Lias kb22c's page

19 posts. Organized Play character for Martin Drouin-Courtois 120.



I just ran the shard of the ghost planet on Foundry
Some of the things are not done or not finish and I just wanted to let you know.
- Dae : Stats, Heritage action not done and Stats, Armor not equip.
- all the aliens are not placed on maps like you did for other modules
- Sounds seems to include from Junkward delight, if this is the case it is fine but if not maybe include them.

This module is really well made, the journal and the handout are beautiful.

A suggestion would be to format the push to chat function you have in the journal, currently it only push the text content but if you could also push a format like the one in the journal that would be great as I do it in my own adventures.

I normally run my custom campaign as I like to keep the players on their toes so they cannot read in advance but the quality of this deluxe module makes me tinck I may buy those package in th future.



I started to read it, but it is not complete it should be 264 pages


Anybody know if they fix or will fix the operative in 2e ?
The issues that always come up in a group is the operative can do everything why would I specialize. Mainly the fact that he is way overboard as a skill juncky attach to the crazy movement.


I hope it is also available in PDF as the shipping fees are killing me


Found a link that is not working, un the journal introduction-> running the campaign -> the link for the forum in the sentence has localhost that should not be there :
Kingmaker has a lively community "forum" online


I wonder, will there be new AP as this is the first we do not have the next AP coming down the pipe


Gaining EP seems to be too much attach to RP, Since RP is very useful to survive, specially in the AP, I am not sure of the use of EP


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was doing ship upgrade by adventure before fly free or die, but I like it the way it is presented, I just added a lot more things on it.

You buy per company reputation with you. The better the reputation the better the discount, the worst it is the worst the price is.
Weapons and armor are sold by manufacturer, you cannot buy a Cryo or laser gun from the same manufacturer. Black market sell is normal but can change reputation.

Roll ini every rounds, cuts on high roll playing faster all the combat and creates random play twice before another.

Limit the aid another to 2 extra help, over that it is a crowd. If you help you cannot use the skill after ex: aid another you help someone but you want to use medicine also.

Kit have a limit of 10 use.

Battery can be recharge on ship except weapon battery because they have higher density.

Infosphere outside the orbit of a planet depends on the level of the computer on the ship. The higher the level the higher the chance to find the information


Hi Thanks for the info, normally I open the PDF in photoshop and take the images I need. My question were oriented to the current AP (Adventure Path) Fly free or die, instead of buying it in fantasy grounds store I do the conversion myself. I find some AP are not converted with the GM in mind so now I do them myself.
I am trying the get good quality map without me having to redo them.
This is one part of Paizo product I find is lacking, the quality of maps. But except them I love what they do.

Thanks for the help again


BigNorseWolf wrote:
Lias kb22c wrote:

Hi All

I am curious to know, doesn't the AP comes with interactive type maps or extracted maps ?

I've never seen an interactive map from paizo.

Fantasy grounds scenarios come with maps I think

How to make a roll20 table has a section on how to put a map onto roll20. Basically any picture can be a map.

The new scenarios have gotten a lot better about making the maps consistent and or including a clean image as a seperate file or at the end of the scenario.

Where do I find the seperate clean image in my downloads ?


Hi All

I am curious to know, doesn't the AP comes with interactive type maps or extracted maps ?


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Any update on the lenght of the AP ?
It is not fun when you stop the campaign at level 13ish, feels cheated to not have all the class options after unless the GM build an homebrew after. Yet the cost is the same as the pathfinder AP.


For me I used both Roll20 and FG. But recently I am moving away from Roll20 for many reasons, the support for FG is crazy good, their community is so involve as is the company.

I really love the one time buy support for life of the product philosophy of smiteworks (FG).

Creating your own module is very easy once you do it (like everything else)

Paid licence 4 years ago a 119$ for FG, bought the rulset for Starfinder at discount and that is it. Player do not need to pay anything as long as you have an Ultimate licence.

I know a lot of people will say the learning curve etc. It very equivalent. I prefer FG over Roll20 but my advice, as soon as you choose stick with it.

In your serach, try to find what type of community player you are looking for. It will help in your choice.



I know that when we sell items you get 10% value, but can we salvage an item into UPB at 10% on the fly or it is not part of the rules ?

Reason is, we found some items, but some of them where not worth carrying because of bulk, but if we could salvage some UPB's on it it could be usefull to create other items, even if the salvage would be lower than 10%.

Let me know what you think.


Hi All

I have a question regarding range of trick attack, does it have any range ?
Example if you have a sniper that shoot at a distance of 360 ft (sniper weapon 2 increment distance), it seems far to do a trick attack as the target may not even see him ?

Second (really not sure about this one), does the trickk attack damage also double when you make a critical or it only adds to the critical damage at the end ?


I am building a long adventure that start in Akiton, I use it as a world where everybody tends for themselves and where mercenary, criminal, corporation all use it with no regards to each other.
No real structure, except in certain cities


One of my player mounted 2 different type of range weapon so if an enemy is resistant to one he use the other one


Kitsune Kune wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:

An Operative is an excellent skill generalist, and likely better at any skills they have than other people who only dabble in said skill, but real specialists tend to beat them out in non-Dex skills unless they utterly handicap themselves in their primary stat (which is, indeed, Dex).

And, again, they lack spells, do worse in combat than either Solarians or Soldiers, and lack the special abilities of either Envoys or Mechanics. They have a niche, which they are excellent at, but they don't actually tend to overshadow other people in their own areas.

While the above statement is true, that is also something of a potential problem from my point of view. (I have not played in a game with an operative yet, so I will preface this with the DISCLAIMER that I cannot say from experience based on an operative in action.)

If a single player can reasonably be better at 66% (or more) of the skills than any other single character in the party. (66% is based off the fact that [outside of certain Profession rolls, which come up semi-randomly, and thus worth 3%] the highest number of skills for any single stat [int] is 6/19 [just over 30%])

At the same time succeeding 60% (or more) of the skill checks that any other (non-envoy) chosen specialist does in their particular check. (60% if the Operative vs the specialist has a total bonus disparity of +5, including scaling +1 in that stat, which is less common in Starfinder from my experience due to the nature of the point buy). [The Envoy gets a special amount of math in it's Specialization skills, due to the extra die-roll, and eventually choice of re-roll or not, which is more complicated math than this "gut feeling" post covers.]

All of the above makes a single character very solid in combat (as mentioned in previous posts) and still managing to match or beat, almost every skill specialist in the party, in their chosen field, over half the time. All at the same time, without needing to specialize in the exact same way. Is...

Sorry didn't log for a few weeks, so operative ghost speciality has a +15 on trick attack on level 1 (1 rank, dex +4, operative skill focus +2, class skill +3, Operative edge +1, +4 on trick attack skill check) It means that without any experience you get +15 a(75% chance) every rounds. I find it very unbalance.

Maybe it is just me, as I play on my adventure, the other class takes a shadow role ecept in nego and combat.

It is just my point of view ( i took out the +4 on trick attack check)


I was running a game yesterday and it is not fun to have an operative in the PC party, they are way too powerful, I even decided to cut some stuff out of them to balance with the other classes, it is just ridiculous