Angvar Thestlecrit

Lomar Sildrake's page

82 posts. Alias of Khaladon.

Bet that got your attention!

So, this is how this idea came to be. I've begun reading the Pathfinder comics, and I must say, it's super cool to be able to read, and see those PCs going through the same trails and tribulations that our PCs went through when they started RotRL so long ago (Over SIX years now these PCs have been adventuring together!!).

I mean, our guys would totally kick those guys' asses, but still, it's cool.

So then I started thinking 'Oh man! Imagine a comic book of OUR PCs adventures! Holy moly I'd LOVE that!!!'

and then 'Hey! Maybe that's a great idea for some enterprising artist!'

And thus the idea was born:
Custom made comic books of an adventuring party's adventures.

If I had the artistic chops, I'd Totally start a kickstarter campaign or something for that.

But since I don't, I put it out there to all of you.

How much do you think you'd be willing to pay, as an individual or a group, to see your fav PCs immortalized in a personalized comic book/graphic novel??

How much do you think something like that would cost to make?

Am I the only one interested in such a thing?

Perhaps some sort of software could be developed to streamline the process?

Many questions seeking answers!

Oh, and, to be clear, should this ever become a huge money making idea, I fully expect to be cut in on the take. After receiving my first graphic novel, of course.

Was just thinking about all the different kinds of people and personalities on here and then I was thinking how different I probably am from most of the people on here and then I was thinking well actually I have no idea how most of the people on here are, maybe there is no particular kind of people on here, or maybe there is but so that's what I'd like to find out. So if this sound interesting to you, just copy this post, add to it, and repost. I'll go first.


Real Name: (James)
What You Do:
-Heal, Holistically
-Sell, pretty much everything, right now a unique online professional marketing site for artists, collectors, affiliate and supporters
-Written a children's book on death to teach them that it is really just a change, now just getting it out
-Invented a new kind of sun/patio umbrella, looking for a company to license it
-Starting up an online biz
-Dance my ass off (especially to Good House Music)
-Appreciate Beauty, all the time, every day
-Seek Truth
-Really Enjoy my PbP games
-LOVE (as an belief and action, not just a concept) what is Woman. And Everything Else too, of course.
-Have Fun
-Love exploring the Imagination, or Any kind of exploration really

Feel free to follow this format or whatever best suits you. I am quite sure there's lots of other interesting categories I'm non-intentionally leaving out. So feel free to add to it too. Looking forward to reading what everyone writes!

Hey all you expert min/maxers out there, here's anotehr chance to show your mastery! ; )

Jorzan here is a 6th level PC, Rogue5/ Shadowdancer 1 and I'm leveling him up to 7th level now. So took him to Shadowdancer 2 and have an extra feat to play with.

This is what I was thinking of doing:

Pick up a Scorpion Whip and the Exotic Weapon Feat to go with it.

What I'm hoping this will do, but am not sure and would like to get clear on though, is this: if he is using the whip, he will then have a 15' reach and be able to make FOUR AOO's per round to ANY foe with 15' of him?? (Due to combat Relfexes and 18 DEX )
Cause this almost sounds to good to be true!

However are SO many new Feats that I am unfamiliar with that if anyone knows of a better suggestion for a Rogue/Shadowdancer I'm all ears.

PS, as an addendum, Also found an interesting thread HERE in which there's a link to James Jacobs confirming that with weapon finesse the weapon wielder can add their Dex bonus to a CMB. Whoot! : )

Hey All,

If I'd like to submit a new Druid class for official consideration, would anyone know who to go about doing that?

I've come up (with some excellent help from some online friends) with a brand new Druid class called I call a 'Wilder'. Basically it is a Druid who casts their spells intuitively like a Sorcerer does (and uses the same spells known table). To check out the first Wilder-Druid please go HERE-Wilder.

To follow the thread where we're been discussing it, please go HERE-Discussion or Here-Thread

The reason I'm posting here now is, I've had the idea, and it's come up again, of submitting this as an Official New Class proposal (and I'm getting some great help on this as well). However I have no idea where or how to do this so am open to any and all suggestions. That goes the same for thoughts, comments, ideas etc. on the Wilder class itself.

And just to be clear here, I'm not saying and don't think that with the millions of RPG's I'm the very first one to ever think of doing this. But I've never seen it anywhere as an official character option (And out of all the Divine casters, Druid seems to me to be the most logical choice for a spontaneous casting alternative) so I'd just like to share the idea so more can have access to it. I don't really care too much about getting any kind of credit for it (though I certainly wouldn't mind! ;-) it's more about the idea of getting it out there. So this is why I've drawn the class up and given in a snazzy (?? ;-) new name. One of my new online buds, Joey, is writing up the complete character rule set as we speak I believe.

Looking forward to hearing from the Paizo community.

Have a great day

Hey All,

I've come up (with some excellent help from some online friends) with a brand new Druid class called a 'Wilder'. Basically it is a Druid who casts their spells intuitively like a Sorcerer does (and uses the same spells known table). To check out the first Wilder please go HERE-Wilder.

To follow the thread where we're been discussing it, please go HERE-Discussion

The reason I'm posting here now is, I've had the idea, and it's come up again, of submitting this as an Official New Class proposal (and I'm getting some great help on this as well). However I have no idea where or how to do this so am open to any and all suggestions. That goes the same for thoughts, comments, ideas etc. on the Wilder class itself.

Looking forward to hearing from the Paizo community.

Have a great day