
Kenneth.T.Cole's page

Organized Play Member. 201 posts (229 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.

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gnoams wrote:


Now if paizo makes pf3e 2 years later, then we should all be complaining, but I'll be happy if they make a new edition once per decade. That seems pretty reasonable to me.

I do agree with you. It has been 10 years and if it is another 10 years, then that's not so bad.

But, it still comes down to "why do they need to?" I've just not seen an explicable reason given yet that logically supersedes the "more money" explanation.

The minor adjustments to the rules thus far do not seem very important to me, but to be fair I haven't playtested it yet. I am going to pre-order the playtest and give it the same chance I gave 3rd Edition D&D.

I loved 3E. I hated 4E. So, maybe I'll love PF 2E, but at some point I have to ask myself, "Do I really care?"


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Gorbacz wrote:
Also, Paizo did not purchase the rights from WotC. OGL is a perpetual, open, royalty-free license.

OGL allowed the publication of supplements referencing the rules, but did not allow republication of the rules or alteration of the rules. Republication required express permission of WOTC (now Hasbro).

I seem to recall Pazio saying they "secured the rights from WOTC to republish existing rules." That was very important because otherwise the OGL clearly stated they couldn't do so without that permission. Perhaps there wasn't a financial aspect to that agreement, but I think there was a contract.


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Let's not deny the facts.

There is no need for a 2nd edition of Pathfinder. The rules work, and the material they have added is very well balanced.

Creating a new set of rules only creates a new set of problems.
Want proof? Check out every version of every other game system that created multiple editions.
D&D, AD&D, 2E, 3E, 4E, 5E
Shadowrun, SR2, SR3, SR4, SR5
GURPS, 2E, 3E, 4E, 5E
and the list goes on...

Paizo DID say they would never update the rules (they actually couldn't under the d20 OGL). I'm not sure what their intention is on dealing with that from a legal point of view.

They never said they would not create a 2nd Edition, but they did Imply it! If you were there for the early discussions, you will remember they founded Pathfinder on the idea that they were tired of the constant rules updates and changes (2E to 2.5 to 3E to 3.5) and wanted a system that wouldn't change the CORE rules. They bought the OGL with the stated intent to, Reprint and Retain the basic core system.

However, they never did say they wouldn't re-invent their own additions to the game. I am just surprised that they gave in to temptation and are doing it.

The arguments for a new edition are always the same;, "After years of playing we know what we need to fix.", "We have more experience and can do it better now.", "Players want something different now than they did when we first started.", "It isn't about the money, it's about supporting the players.", "We want to make it easier for new players to get into it."

I have a response for every one of those:

"After years of playing we know what we need to fix."
NO, after years of play you've realized there is no such thing as a perfect system and have fallen for the same argument you once fought against that a complete revision can fix the problems.

"We have more experience and can do it better now."
NO, what you did then was perfectly fine and what you're doing now is perfectly fine. To imply that nothing you did before was worth keeping makes me question your motives.

"Players want something different now than they did when we first started."
Not your current players. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. You have a solid fan base who are actively creating the next generation of a solid fan base. If you alienate them now, you will lose them.

"It isn't about the money, it's about supporting the players."
If that were true you would be only improving the game, not rewriting it.

"We want to make it easier for new players to get into it."
Pathfinder is perfectly able to be learned by new players, and they even published materials for new players:

I love Pathfinder. I love the creators. They have created a fabulous product. I don't like saying anything negative about them. But, they knew when they announced this what kind of a response they would get.

The only logical explanation for a 2nd Edition is this one:

They will make more money.

Is that bad? No. We don't want PAIZO to start having problems. We don't want them to sell their company to people who don't care like they care.

What do we want then?

We want Pathfinder's Core rules to stay the same. We don't want a closet full of $300+ worth of books to be nothing but kindling. We want all of our prior game experiences in Pathfinder to still fit the rules.

So, the real question is. Not, why shouldn't Paizo create 2E, but rather...

What can we do, PAIZO, to convince you to not change Pathfinder?


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What made Pathfinder successful? Was it a unique game? No. It is a duplicate of the existing Fantasy Roleplaying genre. The campaign world is well written, but not significantly unique.

Was it a new game system? No. Paizo didn't invent the d20 game system. They purchased the rights to the OGL material from WotC.

So, why was it so successful? Is it better than 3.5, 4.0, 5.0? I would argue it is, but since it is a duplicate of 3.5, it really isn't in and of itself what made it successful.

