Minor start rant:
Lately I've seen alot of: 'what new stuff would you want to see in X book?" Threads.
I've come to realize that if I were to decide I would want an APG2 more than any other book, stuffed with more options for the current material we got.
It might be because I played pf1 prior to alot of the less conventional classes were released (inquisitor,shifter etc) and stopped before they were, but I have no emotional ties to them. Therefore they aren't necessary or even needed from my point of view.
I however respect that most of you don't necessarily share that viewpoint and I can't knock Paizo for prioritizing whatever makes them the most money.
I would love to hear what you guys would want from the APG2 quite specifically.
Here's my wishlist:
- more skill feats. I currently feel like certain skills (athletics, intimidation, medicine) have really strong in and outta combat feat support, but others are really lacking.
1. Crafting: I'd love if feats like the inventors Tamper feat could become a crafting feat. The gnome feat that allows you to add weapon traits also seem ripe for expansion as a craft feat. In general feats that could make the crafter feel useful both at a moment's notice, and when resting by buffing the party's gear or something akin to it.
2. Diplomacy and survival: Both of these skills feel like they could support team oriented feats akin to sniping duo. Diplomacy could have warlord-ish effects while survival could have monster hunter - ish effects. Just a thought
3. Arcane, religion and other mental stat feats: No idea currently, but they could use some love.
- Cleric doctrine's with more identity. Personally I feel that 5e nailed the cleric alot more than pf2. The domains felt thematic and they played different. I would happy to see more options to make both the doctrine's and domains feel and play different.
1. New spells that would be available only to their respective doctrine's. By making new unique spells, it would be possible to beef up the identity of the doctrine's while being both backwards compatible and without eating into the classes power budget to do so.
2. Feats and focus spells unique to doctrine's - like the suggestion above but with a pricetag so to speak (class feats). I'd love to be able to lean more into the warrior aspect of the warrior priest through my feat choices as an example.
- Better feat support for classes / subclasses / play styles within a class.
1. Certain subclasses like the fury instinct looks like it could use some love. While adding feats to 'fix' such an issue, is inherently clunky (as they risk becoming mandatory) it's imo much better than not attempting to fix it at all.
Being able to buff through new feats, seems like a strength of pf2e imo, and should be utilized more.
2. Same as above but for stuff like melee investigator etc (see the recent thread by CaffeinatedNinja for a more in depth discussion)
- New archetypes. While this is very broad I would like to see more archetypes that helped bring concepts to life that classes can't.
1. A weapon master archetype.
One that was rewarded for using multiple different weapons, and being able to wield advanced weapons without an issue. I imagine quick draw would be the archetype free feat, and then maybe something that rewarded using multiple different weapons in the same round. Feats like dual handed assault would also be fitting
- Class archetypes. I really don't have any good suggestions currently, but it seems like another great way to add even further customization to all the existing material.
Anyway sorry for the wall of text and mediocre formatting (writing from a phone).
What would you want to see ? If you can, try to be specific :)