Throwing my hat into the ring here, albeit a little late into the game. Any game Lubella's player is in and enjoy's is one that I would like to be in as well. Lonnie is an Id bloodrager (Kindness focus) 1/ Splintersoul vigilante 1 (Having just gained the level of vigilante as a coping mechanism when he had to kill people during the riot.) who is a teamwork focused melee bruiser. If your standing next to him you're likely getting +5 AC and an extra attack every round along with his usual damage. He's also a fair diplomat, but that's aside point. Roleplay wise Lonnie is just about the nicest person you'll find in Kintargo, his family is well liked in their neighborhood and are a major part of Lonnie's life. In his social identity he only uses non-lethal means of combat. In his vigilante identity he is mostly the same with one key difference, brutal efficiency, he'll hurt his enemy in any way he can to win the fight or hinder them. He's also a purveyor of recreational drugs such as fleyleaf, beladona and tobacoo. _____________________________ Hope I get good consideration, started this guy in a hell's rebels game that fizzled out and would really like to play him again.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
"...Yeah, yeah I'll help. Always dreamed of being a hero. This is probably going to be a bit more cloak and dagger than I dreamed, but I still want to do it. Nobody's going to be safe until that maniac is out on his ass." Lonnie Stand's and pounds his chest with a whole lot of enthusiasm. "I'll boot'em out personally if I gatta! Let's see'em try and stop me!"
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie pulls a chair as too be directly in front of Rexus before sitting down in it. Taking a deep breath and clearing his mind he says. "My ears are your's, Mr.Victocora. Speak, and I will listen." Lonnie tilts his head back over the chair and smiles at the rest of the group, motioning towards some other seats in the room.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie hears Felinder's comment just before his hand reaches the doorknob, stopping he turns and raises a joking eyebrow at the swindler. "Who ya calling boy?" Before he can actually answer his question however the door swings open and Lonnie is assailed by his mother, father and sister. Shocked for a brief moment by their sudden appearance, he kneels down to hug his family back. I told you I would be back didn't I? Whadya take me for? Some kinda liar." He says as he rises back to his feet, picking up his sister as he stands. His mother and fathers concerns being answered as soon as their voice. "I'm not hurt, but these two are still a little beat up." He grabs Rexus and Felinder, ushering them into the house. As he brings them to the front of the group he says. "These two are Felinder and Rexus, we kept the rioters from bludgeoning them both to death, the other three are Isabelle, Arno and Johann. If it weren't for everyone here right now Tasha and I may well not have gotten out of that riot unscathed."
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Look's like my keeping that promise is appreciated... Hope mom feel's the same. Lonnie cocks his head back in Rexus's direction at the compliment, giving him an appreciative grin. "Why thank you, there are many like it, but this one is mine, or something to that effect. Anyways, here we are." Lonnie steps in front of his houses front door, reaching out too open the portal.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie coughs loudly in order to get the attention of anyone that may not be listening. "As you all know, we might be being pursued. I would like to go and see my family for a moment at the very least too explain the circumstances. Follow me if you wish, you'r welcome too stay the night." With these words Lonnie begins to move through the back ally's of Kintargo towards his home.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie claps Rexus on the back, a little softer than he normally would, and gives the man his name. "Lonnie Maldron, nice teh meetcha!" seems Lonnie's totally come out of his after battle slump. For now at least. Tasha Valenti wrote: "You know, I'd like to see seven grown humans fit in a halfling house. Or you trying to explain why there's seven of us to your mom!" Lonnie cannot help but chortle at Tasha's remark, hunching over a bit in laughter for a moment before standing up straight again. "I suppose it has been a while since you visited. No, we move from the old place quite a while ago, There's plenty of space." Lonnie scratches his scruffy beard for a moment before adding. "Yeah, I think well have enough beds. Plenty of spare guest rooms, Halfling hospitality, or so mom calls it." Arno Devarax wrote: He turns to look at Lonnie. "Can we still all go to your place or does this change things? Shaking his head from side to side rapidly is Lonnie's only response too Arno's question. Lonnie seems to be done with his speech, until his eyes go wide and a smile crosses his face. "*gasp* Sunday stew... There's probably still some left... Hurry. If nothing else we can think of what too do next in relative comfort."
