The Beast of Lepidstadt

Lhug-mor, "The Black Dragon"'s page

331 posts. Organized Play character for N'Haaz-aua.

Thank you

(but continue the Starfinder AP)

Please add Book 1 of the Dead Suns AP to my subscription. I understand it's backordered.

Goblin Squad Member

I don't feel like I will play my account that is from the Kickstarter, what is involved in transferring it and selling it? What would be expected to be included by the buyer?

Goblin Squad Member

I logged in to see what's what in early enrollment and definately not for me. Is it possible to reset/delete my log on and character and i'll catch up when the game matures. Seems a little odd the timer on subscriptions is running at this point if you log in.

A little more about our group. We are looking for a GM and potentially another player to fill 2 recently vacated slots. We are 30-39, two women and 3 men, all have been playing 10+ years, and 2 have played since 1e. We are in west county and/or St. Charles. We are 20% role playing and 80% tactical and a social non munchkin group. We are occasional playtesters for a major gaming company. Two of us are also gm's and we have run tourneys at Gencon for several years. Lots of experience is not necessary, preparation and fun go a long way.

Can you swap the Elements of Power Deck for a Adventure Gear Deck?

I was prepping the new Gamemastery modules for a pick up game at Gencon, and I was wondering what official games are being run by Paizo? Any?

I run in a tourney for a gaming company and I wouldn't mind picking up a few Paizo events to round it out (at future cons of course).

What I would like is for you to take a page from WOTC's playbook and show us a pdf of 3 pages of the new product. That would sell the unbelievers on a subscription, myself included.

I just finished reading Dungeon issue 125 (i know, i'm behind on my magazines) and went to grab 126 and noted that it was not in the stack. I went to look at the cover online and I don't believe I received it. Is there a chance I can get a replacement at this late date?

I renewed a month ago and I just received my second copy of 120. Any way you can synch my subscriptions and give me credit for the double issue.

BTW, the content continues to improve. nice job!

<subliminal> more eberron</subliminal>