Lanton is broad and slightly taller than average. He has bright green eyes and a hairy chest. With a look between a scholarly gentleman and a hairy lumber jack, Lanton's appearance and personality perfectly reflect one another. His wide facial feature and pointed jawline portray a feline nature. Often wearing his hair at shoulder length, he can often be found sporting facial hair.
Character Backstory:
Raised in the town of Sandpoint Lanton IV's father was a librarian and would be academic. Relenting his own academic failures Lanton III raise his son to be a scholar. For much of his youth Lanton the IV submitted to his fathers requests and studied hard learning math, science, magical theory, history, and astronomy. Upon reaching adolescence Lanton realized that although he loved to learn and to read, but that somehow being an academic could never fulfill him. Retaining burying this knowledge Lanton continued on this path. However rather than studying everything he focused on the subjects he loved the most, Astronomy. Learning much about the subject he often used it as an excuse to go stargazing. With a passion for stargazing and having exhausted much of the knowledge about astronomy in existence, Lanton strayed into the area of astrology.
Upon reaching the age of 18 he gave up on much of his study and disappointingly settled into his fathers occupation of librarian, to take up stargazing as much as possible. One night while stargazing he was blessed by the goddess Desna with the powers of an oracle.
Soon after receiving his blessing he left his home town to wander go where the stars led him. Sometime later, shortly before reaching the town Kenebres he remembered something he once read about in a book, the northern lights. He remembered how when he was a kid he would always dream about seeing them. Thinking he might want to fulfill this childhood dream he decided he should go north and see them for himself.
Rac Mod
Str 13
Dex 18
Con 16 + 2 = 18
Int 13
Wis 18 + 2 = 20
Cha 10 - 2 = 8
Racial Abilities
---------------- Ability Score: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Type: Humanoid-Dwarf
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 20ft, but never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Stability: Darkvision: Weapons Familiarity: Hatred: Stonecunning:
Alternative Racial Abilities
---------------- Shaman's Apprentice: Endurance
Class Abilities
---------------- AC Bonus: +5 AC
Furry of Blows: +1/+1
Bonus Feat: Dodge, Combat Reflexes
Unarmed Strike: Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist: Stunning Fist
Alcoholic Alchemy: Throw Anything: Alcoholic Bombs: Alcoholic Resistance: Drunken Ki: Fast Movement: +10
Lythe for a dwarf Dolgrin Is bald, bearded, and hard as a rock.
Dolgrin is a Merry monk. He mostly likes to get drunk make jokes.
Character Backstory:
Dolgrin was born to a family of Dwarven Brewers who were exiled from the main family branch of the family, over wether to have two or three mushrooms in the family brew. They fled to a small dwarven settlement at the foot of the a The Fogscar Mountains, just above Sandpoint. Upon reaching this settlement they set up,a brewery of their own. Out from under the families thumb Dogrins father experimented wildly and openly boasting to all of his new brew and how three mushrooms is better than two.
One day members from the main branch ordered Dolgrind to stop sharing Dwarven brewing secrets. So angered and distraught was he that the letter he sent back written in his own blood only said “Three Mushrooms is better than Two.” It was not long until a similar opinion of Dolgrinds transgression appeared in the village. However ever being the stubborn Dwarves that they are Dolgrins parents persisted. This led to no small amount of bullying from the other local Dwarf children. As a result Dolgrin learned to adapt to dangerous situations quickly and fight with his fists. Learning the family trade Dolgrin excelled at his brewing. By the age of 30 he new and could brew every beer in the family catalog. Unfortunately by this time he had also been in first fights with almost half the male adolescent population. This earned him a bad reputation, only counter balanced by his skill and generosity in regards to libations.
It was assumed that one day Dolgrin would inherit the brewery and everything was going according to plan until Dolgrin’s 33 birthday when the village was attack and overrun by a horde of goblins. The brewery burn along with the village and everyone he knew was slaughtered to a man. The only reason Dolgrin himself did not die is because he went to look for exotic mushrooms for a new brew, got too drunk and passed out. When he awoke he smelled the smoke and saw the fire but heard no screams. Even as he ran toward his home he realized what the silence meant.
Bereft of his home, village, and future he set off. Wandering from village to village the last he came upon was Sandpoint. After wandering into the Red Dragon getting a few drink and spewing his misfortunes to Ameiko, he decided to seek out the main family branch. Setting off on his journey he joined the first Caravan heading is direction as a guard. When he finally reached the home of his fathers father he was met with a cold reception. It was not long until he was brought to the great hall, before the head of the clan. Upon noticing the three mushrooms pin on Dolgrins shirt he was given the ultimatum that he rejoin the clan if he discarded his father pin and swore that two mushrooms are better than three. Outright refusing Dolgrin was hence forth officially banished.