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Leaning against the wall as the thugs pass by,Lonnie does his absolute best to look like a common thug. As the Thrunies get out of view and presumably out of earshot, Lonnie wheels around the corner with a very relieved look on his face. "That was acting fit for the finest of operas. Tasha, Felinder, good job. Because of you two a few less pints of blood have been spilled today." As Tasha goes too assist the battered man Lonnie swoops in and whisks him off his feet. "Arno, if you can do what you did too Felinder too this one I would be most appreciative." Wait... there's something I'm forgetting... Oh! Lonnie looks down at the man in his arms, mustering a smile as he walks to Arno. "What's your name friend? Why did those thugs beat you this way?"
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Felinder Zelix wrote: If they notice the spell, Felinder will claim it's a new Dottari policy to have a non-lethal detainment focused spell prepared in the case of dealing with a potentially violent situation. So long as they keep calm, nothing will happen, but if they react hostily, the "non-lethal" part is null and void. I like the way you think Zelix.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Looking back at Felinder, Lonnie stares at the man for what feels like a full minute, but is actually less than a second, before saying. "Fine, You convinced me. Lets make it quick, I'm bound to lose it again if they kill that person before we can do anything." with those final words, Lonnie all but runs around the other side of the building. Motioning Felinder to take the other way around as he passes by.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie is already moving in the direction Arno indicated when Felinder makes his suggestion of talking the Thrunie thugs down. "I'm sorry Felinder, but I wont let them hurt that person any more than they already have." Lonnie tears a large section of the shirt he was wearing under his chain shirt off, tying the scrap of cloth around his face right under his eyes, afterwords drawing his sap and moving down the alleyway. I may have only been spotted as another member of the crowd back there, this is going to be more personal hiding my identity is more important. Especially since I'm not doing... That... to these ones.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie, seeming too have caught his breath from the fight. Takes Tasha's hand in his as she pats his shoulder, looking her in the eyes he says. "It's not your fault Tasha, I wasn't myself back there, what I did was something I can never forgive myself for But you had nothing to do with it. I need to find a way to deal with all the backlash on my own." Completely ignoring Tasha's joke, or rather repressing it, Lonnie turns his attention too Felinder and his wound. Which surprisingly closes slightly at Arno's touch. I need to learn too do that. "We need a rest, especially you Felinder. I think we're safe for now and my place isn't to far from here, I don't think any of my neighbors would turn us in. We should make our way there. Lonnie say's this with genuine concern in his voice, and certainty in his neighbors kindness.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie just stares at the beast, as it bursts through the doors bathing the protesters in fire. As Tasha sets her plan in motion all Lonnie does is follow along. Determined to, if nothing else, protect his friend. "Whatever you say Tasha. Let's get out of here. OOC: Move me where ever you want Tasha, just keep me next to you relative to the lil'fire wolf.
On that note though, readying an attack for any enemy that gets to withing reach after we move to wherever Tasha wants to move.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie stands after Tasha consoles him, clearly not feeling any better about what he's done. Wiping his mouth clean of bile, he grabs his sap up from where he dropped it before following behind her. I'm a murderer now, even if I did it too protect everyone, I still killed those people. I didn't have too. How am I gonna face Dad or Mom... how am I gonna face Grace. I told her I would come back, but I don't even know if I'm me anymore after that. Tears pool on the edge of Lonnie's eye's, though he is unable to wipe them away due to his armored forearms. "Damn." He says while looking at his gauntlets. Seeing Felinder being propped up by Johann sends another pang of nausea through Lonnie. I didn't even stop too check on him. "I'm sorry. I didn't even stop to check on you, even after seeing them..." His gaze drifts to Felinder's gash. "I'm sorry."