Pathfinder is successful because Paizo promised the rules wouldn't change! Those who are serious gamers were sick of buying new editions and having to constantly re-write characters. We wanted continuity, not useless rule changes.

Now, lo and behold, Paizo is breaking its promise and creating a new edition.

So here's my question? Why should I buy-in to another edition?

The whole point was the character I wrote in 2009 should still be playable in 2059.

Paizo has done a great job producing new material and maintaining a strong player base.

Can they keep that momentum once they catch the "new edition syndrome"?


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Mortagon wrote:
Yes I allow my players to buy magical items according to the rules in the core book. That said I think it takes away a lot of the wonder from magical items (as do the crafting system), but the game is balanced around pc's having a certain amount of magical gear according to their level. If you remove the pc's chance of getting magical items you will upset the games balance and the pc's might not be able to handle appropriate challenges as written.

Interesting point.

That makes me wonder if the current XP/Challenge Rating system is too mechanized.

As a seasoned DM I can tell you that once you know the game well enough then you can adjust for almost any unexpected change to game balance. I've been able to put low level characters against high level monsters, simply by giving the advantage of terrain and a well placed magical item. I've also had high level characters taken captive by standard kobolds with the same sort of tricks.

I've always thought of the charts in the book as a guideline for beginning DMs and a reminder for long term DMs. Also, it makes the organized play easier.

So, the lesson from your point I think is that until you know the system well enough to be able to manage unbalancing events, don't mess with the game balance :)

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Hello friends!

Trior Steelguard here, equiping you with all you need to face the dangers of Golorian or any world in which you may face peril! I've just finished exploring the borders of your wild lands and must say that it's clear that there are many young adventurers in need of my products.

To help you in your quests, I've stocked many shops in the border towns with my world famous* Standard Equipment Packs, or S.E.P.s for short. Whether you're a warrior, wizard, rogue or ranger, I think these bundles just right for you. I know you'll find the price reasonable, and the convenience extraordinary!!

May your God of War bless you and lead you to victory!!!

*famous in some worlds, not necessarily yours

Standard Equipment Packs
Pathfinders are often seeking to get equipped for their next big adventure, but it can take time to roam through local shops gathering all they need. The Standard Equipment Pack is the solution to this problem; a quick, cheap and easy way to buy equipment. Standard Equipment Packs are carried by many shops along the borders and are ready to go when the Pathfinder is. Buying in bulk means a small discount and you don’t have to waste time packing.

Standard Equipment Pack, Heavy
Cost 30 gp; Weight 72 lbs.
The Heavy Standard Equipment Pack comes with the following gear:
backpack (2 lbs.); bedroll (5 lbs.); bell; winter blanket (3 lbs.); 10 candles (1 lb.); map case (1/2 lb.), 5 pieces of chalk; fishhook and line; flint and steel; grappling hook (4 lbs.); hammer and pitons x10 (7 lbs.); iron pot (4 lbs), 10 days Rations (10 lbs.); silk rope (50 ft., 5 lbs.); 5 Sacks (2.5 lbs); sewing needle & thread; spade (8 lbs.); signal whistle; soap (1 lb.); 5 torches (5 lbs.); 3 waterskins (12 lbs. full); whetstone (1 lbs.).

Standard Equipment Pack, Light
Cost 25 gp; Weight 45 lbs.
The Light Standard Equipment Pack comes with the following gear:
backpack (2 lbs.); bell; winter blanket (3 lbs.); 10 candles (1 lb.); map case (1/2 lb.), 5 pieces of chalk; fishhook and line; flint and steel; iron pot (4 lbs.), 10 days Rations (10 lbs.); silk rope (50 ft., 5 lbs.); 5 sacks (2.5 lbs.); sewing needle & thread; signal whistle; soap (1 lb.); 5 torches (5 lbs.); 2 waterskins (8 lbs. full); whetstone (1 lbs.).

The Rider’s Standard Equipment Pack
Cost 45 gp; Weight 172 lbs. (saddlebags)/ 28 lbs. (backpack)
The Rider’s Standard Equipment Pack comes with the following gear:
Backpack (2 lbs) carrying:
bell; 10 candles (1 lb.); map case (1/2 lb.), 5 pieces of chalk; fishhook and line; flint and steel; hammer and 10 pitons (7 lbs.); iron pot (4 lbs.), 5 sacks (2.5 lbs.); sewing needle & thread; signal whistle; 5 torches (5 lbs.); 1 waterskin (4 lbs. full); whetstone (1 lbs.).
Riding Saddle (25 lbs.) and Saddle Bags (8 lbs.), carrying:
bedroll (5 lbs.); 2 winter blankets (6 lbs.); 10 days Feed (100 lbs.) ;
Iron pot (4 lbs.); 10 days rations (10 lbs); Rope, silk (50 ft., 5 lbs.);
spade (8 lbs.); soap (1 lb.); 2 waterskins (8 lbs. full).