Setting out, he soon came upon a monastery. Joining the monastery as a cook Dolgrin study the martial arts with an intensity and fervor that delighted the masters. He soon became a favorite of the masters, and remained so until his drink became apparent. After being in the monastery for a decade Dolgrin was due to move up in rank. The masters noting his drinking told he could move up if he stopped drinking. To this he appeared to reluctantly agree while on he sly he set up a brewery in the woods outside of the monastery. Dolgrin succeeded in this deception for seven years before it got him ousted from the monastery.
Rac Mod
Str 12
Dex 13
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 14 + 2 = 16
Cha 11
Racial Abilities
---------------- Ability Score Modifiers: Half-orc characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Type: Half-orcs are Humanoid creatures with both the human and orc subtypes.
Size: Half-orcs are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Half-orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Half-orcs begin play speaking Common and Orc. Half-orcs with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, and Goblin. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Alternative Racial Abilities
---------------- Shaman's Apprentice: Endurance
Class Abilities
---------------- AC Bonus: +3 AC
Furry of Blows: -1/-1
Bonus Feat: Dodge
Unarmed Strike: Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist: Stunning Fist
------- Hard To Kill: Denial of Fate:
Average Height and but cut like a Greek God, he has the stereo typical green hue of an Orc but without any of the grim seriousness that his appearance may infer. With his carefully curled mustaches and shaved bald head he is lent the appearance of a 19th century Muscle Man.
Flamboyant to the core, the diva of all monks.
Character Backstory:
Born to a human Mother and an Orc father, Tavarek spent his early childhood with his mother. He lived with her until her death from disease, when he was 5. At which point he was adopted by the temple. After graduating and going out into the world to seek his fortune, he decides to visit his cousin John. On his way to visit his cousin is when the undead appear.
A Drunken Dwarven monk. Caught in the middle between his jolly Drunken ways and the strict discipline usually required by monks. While most monks in this region can be found escorting others of their faith, Dolgrin worships Cayden Cailean unlike most monks.
After the harsh and devastating encounter with his kin Dolgrin wandered along the Yondabakari until he reached Magnimar. Having reached Magnimar, Dolgrin went to the most dwarven bar where he learned of the burning of the a cathedral and was immediately brought back to the night his village burned. That night he went out and signed up as a guard on a caravan headed towards Sandpoint.
Character Backstory:
Dolgrin was born to a family of Dwarven Brewers who were exiled from Janderhoff and the clan, over wether to have two or three mushrooms in the family brew. They fled and founded a small dwarven settlement at the foot The Fogscar Mountains, above Sandpoint. Upon reaching this settlement they set up,a brewery of their own. Out from under the families thumb Dogrins father experimented wildly and openly boasting to all of his new brew and how three mushrooms is better than two.
One day members from the main branch ordered Dolgrind to stop sharing Dwarven brewing secrets. So angered and distraught was he that the letter he sent back written in his own blood only said “Three Mushrooms is better than Two.” It was not long until a similar opinion of Dolgrind’s transgression appeared in the village. However ever being the stubborn Dwarves that they are Dolgrin’s parents persisted. This led to no small amount of bullying from the other local Dwarf children. As a result Dolgrin learned to adapt to dangerous situations quickly and fight with his fists. Learning the family trade Dolgrin excelled at his brewing. By the age of 30 he new and could brew every beer in the family catalog. Unfortunately by this time he had also been in first fights with almost half the male adolescent population. This earned him a bad reputation, only counter balanced by his skill and generosity in regards to libations.
It was assumed that one day Dolgrin would inherit the brewery and everything was going according to plan until Dolgrin’s 33 birthday when the village was attack and overrun by a horde of goblins. The brewery burn along with the village and everyone he knew was slaughtered to a man. The only reason Dolgrin himself did not die is because he went to look for exotic mushrooms for a new brew, got too drunk and passed out. When he awoke he smelled the smoke and saw the fire but heard no screams. Even as he ran toward his home he realized what the silence meant.
Bereft of his home, village, and future he set off. Wandering from village to village the last he came upon was Sandpoint. After wandering into the Red Dragon getting a few drink and spewing his misfortunes to Ameiko, he decided to seek out the main family branch. Setting off on his journey he joined the first Caravan heading is direction as a guard. When he finally reached the home of his fathers father he was met with a cold reception. It was not long until he was brought to the great hall, before the head of the clan. Upon noticing the three mushrooms pin on Dolgrins shirt he was given the ultimatum that he rejoin the clan if he discarded his father pin and swore that two mushrooms are better than three. Outright refusing Dolgrin was hence forth officially banished.
Setting out, he soon came upon a monastery. Joining the monastery as a cook Dolgrin study the martial arts with an intensity and fervor that delighted the masters. He soon became a favorite of the masters, and remained so until his drink became apparent. After being in the monastery for a decade Dolgrin was due to move up in rank. The masters noting his drinking told he could move up if he stopped drinking. To this he appeared to reluctantly agree while on he sly he set up a brewery in the woods outside of the monastery. Dolgrin succeeded in this deception for seven years before it got him ousted from the monastery.