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie seems to calm down as he fails to spot another immediate threat. The golden green color that enshrouded him as he battled fades, leaving behind a pale man, gasping for breath, holding a bloody long hammer with a mortified look on his face. "W-what just happened... Did I?" he stammers out in between breaths. A single glance at his gore covered hammer is enough to make him gag. The brutalized body at his feet however, sends him over the edge. Lonnie falls too his knees and vomits.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
"FOR ALL OF THIS! I WILL END YOU HERE!" Lonnie barrels through the crowd, barely allowing the them to part in his wake as he charges the Dotarri threatening his friend. "KRAAAAH!" OOC: Charging into a flank. Sorry Tasha, no Opening strike this round. Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 2 + 2 = 31 Confirmation: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28 Noice. Damage: 1d12 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 Crit damage: 1d12 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnies mad rush to assist the man whome was seemingly knocked unconscious is meet some serious contention, but, as the two enemies move in to flank him Lonnie sidesteps out of the flank. Bringing his lucern down on top of the Dottari. "FOR THE PEOPLE YOU'VE KILLED HERE TODAY!" OOC: Same as before. Though I did have a reach weapon out, so, just in case I got one for the Dottari moving in on me. AOO: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 Damage: 1d12 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 Then for the opening strike on the Dottari.
And Johann, I'm going to roll the strike for you this time. Let me know if you want to do it yourself in the future.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
GM SilentSage wrote: Huh... I always assumed that when spells took a full round action to cast, they worked like a full round attack, going off that round, but just getting the one thing. Is that the way you're treating it the way it usually works? There is a difference between spells with a cast time of 1 round, and spells with a full round casting time. The former activates on your next turn, while the later acts like a full attack. That's how I've always understood it at least. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie is relived to find himself battling side by side with his childhood friend, perhaps selfishly so, but glad all the same. Feeling inspired by this he smiles and let's out a shout "FOR A FREE KINTARGO!" and as he does so a bright yellowish green aura begins to emanate around him. It feels, comfortable, to stand in. In contrast to the surprisingly more brutal strike he delivers to the villain. OOC: Entering a kindness rage and laying the smack down on Red villain with an opening strike. If he goes down, I want to start moving towards Felinder while drawing my Lucern. Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Just in case he's not down yet.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie goes pale as he witnesses Barzallai murder his scribe, he goes paler as Nox is killed in a rather grotesque fashion. Finally as the Chelish citizen group begins their bludgeoning spree, Lonnie snaps at the cruelty. "Stop... stop KILLING PEOPLE! I'LL MAKE YOU STOP!" With a shout Lonnie steps between Tasha and the robed figure. Drawing his sap and swings at the man with all his might. OOC: 5ft stepping in front of red, drawing my Sap and taking a swing. Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 As to not take up more posts Whenever someone in my threatened area gets attacked by an enemy, assume I use bodyguard to Aid their AC. I need to hit AC 10 with a +5 to hit to give them a +4, I can do this three time's a round. I would ask that you roll this when applicable.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
I'm typically fine with not rolling intit and making up a variant of "Lonnie reacts quickly to the present danger!" or "Lonnie racts surprisingly slowly." So count me as a vote for GM controlled init.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie does't now what Squassation is, but judging by the crowds reaction and the fact it's a punishment he knows that it cannot be good. Not to mention how unfair the proclamation sounded and the fact it was seemingly put in place as a jab at the frustrated citizens. Lonnie tugs on Tasha's chainshirt to catch her attention. "I don't think this is going to end well Tasha, I... I think that it need's to happen though. If that showed me anything, it showed me that Thrune needs to be put in his place. I mean, how long until he makes a proclamation that affects me and my family like that one did the captains." Lonnie has a more serious look on his face than normal, very much unlike him. His hand is also resting on his sap. "It's time, Be ready." OOC: Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie blushes yet again at Tasha's interwoven compliment. "You're being surprisingly praisefull today. I haven't done so much as to be considered a silver tongue, have I? Suppose angles get their wings by handing out lollipops now." Lonnie says, dismissing the compliment with a quick joke. Lonnie merely nods as Tasha speaks about the mayor. Not having any real stake of his own in the protest other than seeing as little violence occur as possible and helping his friend with buisness. As Tasha begins to speak to a member of the crowd however Lonnie puts on the most charming smile he can muster and adds to the honeypot a sweet potentiality "She works in the paper you know. Maybe if you have anything particularly interesting to say we could quote you and your business, if you have one that is? Bring you a little free publicity in these trying times." With that Lonnie grins even wider with closed eyes, looking as friendly as a person with an armor crushing weapon on their back can look.