Check back later as more products become available!!

Happyh hunting friends!!

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I offer the following system. It is a house rule I created. It doesn't take into consideration Pathfinder's newest critical rules in the AVP. It was designed before that.

Critical Injuries

The standard rules for critical hits says that damage is multiplied, representing the striking of a vital organ or a crippling blow to a limb. In the following rule variance, a critical hit can also result in continued and debilitating effects.
When a critical threat is rolled, the player rolls for a critical hit as normal. However, if he successfully hits, not only does he deal increased damage, but the wounded must make a Fortitude save or suffer further Critical Injuries. Before the victim rolls their saving throw, the GM should decide where the hit landed. This is up to the GM, and should be decided based on the circumstances. In situations where certain parts of the opponent can't be reached, then the GM would not allow a critical hit there (for example, a halfling melee attacking a standing giant likely wouldn't have a chance of hitting his opponent in the head). If the GM wants to make a quick decision, always choose the Body. If there are more than one possible Critical Injuries listed, then the GM chooses the effect.
This fort save is made against DC 10+( ½ attacker’s base attack mod + attacker’s strength modifier).

DC 10 + 1/2 attacker's base attack mod + attacker's strength mod.

ALTERNATIVE: You may find this to be too easy to save against. If that is the case, I suggest a DC equal to the attack roll of the attacker. That is, whatever the total of the attack roll is the DC of the fortitude save.

As normal, a 1 always fails and a 20 always saves. Success means the character only takes the critical damage. A failure means the character takes both the critical damage and a Critical Injury. The following is the list of Critical Injuries:

Wounded: The wound begins to Bleed for 1 point of damage per round thereafter in addition to the normal damage the critical deals. Multiple wounds result in cumulative blood loss.

Vitally Wounded: A vital organ is struck, causing severe bleeding and pain. The character suffers the same effects as being wounded, but also suffers a –2 penalty to all checks/rolls that require physical exertion or concentration. This penalty, like being wounded, can be cumulative.

Dazed: This is an injury to the head, or any primary nervous center. The injured is Dazed until the wound is healed.

Maimed: This is an injury to a limb, such as a leg, foot, hand, arm, tentacle or tail. The limb is injured so badly that it is unable to be used. The exact effect depends on the nature of the limb:
Arm: Any action with that arm suffers a –4 to hit penalty until the injury is healed. Spell casting has a 20% chance of spell failure if using somatic components with a spell that requires both hands.
Hand: Any object held in that hand is dropped. Thereafter trying to hold something with that hand isn’t possible until the injury is healed. Spell casting has a 50% chance of spell failure if using somatic components with a spell that requires both hands.
Leg: If the injured was running with that leg, they trip and fall. Thereafter movement is reduced to one half a walk. If all of the injured’s legs are disabled, move is reduced to a 5 foot stagger, crawl or stumble each round.
Foot: If the injured was running with that foot they trip and fall. Thereafter movement is limited to walking only. If all of the injured’s feet are disabled, move is reduced to 5 feet each round.

Deprived: This is an injury to a sensory organ, such as an eye, ear or even mouth. The attack has seriously injured the organ and causes deprivation of the sense until the injury is healed. Effects are based on the organ that suffers the injury.
One Eye: Partially Blinded; 25% chance to miss; opponents gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against the injured. Spot, search and other visual checks suffer a –4 penalty.
Both Eyes: Blinded
One Ear: Partially Deafened; -2 penalty to initiative checks, 10% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components. Listen and other hearing checks suffer a –4 penalty.
Both Ears: Deafened
Mouth: Mute; the injured cannot vocalize words, but can make noise. Verbal components are impossible.

Severed: This is an injury to a tiny extremity, such as a finger, nose or toe. The attack has completely destroyed the extremity. If it was a slicing or piercing attack the extremity may have survived but is no longer attached. The injured suffers the effects of being wounded, and any action taken with the part of the body where that extremity was suffers a –2 penalty until the injury is healed. If it was a toe that was severed then base move is reduced by 5 feet. Reattaching a severed extremity successfully takes a Healing Check (DC 35), or a cure spell with a corresponding Healing Check (DC 20). If someone places the extremity in place and a Heal spell is cast on the injured person then no Healing Check is required to reattach it.

