The Scribbler

Llaen Skyfallen's page

128 posts. Alias of Doomed Hero.


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HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

I've been working over my idea for a shaman, and I've come to the conclusion that I just don't have the attributes to pull off what I want.

A Lore/Life shaman needs wisdom highest, because that's the shaman's main attribute, and then also needs high intelligence (lore) and high charisma (for channeling). They also need Constitution reasonably high because the Life shaman's main trick is to heal people by taking damage on themselves.

So that means I would need to completely tank strength and dex. Not something I really want to do. I don't like dump stats to begin with, and the idea of a professional adventurer who can't lift their own weight and trips over their own shoes goes against my ideas of what an adventurer aught to be.

SAD classes make me sad. :(

So, instead of being a Shaman I think I'm going to go with Oracle.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Taking a look at your party makeup, I noticed you have no healer.

As an alternate to Llaen, I have an idea for a human Hospitalar paladin, or a human Shaman or Life.

Any preferences or thoughts?

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

I'm not interested in rebuilding this character. He's intended to be a Drow Noble. Anything else doesn't seem right. I can come up with some other concepts that might suit this game better if the GM doesn't like this one.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8
Saphren wrote:

First, welcome to the game discussion group and I hope you get into the game. BUT, I have to say that I'd prefer to not open up the playable races to drow. We are all core classes. Your base drow is a little overpowered by comparison and a drow noble is way over the top.

From the racebuilder rules a human is a 9 point build. Dwarves and Elves are 10. Gnomes are 10. Half elves are 10. My half orc is only an 8. But drow are 14 and Drow nobles are 41. Its just not on the same level of a core race. Not even close.

I understand what you're saying. I have a couple counterarguments, if it helps-

1) I'm a level lower than the rest of you. That's on purpose.

2) As the game progresses starting attribute and ability differences matter less and less. A Tiefling's ability to cast Darkness is impressive at first level. By fifth level it doesn't matter because any caster can do it. Every race eventually "levels out" in terms of power scale by reaching a point that their bonuses don't actually give them a significant edge (the exceptions to this are races with extra limbs, or flight).
The rough estimate on the boards is that the Drow Noble levels out at around 5th level. By 7th level the the power level difference between a Drow Noble and any other race is fairly insignificant. Levels just matter that much more than racial abilities.

3) If I were min-maxing the character based around the attribute adjustments, I might see an issue with power scale, but playing a Barbarian means I'm not exactly playing to the strengths of the race.

Hopefully these will sway your judgement. If not, I'll withdraw. Thanks for the consideration.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Just realized autocorrect "fixed" my character's name in that last post. Isn't technology great?

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

I'm the nibble! Lean was originally made for another Second Darkness game that died out.

My character concept is pretty odd though, so I won't be upset if it isn't a good fit for this game.


Llaen was around during the first darkness, back when the Drow were created. He's been locked away in the Dark Tapestry to be tortured and whatnot for betraying the very first Drow queen.

Now, with the sky falling and the darkness returning, he's managed to come back to the world. His goal is to warn people of what the Drow Queen is doing, but he doesn't know that he's way too late.

Mechanically, he's a Drow Noble Barbarian. He's tough as nails and very stealthy. He makes a great scout and a great frontliner.

Because he's from a matriarchal society he'll probably latch onto the most charismatic or powerful female in the group and act as a bodyguard/servant.

Given that the story right now is revolving around meteorites falling from the sky, I'd love to have Llaen's introduction to the game be him falling out of the sky too, having piggybacked on a meteor. (He's tough enough that he could probably survive the 20d6 max falling damage.)

If you like the idea and decide to have him fall from the sky, he'd have no gear to speak of. As a suggestion, having him start with a fist full of star metal to trade or forge might be a way to get around the expected wealth guidelines.

Please let me know what you think. Again, I won't be upset if you decide Llaen is a bad fit for your game. I know how weird this idea is.

A little late to the party, but I figured I might as well toss this character into the pot. He's from another Second Darkness game that died off shortly after getting to the island.

