Mistress Kayltanya

Liagorba's page

112 posts. Alias of Dark Arioch.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Ok, So we all know that secondary targets get reflex saves against the splash damage from alchemist bombs BUT does the primary target, assuming that he is hit directly, get a reflex save to avoid the follow up sticky bomb splash damage on the following round? I was sort of assuming not because of the original to hit roll required but one of my players brought up the point that it is still labeled as "splash" damage and he should get a save. What do you think?

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

OK, so the stat block for a Titan says: Melee maul of the titans +33/+28/+23/+18 (6d8+28/17–20) or 2 slams +30 (2d8+17)

However, It seems that the +21 BAB, +17 for 45 strength, and +3 for Maul of the Titans adds up to +41 for the first attack. Am I missing something here? Is there some correction out there that I have missed?

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Perhaps there is something obvious that I am missing but so far I can't find anything specific.

Specifically, I am running a Bandersnatch in a current encounter and it has a confusion gaze. How long do the effects from this last? Is it just a single round thing since you have to save each round or is it a longer duration thing like the Spirit Naga's charm gaze? Actually, that brings up a similar question: How long does a spirit naga's charm gaze last? Obviously, a medusa's petrification gaze is permanent until cured. So are these other effects permanent also?

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

So we have a character that is down and another dragging them to safety. Normally unencumbered human (speed 30') with a strength of 12 dragging 250 pounds. How far can they get in a round if they are trying to get as far as possible?

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

It appears that one of my alias was changed from "Levistus" to "Dark Arioch's Levistus" out of the blue with no explanation. I have been using the alias for some time now in PBP games on these very boards. Needless to say, I create my alias to help with immersion and find the "Dark Arioch" tacked on somewhat distracting and disappointing. I am assuming that a change like this has to come from you or someone very close to you.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I know it's early and the judges are probably celebrating that they are done with having to sift through endless wondrous items but I believe someone (Clark?) mentioned that they would be willing to give the feedback to those of us who didn't make it. If that is true, I would like to request mine please. Thanks.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Ok, so here I have a first level character trying to cast this spell and up come a dozen questions about how the spell actually functions mechanics-wise.

#1) Do you actually target a creature(s) with the spell or just an area?
-1a) If it's a creature than it can effect any other creature within
30' feet if the HD rolled are enough (going from lowest HD first
and then closest to point of origin). Thus it can effect a
creature beyond your initial range for the spell. Normally, this
type of targeting is indicated with a "Targets" heading under the
spell which in this case does not exist.
-1b) If it's an area, than how big is it? It defines the distance
between creatures but not the area it effects.

#2) The spell seems to indicate that what it effects is not entirely under the spellcasters control. Thus the creatures with the fewest HD within the area (whatever it is?!) are effected first. Yet it goes on to indicate that it is possible to effect only one creature, giving it a -2 penalty to it's save. If it's not under the spellcasters control, than is it just pure luck or a very difficult situation to set up (i.e. that no other creatures are within 30' of the target) that only one creature is effected.
-2a) If it's uncontrolled than does it effect friends? And if that's
the case than you can only cast it out to 25' feet at 1st level
so you are yourself very likely to be in the area should you
roll high enough HD.

#3) So early in the spell description it says the affected creatures stare blankly at you and then it later says you can make a simple request of the creature while it is fascinated. So does it try and accomplish the request during the spell or does it begin trying after the spell expires and just stare until then?
-3a) It kind of has the effect of a poor man's Suggestion spell.
What makes the suggestion spell more powerful? (as a third
level spell it should be) Because even after the hypnotism
request spell wears off the request seems to stay in place.

That's a whole lot of vagueness for one 1st level spell...

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Ok, it may be just me but the Spell Gust of Wind seems to be missing in the Beta. So, if you come across any others that are missing post them here. I am assuming with the Beta that they are trying to include ALL spells not just the ones with changes (like the Alpha was doing).

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I am looking for peoples in game experiences and reviews. I would like very much to read about various groups play through any of the WOTC published adventures. Has anyone seen threads written anywhere about this? I am very curious about how the new rules are working out in actual play with varying character dynamics.


Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Seeing as the first one is right on the horizon now, I thought I'd ask if anyone was looking to start this as a PBP right away? It sounds like it will be ALOT of fun and I don't want to miss my chance to play. So if your thinking of running it and want to start getting characters fleshed out for it, put me on your list please :)

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Ok, so it seems to me that Improved Precise Shot was removed because Careful Targeting, Exact Targeting, and Pinpoint Targeting replaced what it did. Now wouldn't it make sense to redefine the -4 for firing into melee as a cover or concealment bonus and allow the new feats to overcome this also instead of precise shot? Thus you could get rid of the Precise Shot Feat also. After all it is effectively cover right? The Precise Shot is seeming like a old unnecessary holdover from an outdated system.


Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Ok, Sable company marine has a requirement of a 4th level ranger. Rangers do not get a feat at 4th level so they either have to take this feat at 3rd level (if a gm decides to bend to rules a bit and then get the companion at 4th) or wait until 6th (so really, it's a 6th level requirement?). That doesn't make much sense since you acquire your animal companion at 4th.

Hope, someone can make sense of this.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I have always disliked the spell and undead energy drain effects. -1 level, -2 levels, always seemed to mechanical and superficial of a way to describe what happens when your life energy gets drained away. This method also takes away any REAL fear over getting hit by a energy drain or undead as it can be fixed very easily with restorations (yes, supposedly, level drains CAN become permenant but very rare is the case that they do and if they do it can become crippling for that character to continue). So how to balance the issue with a effect that is truly horrible but not a show stopper? A little brainstorming here. Making it a condition or a negative energy magical disease (along the lines of mummy rot) might work. The more powerful the energy drain the higher the save DC and quicker it effects you. You slowly waste away as your wounded life force drains into the multiverse until you succumb and rise as one of the undead.

Or maybe better yet, once you get hit by the undead it stays with you forever (maybe miracle or wish could fix it). It has no immediate effect on your character at all but if you should any point die than you have an immediate chance of rising as one of the undead and your soul is unavailable for resurrection until this is cured/fixed. So, if you get hit by a wight it gives you a 5% cumulative chance per hit to rise as an undead upon death, whereas a vampire has 10% cumulative chance per hit, so on and so forth.

Being resurrected is another of those things that has had many penalties that don't seem to work very well. How, do you make staying alive meaningful and at the same time not penalize a character so badly that it is not fun? Perhaps it adds a 25% cumulative chance of returning as undead instead of level penalties or con drain. After all you are messing with life and death. This all adds a certain amount of uncertainty when messing around with this and brings the curse of undeath to a more personal level and the ramifications thereof. The first rez hit is free but watch out after that (and maybe that one isn't even free if you were previously drained by some undead nasty).

These methods hopefully reduce the record keeping needed during combat.

Anyway, these were some thoughts anyone else have something to add??