Magical Item effects and Criticals:
Some magical weapons grant benefits when making called shots.

Sharpness: Magical weapons with this property must be slashing weapons. Critical Injuries resultant from a Blade of Sharpness are much more severe, sometimes crippling. Limbs may be completely severed. When the wielder scores a critical, it results in an instant Critical Injury. If the fort save is failed then it results in a Crippling Injury.

Vorpal: Magical weapons with this property must be slashing weapons. This weapon functions in all ways like a Sharpness weapon, except that the character has no to hit penalty when making a called shot for the neck.

Crushing: Magical weapons with this property must be crushing weapons. Critical injuries resultant from this weapon are much more severe. A critical from a Weapon of Crushing can be permanently crippling. Limbs may be completely smashed. When the wielder scores a critical, it results in an instant Critical Injury. If the fort save is failed then it results in a Crippling Injury.

Crippling Injuries
Sometimes a critical injury can become a crippling injury. This can occur when using certain magical items (as detailed above), or when making called shots (as detailed below):

The following is the list of Crippling Injuries:

Mortally Wounded: A vital organ is destroyed, causing terrible bleeding and agonizing pain. The character suffers the effects of being wounded twice (2 points per round), but also suffers a –4 penalty to all checks/rolls that require physical exertion or concentration. This penalty, like being wounded, can be cumulative. Casting any spell requires a concentration check DC 25. What more, the wound is so severe that no normal healing or cure spell can remedy the wound. Even if the character is returned to maximum hit points, internal bleeding will continue at a rate of 1/hour. This internal bleeding can only be cured by means of a Healing Check at DC 45 or a Regenerate spell.

Crippled: This is a crippling injury to a limb, such as a leg, foot, hand, arm, tentacle or tail. The attack has completely destroyed the extremity. If it was a slicing or piercing attack it may have survived but is no longer attached. The injured suffers the effects of being wounded and has penalties for pain and shock. All actions are made at a –4 penalty, and a concentration check must be made to cast any spell at a DC of 25. Reattaching a severed extremity successfully takes a Healing Check (DC 35), or a cure spell with a corresponding Healing Check (DC 20). If someone places the extremity in place and a Heal spell is cast on the injured person then no Healing Check is required to reattach it.
Arm: The limb is gone. Two-handed weapons cannot be wielded. Any skill or action that requires two arms cannot be done. Spell casting has a 50% chance of spell failure if using somatic components with a spell that requires both hands.
Hand: The hand is gone. Any object that was held in that hand is dropped. Spell casting has a 30% chance of spell failure if using somatic components with a spell that requires both hands.
Leg: The limb is gone. The injured immediately falls prone. Thereafter movement is reduced to a 5-foot stagger, crawl or stumble each round; until the wound is healed. Thereafter movement is reduced by ½.
Foot: If the injured was moving with that foot they trip and fall. Thereafter movement is limited a 5-foot stagger, crawl or stumble each round. Base Movement is reduced by 10 feet.
Finger: The finger is gone. Any action taken with the part of the body where that extremity was suffers a –2 penalty until the injury is healed.
Toe: The toe is gone. Any action taken with the part of the body where that extremity was suffers a –2 penalty until the injury is healed. Base Movement is reduced by 5 feet.

Permanently Deprived: This is a crippling injury to a sensory organ, such as an eye, ear or even mouth. The attack has permanently injured the organ and causes deprivation of the sense until restored by some extraordinary means. Effects are based on the organ that suffers the crippling injury.
One Eye Partially Blinded; 25% chance to miss; opponents gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against the injured. Spot, search and other visual checks suffer a –4 penalty.
Both Eyes: Blinded
One Ear: Partially Deafened; -2 penalty to initiative checks, 10% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components. Listen and other hearing checks suffer a –4 penalty.
Both Ears: Deafened
Mouth: Mute; the injured cannot vocalize words, but can make noise. Verbal components are impossible.

Decapitated: The head, or such, is completely severed at the base or neck. Unless the target has some special benefit that allows it to live otherwise (such as two heads), the target is instantly slain.