He's kind of an odd character concept, but I'll go for the hail mary toss.


Llaen is a drow noble from the first darkness, back when the Drow had just committed the great heresy that blackened their skin and turned them forever to darkness. He was banished to the outer dark for betraying his mother when she tried to blacken the world. He's been stuck in a timeless, hellish outer plane ever since.

Now, with the meteors falling and heralding the return of the darkness, Llaen has managed to escape, falling from the sky with the stones and ending up on the island, confused and feral.

In spite of being Drow, Llaen is not evil. He was once, but he sought to atone. His atonement has effectively been on hold while he sought simply to survive in the outer dark, but he's never forgotten that goal

He is a man out of time, in many ways extremely alien, but knows the dangers that are coming better than anyone. He wants nothing more than to stop them.


HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

After arguing with myself for quite a while, I've decided that I have to cut back on the number of games I'm in.

I apologize, life has just gotten too busy for me to keep up.

I have enjoyed this game a lot. Maybe I can return at a future date (if Llaen isn't killed off).

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Azlain could hear the conversation getting heated, but there was no violence yet. He continued to scan the area.

Poor Clegg. If Azlain found out what he wanted, he'd probably be inclined to give it to him. Its his funeral.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Skalds are awesome.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Oh! Me! I can do it! (no I can't.)

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen stepped inside the tent and was immediately uncomfortable. The flimsy walls offered no protection and served only to block sight in all directions. He scanned the tent for a moment and stepped back outside again, keeping watch.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Azlain came out of hiding, carefully walking to stand near to Zane, in front of Lady Nakoda. He was concerned about the people on the walls, but he trusted that his companions would not endanger themselves. He stood stoically and waited.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Llaen takes a long look at the camp, seeing it at the same time Zane did. He started moving immediately, keeping to the edge of the crater and carefully scouting ahead. He didn't like to stay in one place long. That was how you ended up as something's dinner.

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Here. Just been busy this week. I'll get a post up this evening.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen holds out the shard to Nakoda and Zane.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen dashes around the once-living thing and aimed to flank it with Nakoda. He swings again!

Acro to avoid AoO: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Crud. AoO on me?

Attack, Rage, Inspired, flank: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 2 = 25
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 = 9

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8


Llaen grunts, snarles and strikes back!

Drop spear, draw shortsword
Attack, Rage: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen whirls at the shout, bringing his spear to bear.

Sorry about the absence. New job is kicking my butt.

Am I surprised?

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Llaen scouted ahead, checking the camp before the others got to close.

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen nods and builds the fire up a little more.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen scouts the buildings, vanishing into the shadows as soon as he was more than a few paces away. He'd come back periodically to give teh others a quick nod before slipping away again into alleys or broken buildings.

A few minutes later he showed up again and gestured, leading them to a small, mostly intact building that Llaen clearly thought was the most defensible place.

He wasted no time getting a fire going.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen comes up wet and worn, but glad to finally be doing things that give him a sense of accomplishment beyond surviving one more day. Not that "day" was really the proper term for things on the other side.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

I'll take those odds. How about if I look for an hour, giving me a 60% success chance and costing me 6 strength damage.

1d100 ⇒ 36

Does that mean I found it after 36 minutes? Do I still take the full strength loss?

It took him a bit to figure out what it was the Female wanted, but a few translations from Zane made things clear. Llaen left his spear behind, jumped in through a window and vanished.

The irregular geometry and warped sense of weight, space, and even sometimes which way was up was only barely a hindrance to the scarred elf. He'd spent a very long time living in a place where things like that were completely normal. It was strangely comforting to him in the way that once something becomes "normal" no matter how horrible it might be, it is somehow preferable to things which aren't understood.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen has Endurance. Would that reduce the strength loss? Also, Darkvision and/or dancing lights. Would that help with finding it?

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen didn't understand what the others were saying, but he got the gist of their body language. He didn't know the area, or even the world really, so one place was as good as any other to him. He was still paranoid and waiting for more attacks, his eyes scanning as they talked.