Rac Mod
Str 13
Dex 14
Con 14 + 2 = 16
Int 10
Wis 14 + 2 = 16
Cha 12 - 8 = 10
Racial Abilities
---------------- Ability Score: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Type: Humanoid-Dwarf
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 20ft, but never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Stability: Darkvision: Weapons Familiarity: Hardy: Hatred: Stonecunning:
Class Abilities
---------------- AC Bonus: +3 AC
Furry of Blows: -1/-1
Bonus Feat: Dodge
Unarmed Strike: Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist: Stunning Fist
Lythe for a dwarf Dolgrin Is bald, bearded, and hard as a rock.
Dolgrin is a Merry monk. He mostly likes to get drunk make jokes.
Character Backstory:
Dolgrin was born to a family of Dwarven Brewers who were exiled from the main family branch of the family, over wether to have two or three mushrooms in the family brew. They fled to a small dwarven settlement at the foot of the a The Fogscar Mountains, just above Sandpoint. Upon reaching this settlement they set up,a brewery of their own. Out from under the families thumb Dogrins father experimented wildly and openly boasting to all of his new brew and how three mushrooms is better than two.
One day members from the main branch ordered Dolgrind to stop sharing Dwarven brewing secrets. So angered and distraught was he that the letter he sent back written in his own blood only said “Three Mushrooms is better than Two.” It was not long until a similar opinion of Dolgrinds transgression appeared in the village. However ever being the stubborn Dwarves that they are Dolgrins parents persisted. This led to no small amount of bullying from the other local Dwarf children. As a result Dolgrin learned to adapt to dangerous situations quickly and fight with his fists. Learning the family trade Dolgrin excelled at his brewing. By the age of 30 he new and could brew every beer in the family catalog. Unfortunately by this time he had also been in first fights with almost half the male adolescent population. This earned him a bad reputation, only counter balanced by his skill and generosity in regards to libations.
It was assumed that one day Dolgrin would inherit the brewery and everything was going according to plan until Dolgrin’s 33 birthday when the village was attack and overrun by a horde of goblins. The brewery burn along with the village and everyone he knew was slaughtered to a man. The only reason Dolgrin himself did not die is because he went to look for exotic mushrooms for a new brew, got too drunk and passed out. When he awoke he smelled the smoke and saw the fire but heard no screams. Even as he ran toward his home he realized what the silence meant.
Bereft of his home, village, and future he set off. Wandering from village to village the last he came upon was Sandpoint. After wandering into the Red Dragon getting a few drink and spewing his misfortunes to Ameiko, he decided to seek out the main family branch. Setting off on his journey he joined the first Caravan heading is direction as a guard. When he finally reached the home of his fathers father he was met with a cold reception. It was not long until he was brought to the great hall, before the head of the clan. Upon noticing the three mushrooms pin on Dolgrins shirt he was given the ultimatum that he rejoin the clan if he discarded his father pin and swore that two mushrooms are better than three. Outright refusing Dolgrin was hence forth officially banished.
Setting out, he soon came upon a monastery. Joining the monastery as a cook Dolgrin study the martial arts with an intensity and fervor that delighted the masters. He soon became a favorite of the masters, and remained so until his drink became apparent. After being in the monastery for a decade Dolgrin was due to move up in rank. The masters noting his drinking told he could move up if he stopped drinking. To this he appeared to reluctantly agree while on he sly he set up a brewery in the woods outside of the monastery. Dolgrin succeeded in this deception for seven years before it got him ousted from the monastery.
Rac Mod
Str 10
Dex 14
Con 14 + 2 = 16
Int 10
Wis 14 + 2 = 16
Cha 8
Racial Abilities
---------------- Ability Score: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Type: Humanoid-Dwarf
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 20ft, but never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Stability: Darkvision: Weapons Familiarity: Hardy: Hatred: Stonecunning:
Class Abilities
---------------- AC Bonus: +3 AC
Furry of Blows: -1/-1
Bonus Feat: Dodge
Unarmed Strike: Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist: Stunning Fist
Lythe for a dwarf Dolgrin Is bald, bearded, and hard as a rock.
Dolgrin is a Merry monk. He mostly likes to get drunk make jokes.
Character Backstory:
Dolgrin was born to a family of Dwarven Brewers who were exiled from the main family branch of the family, over wether to have two or three mushrooms in the family brew. They fled to a small dwarven settlement at the foot of the a The Fogscar Mountains, just above Sandpoint. Upon reaching this settlement they set up,a brewery of their own. Out from under the families thumb Dogrins father experimented wildly and openly boasting to all of his new brew and how three mushrooms is better than two.
One day members from the main branch ordered Dolgrind to stop sharing Dwarven brewing secrets. So angered and distraught was he that the letter he sent back written in his own blood only said “Three Mushrooms is better than Two.” It was not long until a similar opinion of Dolgrind’s transgression appeared in the village. However ever being the stubborn Dwarves that they are Dolgrin’s parents persisted. This led to no small amount of bullying from the other local Dwarf children. As a result Dolgrin learned to adapt to dangerous situations quickly and fight with his fists. Learning the family trade Dolgrin excelled at his brewing. By the age of 30 he new and could brew every beer in the family catalog. Unfortunately by this time he had also been in first fights with almost half the male adolescent population. This earned him a bad reputation, only counter balanced by his skill and generosity in regards to libations.
It was assumed that one day Dolgrin would inherit the brewery and everything was going according to plan until Dolgrin’s 33 birthday when the village was attack and overrun by a horde of goblins. The brewery burn along with the village and everyone he knew was slaughtered to a man. The only reason Dolgrin himself did not die is because he went to look for exotic mushrooms for a new brew, got too drunk and passed out. When he awoke he smelled the smoke and saw the fire but heard no screams. Even as he ran toward his home he realized what the silence meant.
Bereft of his home, village, and future he set off. Wandering from village to village the last he came upon was Sandpoint. After wandering into the Red Dragon getting a few drink and spewing his misfortunes to Ameiko, he decided to seek out the main family branch. Setting off on his journey he joined the first Caravan heading is direction as a guard. When he finally reached the home of his fathers father he was met with a cold reception. It was not long until he was brought to the great hall, before the head of the clan. Upon noticing the three mushrooms pin on Dolgrins shirt he was given the ultimatum that he rejoin the clan if he discarded his father pin and swore that two mushrooms are better than three. Outright refusing Dolgrin was hence forth officially banished.
Setting out, he soon came upon a monastery. Joining the monastery as a cook Dolgrin study the martial arts with an intensity and fervor that delighted the masters. He soon became a favorite of the masters, and remained so until his drink became apparent. After being in the monastery for a decade Dolgrin was due to move up in rank. The masters noting his drinking told he could move up if he stopped drinking. To this he appeared to reluctantly agree while on he sly he set up a brewery in the woods outside of the monastery. Dolgrin succeeded in this deception for seven years before it got him ousted from the monastery.
Rac Mod
Str 10
Dex 16 + 2 = 18
Con 8 + 2 = 10
Int 16 + 2 = 18
Wis 10
Cha 10 - 2 = 8
Racial Abilities
---------------- Ability Score: +2 Int, +2 Dex, -2 Con
Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on perception checks.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Arcane Focus: Some elven families have such long traditions of producing wizards(and other arcane spellcasters) that they raise their children with the assumption each is destined to be a powerful magic-user, with little need for mundane concerns such as skill with weapons. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Class Abilities
---------------- Diminished Spell Casting: Arcane Pool: Spell Combat: Unarmed Spellstrike: Magus Arcana: Close Range
------- Student of Faith: Precise Treatment:
------ Dodge: Weapons Finesse:
Common, Thassilonian, Varisian,
Monks Outfit
Magus Kit
Tattoo Kit
Waterproof Bag
Tall, Lanky, Muscular, and Tattooed to the hilt Briandel looks the part a wild man.
Briandel is blunt and gruff he’d rather communicate in a grunt than say anything outloud. However this does mean he’s witless just inarticulate.
Character Backstory:
Growing up in an Elven city he alway felt that his people had become too disconnected from nature in their ivory towers. And he would know what it’s like being stuck in an Ivory tower for he was forced to study magic in one for much of his youth. Rebelling against this he took the path of the magi rather than a full blown wizard as was expected of him. Feeling over the resentment and teenage rebellious spirit, but not over the disconnection with nature he began to wander naked in the woods. Leaving his Weapons behind with his cloth he learned to fight unarmed. Initially embarrassed he might go Druid on them his family was intrigued when he emerged with his own style of fighting. Although they wish he would come back and take his place amongst his people, they have Faith he will eventually settle down and live a “normal” life. However Briandel envisions a future of endless adventure learning all the magic he can.
Rac Mod
Str 13 + 2 = 15
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 12 - 2 = 10
Wis 10
Cha 14 + 2 = 16
Racial Abilities
---------------- Ability Score: -2 Int, +2 Str, +2 Cha
Type: Humanoid Draconic
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30 ft
Racial Abilities
---------------- Armored Scales: Nagaji have a +1 natural armor bonus from their scaly flesh.
Resistant: Nagaji receive a +2 racial saving throw bonus against mind-affecting effects and poison.
Serpent’s Sense: Nagaji receive a +2 racial bonus on handle animal checks against reptiles, and a +2 racial bonus on perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: Nagaji have low light vision allowing them to see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Striking a lanky serpentine figure with a green scales edged with red. He also has line red ridges going down his neck, back, and each limb.
Seemingly dispassionate and aloof, he is rarely of pointing out other people’s flaw.
Character Backstory:
Heroki was born in a relatively normal Naga town. Where his father was a guard as he was expected to be and his son after him. So starting from a young age Heroki was trained as a fighter and excelled. Looking to exceed his father, he trained harder. Until he came to his power in training. One day while training Heroki drew forth the ancient power of his Draconic ancestry. Rather than ignore this he hid it and trained in secret. When he finally learned to combine the Magic’s he decide to perfect his system and leave. Looking to prove himself outside his own people. He has also been enlightened that he might learn new Magic’s and fighting styles.
Steele Grey eyes with green pupils and jet black hair with green highlights mark Goinin as a mixed breed elf.
Character Backstory:
Born to a High Elf father and a Sylvan mother Goinin is a world apart. Goinin's father, Alawe "Calenuanfen" Umcaeloske was part of the city guard in the Elven city of Dragon Eyrie. He married a beautiful Sylvan lady named Tari Elafkel an Elven princes of very old blood. Alawe moved to his the Sylvan city of Andoril and was promoted to the royal guard. Together they had 7 sons, of which Goinin was the eldest.
Goinin spent the first 20 years of his life in Dragon Eyrie, learning to fight with bladed and bow. He never liked the bow or the blade somehow neither ever really fit him. Sure he could use them proficiently, but he was never really into it.
Around his 20th birthday Alawe received a promotion and they moved to his mothers home city of Andoril. Where father though lenient by Elven standards pressed him into training citing that he had to make a good impression. It was at this point that Goinin started his coerced training as a forester. Goinin express his love for the hunt, but his dislike for the weapons he carried. Goinin's father assured him that once he learned it, he would enjoy it as did his father and his father's father before him. So Goinin followed through and reluctantly learned all that was necessary. Alawe was surprised to find out that even after finishing the mandatory training Goinin was still unenthusiastic. Alawe tried to explain to him that this was the way of his people and to embrace it whole heartedly, because the Aern Rugadh sought perfection. So one must try as hard as one can to become better at ones task. Goinin explained that he had not the passion for weapons, and never would be. To this his father had nothing to say except "you will see." Soon after Goinin began to see things strange things. The most significant of which was a White Tiger, as according to the native Sylvan's there are no tigers in the elfwood never mind a white tiger. When ever he was alone he would chase the tiger but never catch it. Most thought it some odd defect of him being half High Elf. But Alawe in particular mistook this as his son attempting to shirk his destiny, not to mention embarrassing.
Near the end of his 40th year Goinin was in the forest when came upon a most peculiar yet familiar set of tracks, and set to following them. The trail ended near the edge of the elfwood, and standing there in the moonlight was a glowing White Tiger. He followed this Tiger through the elfwood never quite able to catch up. This happened several times over the next couple of months. On one particular time he sighted the Tiger, in order to move more silently he set down all of his weapon except for his dagger. He stalked the Tiger for a miles when it stopped. And as he crept closer he slowly reached down to his knife and realized it wasn't there. When he looked up the tiger was looking at him. It then promptly turned around and walked away. Goinin followed it past the elfwood to just past the wood to a clearing. In this clearing he saw a stone temple. As he came closer he saw men in the court yard. He watch the monks for hours observing there every move and practice. At first he thought they were dancing but as he got closer he realized they were drilling. He wondered how can this be how could there be an enemy encampment so close to the elfwood. "How could they allow it" he says to himself. A human encampment, not just a village but a human fort occupied by trained combatants. Not just absurd, impossible. "The tiger must have been sent to warn me yes, yes warn me of this danger I must investigate", he thought. Using his years of forced training he stealthed his way closer to the complex. Upon reaching the gates he realized first, that the tiger was gone and the entrance was made of stone. "This could not be invaders for the would not have even allow ground to be struck."
And it was here that his path started to become clear. For in his awe and confusion he did not notice the White Tiger sneak up behind him. It Came from behind and gently took him by the hand and led him through the complex. As he was led through the complex the murals told a story of one man and his strive toward perfection. But the statues however told a different story the seemed to be instruction of some sort. Final the white tiger led him toward the men in the courtyard and one in particular. An aged bald man in a long yellow and red robes. The man clenched his right hand into a fist and placed it into his left palm, which was open with fingers straight up and the thumb bent. He then made a straight forward bow, toward the tiger. As the tiger led Goinin past the men they formed up and bowed in a similar fashion. The tiger then led Goinin to where two men were sparring, it was here that it became clear what was going on. Goinin went from suspicious to excited, before the tiger even led him around to an empty spot in one of the formations. Goinin spent the next three years sneaking of into the forest and leaving his weapons behind to following the tiger and train. By the end of his 60th year he had master all of the basic and intermediate material, only his specialization remained.
Near the beginning of his 60th year it became clear to Alawe that this was not and would likely never be the a weapons master like his predecessors. His mother however, understood this and tried to help him by introducing him to the druids. Goinin understood little and had only moderate interest in such nature magic and even less talent. However seeing Goinin interact with the druids gave his father an idea, why not send Goinin to study magic. Within a year Alawe had accepted the position as head of the royal guard at the Dragon Eyrie a position he previously turned down at his wife's insistence.
While living at the Dragon Eyrie Goinin started to study magic and as he did the tiger appeared less and less. Until by his fifth year the tiger had stooped appearing at all. Goinin thought strange but assumed the best that he had learned all he needed to. It also helped that Goinin was so consumed by his magical studies that time itself seemed to fly by. Even from the first Goinin sought to combine his skill in unarmed combat with the magic of the magi. However he was by now several decades older than his peers, so it took him an extra 20 years to build up the magical skill as many of the other magi, still; it always seemed that he was a level behind.
When Goinin was around 100 and the old king died, Alawe received another promotion to regent of an old Gray Elf City. It was at this time that the tiger reappeared, and with it a panther. And this panther taught him its secrets. For the next 20 years goinin spent studying magic in the day and training with the panther in the forest at night.
At the age of 120 Goinin set out to seek his destiny.
Steel Mind: Sylvan elves have a mindset that is very fey-like, and it is hard to fathom what they are thinking and to overpower them mentally. They are naturally resilient in matters of the mind, and gain a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.
Keen Senses: Sylvan elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Dedicated Acolyte: The lure of arcane power led you to shun your martial studies. Elves with this racial trait treat their Intelligence score as one higher for the purposes of determining bonus spells based on their Intelligence score.
Elusive Grace: The elves have a grace of movement that has helped safeguard them for millenia. Elves with this trait gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
Diverse Heritage: Grey elves gain the Additional Traits feat. They may select two additional character traits to reflect both their complicated bloodline and their study of different cultures.
Warrior Caste: Many elves devote large portions of their youth to the use of bow and blade rather than the study of magic. Grey elves with this racial trait gain proficiency with two (non-exotic) weapons of their choice and gain either Weapon Finesse or Precise Shot feat
You spent much of your youth on crowded streets, dodging quickly around and under others.
You have long lived in the shadow of wilderness. Life has been hard, but through hunting, trapping, trading, and coaxing crops from the freezing earth, you’ve learned how to survive on the rugged frontier. With the wilderness ever at your door, you’ve also learned much about its denizens and the wild creatures that lurk in that unwholesome land. Your family might even claim holdings, with elders telling stories of being driven from or robbed of a lost ancestral homestead, fertile farmlands, bountiful orchards, or a hidden mining claim. Whether because of your personal expertise and familiarity with the borderlands or in order to reclaim your family’s land, you’ve joined the expedition.
You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks.
You can strike back at enemies who attack you when you move.
Panther Style: Students of the panther throw caution to the wind as they weave recklessly among their foes. Those who master the style turn their unrivaled mobility into a weapon, striking their enemies with a series of swift retaliatory strikes.
You unleash a rapid series of blows on foes that attempt to attack you when you move.
Esoterics are drawn to the mysticism of the occult and spend their lives delving into forgotten texts and forbidden tomes. Each esoteric learns to inscribe his spells on his flesh in a complex series of occult symbols and arcane equations.
Lythe for a dwarf Sam Is bald, bearded, and hard as a rock.
Sam is a Merry monk. He mostly likes to get drunk make jokes.
Character Backstory:
Born in Kraggodan to a family of jewelry appraisers he spent much of his childhood on the road traveling to places which had requested his families services. It was during one of these trips that his parents were killed. Upon their deaths Sam was returned to Kraggodan, to live with his paternal aunt. As he never quite fit into the traditional lifestyle of his family, at the age of 120 he ran away. For a while he was a vagrant wondering the minor dwarven holdings, until one day when he met an old drunk. From this oldman he learned the ancient art of drunken fighting. Since learning to fight Sam has wondered drunkenly doing good deed where he could and making/Serving alcohol.
Hilda Bramblebush
Oracle(Divine Herbalist)(Life)
Rac Mod
Str 10
Dex 14
Con 10 + 2 = 12
Int 10
Wis 8 + 2 = 10
Cha 16 - 2 = 14
Long dirty dreads that hang all the way down her back are likely Hilda's most strike feature. The cloths she wears are. Unique, too clean to be rags, but too random to be
Pious but Bawdy she comes off as the "Tom Boy" of Dwarvess.
Character Backstory:
Born to Dwarves but lost in the woods and raised by the Fey, Hilda is anachronism. Growing up a Dwarf amongst the Fey, Hilda was often pick on and referred to as the fat fey. Overtime Hilda has grown so accustomed to this tease as to be often considered daft. But her joyous pious manner had nothing to do with the lack of an intellect rather excess of intensive joy.
Long Blonde Golden Hair and an accent than sound between Canadian and Swedish.
Pious but Bawdy she comes off as the "Tom Boy" of Dwarvess.
Character Backstory:
Born to a Dwarven Smith from Kravenkus and Slag Dwarfess descended from a great house of the long fallen Koldukar. She was brought up in the savage lands of Kravenkus, she was raised as the son her father never had. Until her mother died and her father took a new wife and decided to move to Janderhoff. Some thing directly possible because of her mothers death. Feeling affronted by the insult to her mothers memory the budding smith left their ancestral home to join the clergy of Torag. She spent the next 7 years training and worshiping now upon the completion of her training she has traveled to Torchlight to forge a Warhammer in the name of Torag. Shortly after forging her hammer the flame went out and she has taken it as Devine intervention that she be here. And her as her Devine mission that she fix the flame.
For additional equipment needed for individuals, we shall discuss that later.
Deadlines to submit completed characters will be tentatively March 31. This may get pushed fact, I expect it to happen. We saw a lot of people interested, but about half are actively engaging in this. So, it's not too late for others to join in.
I can't take 1 of Forester and one lv 1 of Monk. Even if it fits with my characters background, the theme, and the AP.
Long Blonde Golden Hair and an accent than sound between Canadian and Swedish.
Pious but Bawdy she comes off as the "Tom Boy" of Dwarvess.
Character Backstory:
Born to a Dwarven Smith from Kravenkus and Slag Dwarfess descended from a great house of the long fallen Koldukar. She was brought up in the savage lands of Kravenkus, she was raised as the son her father never had. Until her mother died and her father took a new wife and decided to move to Janderhoff. Some thing directly possible because of her mothers death. Feeling affronted by the insult to her mothers memory the budding smith left their ancestral home to join the clergy of Torag. She spent the next 7 years training and worshiping now upon the completion of her training she has traveled to Torchlight to forge a Warhammer in the name of Torag. Shortly after forging her hammer the flame went out and she has taken it as Devine intervention that she be here. And her as her Devine mission that she fix the flame.
I am having trouble deciding what what race of Elf to be. I was wondering since grey elves can be a mixed can I be a mixed Highborn and Sylvan, Grey Elf(With mixed traits)?
Coileach Ollmhor
Male dusk elf magus (spell dancer) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 24, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
N Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee scimitar +1 (1d6+1/18-20)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 4 points), spell combat
Magus (Spell Dancer) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—shield, shocking grasp
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, read magic
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 16
Feats Dodge
Traits - custom trait -, - custom trait -
Skills Acrobatics +8, Perception +3, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, silent hunter[APG]
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Orc
SQ arcane focus[ARG], dreamspeaker[APG], spell dance
Other Gear leather armor, scimitar, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, inkpen, magus starting spellbook, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (9), torch, trail rations (4), trail rations, waterskin, 93 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Focus +2 to concentration checks to cast arcane spells defensively.
Arcane Pool +1 (4/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dreamspeaker +1 [Divination] & sleep spell DCs.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as remain in bright light.
Silent Hunter Reduce Steath penalty for moving by -5, can make Stealth checks while running (at -20 - includes reduced penalty).
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spell Dance (+10 ft/round, +2 AC vs. attacks of opportunity) (Su) Spend 1 arcane pool point for enhanced speed, maneuverability.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Iziz Ghad
Male goblin adept 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156)
N Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee morningstar +2 (1d6+1)
Adept Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—burning hands (DC 14), cure light wounds
0 (at will)—detect magic, read magic, stabilize
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits gifted adept, precocious spellcaster
Skills Acrobatics +4, Ride +7, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Goblin
Other Gear morningstar, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (9), torch, trail rations (4), trail rations, waterskin, wooden holy symbol, 126 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Since a background is difficult to do when you're just being allowed out of your cage, here's how we'll do it:
1. List five core-concepts of how your goblin acts.
2. List two in-character goals of your goblin.
3. List two out-of-character ideas you want to see happen in the game, whether it affects your goblin personally or not.
4. List one item each that your goblin particularly likes, loves, and hates.
5. Now write a few paragraphs connecting this character. I'll looking for the greatest goblin roleplayers, after all.
A. Obsessive
B. Narcissistic
C. Devote
D. Righteous
E. Greedy
A. More Fire
B. To spread the faith
A. To gain more fire spells
B. To be liked
Likes. Arson
Loves. Fire
Hates. The Wet
"Zongrel gave us riding but who gave us fire. Was it the flame haired one, it makes sense. Who gave us arson? Who doesn't like to see it burn? It the fire that lights ours enemies as we wait in the darkness ready to take what is already ours. I speak for the fire but I do not own it. I wield the fire but I do no control it. If it smells good let it burn, THE FIRE WILLS IT! If we wants it let them burn, THE FIRE WILLS IT! If its cold let it burn, THE FIRE WILLS IT! The night is dark and full of terrors, and the fire leads to our prey."
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Ure Nui
Male human druid 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 38)
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +2 (1d6+3) or
quarterstaff -2 (1d6+2), quarterstaff -6 (1d6+1)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits adopted, mammoth master (belkzen or realm of the mammoth lords), pioneer, - custom trait -
Skills Acrobatics +5, Handle Animal +7 (+11 vs. mastodons, woolly rhinoceroses, and other animals frequently used as orc warbeasts), Perception +6, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +4, Survival +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Sense Motive
Languages Common, Druidic
SQ improved empathic link, nature sense, pack bond, wild empathy +3
Other Gear hide shirt, quarterstaff, backpack, belt pouch, blanket[APG], feed (per day) (5), flint and steel, holly and mistletoe, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (9), torch, trail rations (5), waterskin, 118 gp, 9 sp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Improved Empathic Link (Su) Swift, shift perception to one animal companion within 1 mile.
Nature Sense (Ex) A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Pack Bond (Ex) Can have multiple animal companions, dividing druid level bonuses among them.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Born in the Magwi Expanse amongst a clan of weretigers, ure always felt left as he had not the gift of the moon as the others. He later learned that it is because he was a foundling and had not inherited it like the others. So he left the tribe in search of a way to gain the gift of the moon.
At some point he learned of his likely parentage and went to Bravoy to investigate.
In his search he came across a sleek black panther with a glint of purpose in its eye in the vast wildernesss known as the stolen lands. Following this sleek black panther he was led deep in the jungle to the hut of a middle age druid woman who, told him he had a great destiny and she would teach him to be that great man. So she took him her hut and into her bed and showed him the ways of the druid so that one day he might be able to change shape like his adoptive peoples.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Long Blonde Golden Hair and an accent than sound between Canadian and Swedish.
Pious but Bawdy she comes off as the "Tom Boy" of Dwarvess.
Character Backstory:
Born to a Dwarven Smith from Kravenkus and Slag Dwarfess descended from a great house of the long fallen Koldukar. She was brought up in the savage lands of Kravenkus, she was raised as the son her father never had. Until her mother died and her father took a new wife and decided to move to Janderhoff. Some thing directly possible because of her mothers death. Feeling affronted by the insult to her mothers memory the budding smith left their ancestral home to join the clergy of Torag. She spent the next 7 years training and worshiping now upon the completion of her training she has traveled to Torchlight to forge a Warhammer in the name of Torag. Shortly after forging her hammer the flame went out and she has taken it as Devine intervention that she be here. And her as her Devine mission that she fix the flame.
Drunken Master (Monk)
Most monks lead lives of moderation and quiet contemplation. But the drunken master finds perfection through excess. Powered by strong wine, he uses his intoxication to reach a state where his ki is more potent, if somewhat fleeting. A drunken master has the following class features.
Drunken Ki (Su): At 4th level, a drunken master can drink a tankard of ale or strong alcohol and gain one temporary ki point. The act of drinking is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.The monk can have a maximum number of drunken ki points equal to 1 plus one additional point for every two levels thereafter (5th, 7th, and so on).The monk can gain this temporary ki even before he gains a ki pool at 4th level. These drunken ki points last for 1 hour or until spent, whichever is shorter. As long as he has at least 1 drunken ki point, the monk can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to move 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity. This ability replaces still mind.
Drunken Strength (Su): At 5th level, a drunken master can spend 1 point of ki as a swift action to inflict 1d6 extra points of damage on a single successful melee attack.The monk can choose to apply the damage after the attack roll is made.At 10th level, the monk may spend 2 drunken ki points to increase
the extra damage to 2d6. At 15th level, the monk may spend 3 drunken ki points to increase the extra damage to 3d6.At 20th level, the monk may spend 4 drunken ki points to increase the extra damage to 4d6.The monk must have at least 1 drunken ki point to use this ability.This ability replaces purity of body.
Drunken Courage (Su): At 12th level, a drunken master is immune to fear as long as he has at least 1 point of drunken ki.This ability replaces the monk’s 12th-level ki power.
Drunken Resilience (Ex): At 13th level, a drunken master gains DR 1/– as long as he has at least 1 point of drunken ki. At 16th level, the DR increases to 2/–. At 19th level, it increases to 3/–.This ability replaces the monk’s 14th- level ki power.
Firewater Breath (Su): At 18th level, a drunken master can take a drink and expel a gout of alcohol-fueled fire in a 30-foot cone. Creatures within the cone take 20d6 points of fire damage. A successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wis modifier) halves the damage. Using this ability is a standard action that consumes 4 ki points from the monk’s ki pool.The monk must have at least 1 drunken ki point to use this ability.This ability replaces the monk’s 18th-level ki power.