Table 1-03 Sharpness/Crushing Critical Injuries
Location-------Critical Injury (saved)---Crippling Injury (failed)
Body-----------Wounded-------------------Vitally Wounded or Dazed
Center Torso---Vitally Wounded or Dazed--Mortally Wounded
Arm------------Maimed: Arm or Wounded----Severed: Arm & Wounded
Leg------------Maimed: Leg or Wounded----Severed: Leg & Wounded
Head-----------Dazed or Deprived:--------Permanently Deprived:
------------------Partially Blinded,--------Partially Blinded,
------------------Partially Deafened,-------Partially Deafened,
------------------or Mute-------------------or Mute
Hand-----------Maimed: Hand--------------Severed: Hand & Wounded
Foot-----------Maimed: Foot--------------Severed: Foot & Wounded
Eye------------Deprived: ----------------Permanently Deprived:
------------------Partially Blinded---------Partially Blinded
Ear------------Deprived:-----------------Permanently Deprived:
------------------Partially Deafened--------Partially Deafened
Mouth----------Deprived: Mute------------Permanently Deprived: Mute
Neck-----------Wounded or ---------------Decapitated or
---------------Deprived: Mute------------Permanently Deprived: Mute
Finger---------Severed: Finger-----------Severed: Finger
Toe------------Severed: Toe--------------Severed: Toe

Called Shots

Normally an attack is aimed at a target’s center of mass, and if it makes contact anywhere then you’re probably happy. Combat happens fast, in six seconds a lot can happen, and targeting a specific location on your opponent is very difficult. You’re moving, they’re moving, and things like swords, shields and armor are constantly getting in the way.
As a standard attack action an attacker may target a specific location on their opponent as they attack. There is an attack roll penalty depending on the proportional size of the body part being targeted. On a successful hit all the damage is inflicted to that location. However, there is no special benefit for all the damage being applied to a specific location unless a description of the opponent says there is (such as a Lernean Hydra’s necks).
If a called shot results in a critical, the Critical Injury is not at the whim of the GM, but rather decided by the location hit. Hence, if you target the arm and hit with a critical, then the Critical Injury would either be Maimed: Arm or Wounded. The attacker chooses which.

Armor and Called Shots: When determining the AC of an opponent when making a called shot, the DM has to decide if that part of the body is protected by armor. Magical deflection, dexterity, dodge, and circumstantial bonuses always apply; however, natural and armor bonuses (including the relative enhancement bonus) may not apply. For example, if you attack someone who is in full plate but not wearing a helmet, you can make a called shot for the head without the full plate armor bonus applying. However, the DM should also consider the size of the weapon when considering if the armor applies. Just because a helmet has a slot for the eyes doesn’t mean a called shot with a mace for the eye doesn’t take into consideration the helmet armor bonus. However, a rapier might be able to avoid that armor bonus. The DM may also decide to apply a flat –4 to hit penalty for anyone trying to attack through a small opening in armor. This is a good rule of thumb that helps avoid people taking advantage of the rule.

Size differences and Called Shots: An attacker can only make a called shot for what he can aim for. Therefore, in most cases, an attacker can only make a called shot against an opponent within two size ranges of himself. Thus, a Small character can make a called shot on a large creature, but nothing bigger. Vice Versa, a large character can make a Called Shot on a small creature but nothing smaller. The attacker should also only be allowed to make called shots against targets that could logically be reached. An ogre probably will lean down to attack a Halfling, so in that case the Halfling could make a called shot for the neck or head. However, if the Ogre has a ten foot spear in hand, he probably isn’t going to get his face too close to the Halfling wielding the Vorpal Short Sword. The GM must always take these things into consideration before allowing a called shot. In some circumstances the DM might allow a called shot against something much larger or smaller than the character. A Halfling could make a called shot for a giant’s toe. A Human could make a called shot for a Pixie’s wing. The DM should modify the to hit penalties appropriately. The Toe of a Giant should be a lot easier to hit for a Halfling, while the wing of a pixie should be almost impossible for a human to hit. The DM must use his/her best judgment in these cases.

Called Shots, and missing: In most cases if a character makes a called shot and misses, they will miss entirely. Most targets (hands, legs, arms, and head) have to be aimed for away from the central body. In those cases it is very unlikely that the swinging blow will miss the called shot but still land with significance on another part of the body. However, there are some circumstances where this could happen. For example, if the character aims at an eye, and just barely misses then he probably still hit the head. In those cases the GM may check to see if the attack would have hit the next logical location (taking into consideration the to hit penalty of a called shot on that location). If the miss would then become a hit, then the DM may allow it to be considered a successful hit on that new location. This is entirely up to the DM, though, and could unbalance things. Other issues come into question in these cases, such as size of the attacker, or weapon, or proximity of a hand to the body. Such complexities can slow down combat and may make this option not worth pursuing. Once again the GM must use her/her best judgment.