Hopefully they would be ready to travel soon. For now, ankle deep in seawater was the safest place to be.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

I'm good to keep going. Recaps are always fun though.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Llaen pulls himself free and crouches low, looking around himself for danger, his good eye catching the dim light like a cat's and reflecting a dull red.

He bolted toward the tower. His allies needed help, and the sea was the best defense against these creatures.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Sorry to see you go.

Hope this game doesn't end, it just got awesome.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Ride the Tower: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Attack Akata: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Oh this is going to be awesome...

Ride the Tower (acro): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

The scarred elf moves with the tower, jumping and dodging like a cat as it rolls. He stays with Nakota, trying to help her as much as possible.

Aid Another to Nakota. I'll need to roll a DC 15 Acro or Climb check to help her, depending on what she chooses, but I have a pretty good chance of succeeding.

If any of the Akata try to close on us, I'll make an AoO with my spear.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen seems to hang in the air as the tower falls and touches down gently amid the rubble.

Feather Fall, Immediate Action.

He pulls Nakoda to her feet and readies his spear again against any of the creatures who may have survived the tower's fall.

Move action, get to Nakoda (touch down near her, I guess). Standard action, help her up.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 1 = 24
Damage: 1d8 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 1 = 13

Llaen slams his spear forward again hoping to finish the thing crawling through the window and yelling over his shoulder to Zane.


"This tower is going to collapse!"

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Well in that case…

Attack, Pike, Inspired: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 2 + 1 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 + 1 = 12

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Reflex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

The scarred drow reaches the trapdoor and slams himself into it, trying to get the trapdoor closed again.

"આ ટાવર! તે અસ્થિર બની રહ્યું છે!"

"The tower! It is becoming અસ્થિર!"
Whatever that last word is, the dialect is too different to translate.

What should I roll to try to force the door closed and hold it shut? Strength check? Bull Rush? Something else?

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen bolted up the stairs in a full sprint, looking for the breach.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen didn't understand the words, but he knew something was wrong. She came from upstairs, so he guessed that's where the trouble was. He glanced to Nakoda and waited for her signal.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Holding my action, but posting now. If any the ones inside are still up after the actions of the others, I'll aim to finish it. If the ones inside are dead, I'll target one of the ones at the breach.

Llaen thrusts again, his spear a blur.

Pike: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 1 + 1 = 23
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 13

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Lots of holiday stuff coming up for me in the next two weeks. My posting time will be pretty diminished. I'll get a post in when I can, but please don't hold the game up for me.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen's spear was a blur as he tried to fend off the creatures.

Pike: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 1 + 1 = 14
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 10

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Pike AoO: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 1 + 1 = 15
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 8

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

How about me? I also have reach.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen's eyes flashed with a purple fire, and the head of his spear became lined in it.

Divine Favor on self. 1 minute duration.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Unless they can climb and come in through other areas of the tower.

I was under the impression that this place wasn't in the best condition.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

I think we should start in the first floor staircase just so we don't get caught in a flood. Llaen's caught between his survival instincts and desire to guard the pretty lady.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Hold the line against the tide of terrible anemone-lions and try not to die?

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Llaen sighed. He knew how he could survive if he needed to, but he did not want to abandon his new allies to such a fate. Still, he had no intention of dying for them. He pointed to the stairs, gesturing upwards.

The top of the tower would be the most defensible. Hopefully she would be willing to leave the slow to die. That would buy them some time.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Unless he's told otherwise, Azlain is going to stick with Nakoda and Zane.

He didn't know the words, but he knew panic when he heard it. Rallying cries were the same everywhere.

He stayed with the female, following her downstairs. When she handed him the small potion he nodded thankfully and tucked it into one of the small pouches of his stolen leather armor.

HP 54/54, AC 15, Fort +6, Ref, +4, Will +3, Per +10, Rage 8/8

Sounds like a good thing to check.

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