds like you were not prepared for higher level play.

Again, a permanent character death the one time you ran it.

That's not how the game is built. I seriously doubt you ran it as written. Certainly not tier 7-8. We were VERY prepared, I have over a dozen characters, half of which have reached retirement. I am very familiar with the game. And the players at my table are extremely well prepared and did well throughout the adventure given the multiple failed mechanics.

It doesn't matter how well prepared you are 33d6 unnamed damage at 7-8 tier with no saving throw is not survivable. Its not about us "being not prepared". Thats absurd.

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:

As someone who has run the scenario twice, your entire table is mistaken.

Now, that isn't to say that there are no concerns of merit with the adventure. I did warn the second table that there is a LOT of unfair mechanics in this one. And I did kill a PC each time.

But your aspersions on the character of the author are baseless and unhelpful noise, not constructive criticism.

Our table was not mistaken, we were wiped. No save 33d6 at tier 7-8.


In one breath you say I am mistaken, presumably as you breath in and while you breathe out, you say that you did kill a PC each time. the two statements do not reconcile with each other.

If 100% of the time you kill characters, you are doing it wrong and the module has a problem.

Dark Archive

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andreww wrote:

I have run and played this. The complaints in this thread are some of the most ridiculous hyperbole I have ever read and on these forums that is saying something.

Is this scenario hard? Yes. Is that a problem? No. Come prepared and you will do fine.

I don't half ass anything. You have no idea what you are talking about.

The storyteller who ran this particular event was very prepared and very experienced. For him to spend 6 hours preparing, just making sure he was correct on the mechanics, tells me that this adventure is poorly statted out.

It is clear to me that our experience was different from yours, maybe you softballed? Or maybe your GM softballed? That is far more likely than surviving the module as written.

There is no hyperbole, there are exact examples with detailed explanations and suggestions on how to correct the module, how it should have taken different levels and players into account.

Choosing not to read them, ignore them, or attempt to discredit what 90% of dozens of players have expressed in our region is wrong. It tells us you care more about your inflated opinion of the adventure and whatever perceived bragging rights you think may accompany it than the experiences of people that invest in the game along with the future of Pathfinder.

What is clear to me is that you don't know how to balance anything when it comes to gaming or you wouldn't discount the feedback of its players.