Called Shots and Sneak attacks: A called shot may be made with a sneak attack, but it is still a standard action. A sneak attack is an attempt to make a critical injury, but without a to hit penalty it is still chancy. Taking the time to make a called shot may make the attack more difficult, but success could be just what the attacker was seeking.

New Feats:

Adapt to Crippling Injury [General]
With hard work, and perhaps some prosthetics, you have overcome the difficulties of a crippling injury.
Prerequisite: None
Benefit: The penalties of your Crippling Injury are reduced.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, once for each Crippling Injury.

Severed; Arm: The limb is gone, but you have learned to overcome the difficulties of the missing the limb. Any skill or action that normally requires two arms can be done with a –4 penalty. Spell casting that normally requires two hands for somatic components can be relearned without suffering a chance of spell failure.
Severed; Hand: The hand is gone, but you have learned to overcome the difficulties of the missing limb. Two-handed weapons can be wielded with a –4 to hit penalty (note that Monkey grip is better). Any skill or action that normally requires two hands can be done with a -4 penalty. Spell casting that normally requires two hands for somatic components can be relearned without suffering a chance of spell failure.
Severed; Leg: The limb is gone, but you have learned to overcome the difficulties of the missing limb. With the use of prosthetics or some sort of crutch, movement is only reduced to ¾ instead of ½. A full move can be made if a reflex save is made at DC 15 for every 5 feet moved. Failure means the character falls prone.
Severed; Foot: The foot is gone, but you have learned to overcome the difficulties of the missing limb. Base Movement is reduced by only 5 feet instead of 10 feet. With the use of a prosthetic, the character is returned to normal Base Movement.
Severed; Finger: The finger is gone, but you have learned to overcome the difficulties of the missing extremity. You no longer suffer any penalties.
Severed; Toe: The toe is gone, but you have learned to overcome the difficulties of the missing extremity. You no longer suffer any penalties.
Deprived; Partially Blind: You have been blinded in one eye, but you have learned to deal with the difficulties. You no longer have an automatic chance to miss, nor do your opponents get a bonus to hit you. However, you still suffer a –4 penalty to spot, search and other visual checks.
Deprived; Blinded: You have been blinded, but you have learned to overcome some of the difficulties. This feat does not replace Blind-Fight, but does eliminate some of the other (non-combat) penalties. You suffer only half the usual speed penalty (so ¾ instead of ½), which used in conjunction with Blind-Fight allows for full movement. Strength and Dexterity Skill checks that can be done by feel suffer no penalties all others suffer only a –2 penalty. The character may pick up a skill in a special means of writing and reading that allow reading by touch, such as Knowledge (Brail).
Deprived; Partially Deafened: You have been deafened in one ear, but you have learned to deal with the difficulties. You no longer have an initiative penalty or chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components. You still suffer the –4 penalty to listen and other hearing checks.
Deprived; Deafened: You have been deafened, but you have learned to overcome the difficulties. You only suffer a -2 initiative penalty. Spells may be relearned without verbal components, thus allowing no chance of spell failure. Such spells are increased in casting time, usually from 1 action to 1 round.
Deprived; Mute: Not Applicable. A character may pick up a skill to communicate by some other means, but it is impossible to recover from losing ones ability to vocalize. Spells may be relearned without verbal components, thus allowing no chance of spell failure. Such spells are increased in casting time, usually from 1 action to 1 round.
A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Called Shot, Improved [General]
You are highly skilled at knowing where to attack an opponent and thus can make multiple called shots.
Prerequisite: Dex 12+, Combat Expertise, Base attack bonus +6 or higher
Benefit: You may make called shots as normal melee or ranged attack actions; thus allowing you to make multiple called shots, such as with the full-attack action.
Normal: Normally a called shot is a standard action, and making a called shot as part of a full-attack action is not possible.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Called Shot, Epic [Epic]
Note: Only applicable if you are using the 3E epic Level rules.
You are so adept at making called shots that your critical hits always cause Critical Injuries. Prerequisite: Dex 25+, Expertise, Called Shot, Improved Called Shot, Base attack bonus +20 or higher.
Benefit: Any critical you make with a called shot is automatically considered a Critical Injury. The injured does not get a saving throw to avoid the Critical Injury.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.