My group has a Goblin Paladin in it and the little guy just WON'T DIE. He had like the worst starting stats, had rocks thrown at every one he needed as a Paladin. He had out lived every other character in the group they have all lost at least one character if not more and he is still trucking along like a champ. He's dumb as a box of rocks and has no charisma, has only got out of the negs in wisdom at lvl 6. But nothing bothers him it's like water off a ducks back. It's been a good experience for the player too, it's really brought him out of his comfort zone and he has really go into role-playing his character to the point he is damned near larping him, and this guy has always had bad luck with his characters normally due to a failed dex check and ending up dead. But this Goblin seems to be his lucky charm.