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie gazes at the newly organized protest with a hint of pride. Job well done. Maybe Tasha would appreciate a little assistance right about now? Poor thing hasn't been too lucky in her endeavors today. With this posing in his mind, Lonnie saunters off to help Tasha in whatever way he can. OOC: Feel free to add a +4 to your next roll Tasha. If its a skill I can aid in. Aid another: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie sighs at the anarchist disinterest in not fighting. Oh well, it looks like he's going to need to do a little more than that anyway. "Tasha, I'm going to try and organize things around here. Maybe some order will keep things from barraling twords conflict if say, the anarchists and the loyalists merge." So without much further ado, Lonnie begins directing groups and people on where he wants them to be. The crowd has gotten bigger, but it shouldn't be to much more difficult to handle. "Listen up! I want you all to stand where I tell you, so that we can have a well defined, reasoned and safe protest! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" OOC: Rabble rouser, attempting to separate opposing groups.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
GM SilentSage wrote: Seeing as I forgot to mention only one can be taken within the hour, I'll at least let you have the one you succeeded in making. When I see a perception check being offered I usually assume its passive. Though it being described as "watching the crowd" should have tipped me off. My fault entirely
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Oof, I would, but my real life group has decided to run Iron gods after we finish the last book of skulls and shackles. They read my posts from time to time and would be FURIOUS if they found me playing a PBP of it.
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
Lonnie's face goes bright red as Tasha points out how his lambast of Thrune sounded. "Ah! No, that isn't what I meant!" He says halfheartedly, clearly embarrassed at his choice of words, almost to the point he doesn't notice the response he got from a lady in the crowd. "Hm, thank you Madam." Not really sure what to ask the group of people next, Lonnie is relieved to have the role of peacemaker placed on him. A quick scan of the crowd reveals the anarchists attempting to coax the whole gathering into violence, and, something else. Like there's an organizing force behind the protest. "I think violence is inevitable at this point Tasha." He says pointing out the strange movement in the crowd to his friend. "I'll try anyways but I doubt it'll work... Stay close." Lonnie hurry's along and reluctantly approaches the group of anarchists. "Hello gentleman and ladies! I'm here with a friend and I was wondering if you could try and not turn this into a brawl. I would very much like to go home tonight and not spend it in jail, or gods forbid bleeding out on the ground." Lonnie holds out a hand and offers a smile to the group. "So how about it?" Catching a glimpse of an all to familiar sight in the city, Lonnie points out a pickpocket amongst the anarchists "Seems some of the unsavory sort are taking advantage of your focus on violence as well." OOC: Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Human Id Bloodrager 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Fort 3 Ref 2 Will 0 | Initiative +2 | Rage 2/5
This is the right decision right? My friends need me, but... this protest might be dangerous and my family needs me too. Lonnie barely takes notice to anything going on around him as he walks and thinks, only jostling out of his stupor when called by his name. "Eh? Oh, yeah. Accurate as always Tasha." Following Tasha into the crowd he perishes his previous thoughts. Instead, deciding to help his friend figure out the whereabouts of the protests subject. Using his very slightly taller than average build to get a somewhat more reasonable glance over the heads of the protesters. "Do you think he's even home? If it were me I wouldn't be letting things get this riled up." OOC: Including the reason for protest bonus
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
About Zwei the DroneZwei Appearance:
Zwei is drone designed to look much like a corgi. She has a pistol integrated into a weapon mount inside her mouth. She often fires it with an accompanying bark or yawn. Zwei can blend into the surroundings by standing completely still and changing the color of her "fur." Zwei Stats: