Lesq Lyr's page

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I saw that the Handbook was recently updated with a surprising new archetype. Where did Paizo publish the Adaptive Shifter?

Cavall wrote:
Have any of you actually played a shifter? Not play tested but played one?

I played a Rageshaper Shifter for about 3-4 months from levels 7 through 9. It was okay. I did have fun, but some of the class features were missing information and other features were extremely lacking.

I would like to see more Errata for Ultimate Wilderness, since Paizo admitted that it didn't receive the polish it should have. However, I did purchase Legendary Shifter so if nothing more comes from Paizo, I have my back-up.

Personally, I'm still hoping they finalize the Shifter Errata/FAQ and adjust its archetypes accordingly.

LittleMissNaga said wrote:
At this point, I'm most interested in knowing who has tested things (base Shifter, Oozemorph, etc.), and how that's gone. Actual play, not just speculation.

Last night, I had my second session as a level 8 Rageshaper. I'm having fun playing him even if he isn't necessarily optimized. Although the archetype does have some annoying drawbacks, they aren't crippling and can be compensated for. I surprised my GM by punching a demon for over 70 damage on my turn due to Devastating Form, Haste and Power Attack.

My only annoyance from playing was failing my Will save to end my Devastating Form 3 times in a row (I had a +10 modifier) and losing the remainder of my rounds for the day. Thankfully, I saved before the confusion effect kicked in.

I did have a previous post with suggestions for the Rageshaper archetype. I'm sure whatever additions/alterations they make will be good.

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I’m glad Paizo has recognized the issues with the development of Ultimate Wilderness and is trying to correct those mistakes. I personally was fairly neutral on the book as it was not something I would have likely bought. However, after reading my friend's copy, I really liked the Rageshaper archetype and am currently playing one at level 8. So far it has been fun, with some of the negatives lessened by magic items. [I recommend the Giant Hunter’s Handbook]

Having read the thread and seen the current errata, very little is mentioned about the archetypes, besides the Oozemorph, which can now move. Using the table created by the user Painful Bugger, the Rageshaper archetype class features reveals 9 dead levels. I did have some suggestions that would address some of the issues with the Rageshaper archetype generally and should fill in some of the dead levels.

Intimidate as a class skill & Improved Unarmed Strike.
Previous posters have stated that the base Shifter should have Intimidate as a class skill and that the Shifter’s Claws should count as Improved Unarmed Strike for the purpose of prerequisites. I agree with both points, but want to emphasize that the Rageshaper archetype should definitely have Intimidate as a class skill.

Devastating Form.
Raging and increasing size simultaneously is really cool even if armor and weapons don’t grow along with the size increase.

1. First a small nitpick, the sentence that reads: “At the start of the Rageshaper’s next turn, he not only gains the benefit of rage but also grows one size category larger (though worn equipment and held items do not increase in size).” should replace the word “benefit” with “effects” to ensure the player knows that they also suffer the -2 penalty to AC for raging in addition to the AC penalty for increasing size.

2.A full round action to activate the ability is understandable, but should take less time as a Rageshaper progresses in level. My idea is to call the ability Quickened Destruction: The time it takes to enter Devastating Form is reduced to a standard action at 4th level, to a move action at 9th level, to a swift action at 14th level and to a free action at 19th level. Standard and move action changes still provoke attacks of opportunity.

3.I feel the rounds per day duration should be calculated as Shifter level plus base Constitution modifier. The current calculation of rounds per day equal to Shifter level is just too short.

Terrible Slam.
At 20th level, a Rageshaper’s slam attack should bypass the first 25 points of hardness. Stopping at 15th level seemed odd; although I do understand as adamantine has the highest hardness at 20.

Invulnerable Defenses & Defensive Instinct.
A mistake I made in first creating my Rageshaper is missing the fact that Invulnerable Defenses replaced not only chimeric aspect and greater chimeric aspect, but also Defensive Instinct. By itself, Invulnerable Defenses is wholly inadequate. My initial idea is to keep Defensive Instinct as is, or slightly reduced, as part of the archetype while the natural armor and damage reduction of Invulnerable Defenses increase by 1 each at 7th, 12th and 17th levels to a maximum of +5 natural armor and DR 5/—. A secondary idea is to remove Defensive Instinct from the archetype but increase the natural armor and damage reduction by 2 each at 7th, 12th and 17th levels to a maximum of +8 natural armor and DR 8/—.

Bonus Feats.
The last of the dead levels were at 8th, 13th and 18th. The Rageshaper could get bonus feats from a small list that they meet the prerequisites for, but with the caveat that they can choose a feat they would qualify for when in Devastating Form. Some examples include: Improved Natural Armor, Awesome Blow and Snatch (with a caveat that it works for the Rageshaper’s Slam attacks). Other feat choices could be: Iron Will, Improved Iron Will, Power Attack, Eldritch Claws, Improved Natural Attack, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush Improved Drag, Greater Drag, Improved Reposition, Greater Reposition, Improved Trip, Greater Trip.

Shifter’s Fury.
This bit of errata seems to be made to help the base Shifter stay more competitive with its natural attacks at higher levels. However, by it’s wording, this ability doesn’t benefit the Rageshaper as he only ever has the two natural weapons.

1.My first idea, which I believe was mentioned previously, is to give all Shifter’s a Flurry of Blows like ability similar to that possessed by the Brawler or Unchained Monk. Even if other Shifter’s maintain the current Shifter’s Fury, the Rageshaper should get a Flurry of Slams.

2.Another idea was to allow the Rageshaper to effectively rend with his slams by pulling enemy creatures apart. Shifter’s Fury would be replaced with Horrific Pull. When a Rageshaper hits with both slam attacks against the same creature when making a full attack, it is able to rend the creature by grasping and pulling it apart. At 6th level this damage is 1d12+1-½ strength bonus. The damage increases to 2d12+1-½ strength bonus at 11th level and to 3d12+1-½ strength bonus at 16th level. This counts as a rend.

Here is the Rageshaper Table; both current and with my suggestions.




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