
Lem the Fortunate's page

71 posts. Alias of Dragonserpent.

Full Name

Lem the Fortunate




Dual-Cursed Oracle of Life //Inquisitor Heretic Preacher












Halfling, Common, Halfling Sign-language (Telepathic touch, telepathic bond)



Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 11
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 16

About Lem the Fortunate


Standing about 3'4' feet tall and weighing 36 pounds, Lem is exceptionally tall and large for a halfling, though that means little to most of the larger races. He has straw colored hair with large expressive green eyes that might seem better suited to a gnome than a halfling as there's so much life to them. Lem wears a simple brown hooded cloak and the flowing robes of a clergyman over his simple armor that he never goes without. Like his prized buckler, a design of tree growing out of an apple is on the front of his robes, though it is roughly stitched and seems exceptionally simple next to the filigree of his shield.


Lem the Fortunate
Male Halfling Dual-Cursed Oracle/Heretic Preacher Inquisitor 4
CG Medium Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +7; Senses: Perception +12
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15. (+2 Dex, +2 Armor,+ 3 Shield +1 size -1 AC flaw)
hp 26(4d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7 (+2 vs fear effects)
Spd 30 ft.

Melee : Quarterstaff +3 (1d4-1; x2)
Ranged : Sling +6 (1d3-1; 20)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +1; CMD 15 (+3bab -1 str -1 size +2 dex +2 wushu)


Leather Armor
+2 Benevolent Buckler
5 gp

feats, traits, and racial abilities:

(racial)Helpful +4 to aid another instead of 2
(magic) Focused Mind +2 concentration checks
(combat) Reactionary +2 on initiative checks

Over Protective: If one of your allies should fall unconscious from hit point damage, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks as long as you are farther than 10 feet away from your fallen ally.

(1/1)x per day
Lucky Halfling (Once per day, when one of your allies within 30 feet makes a saving throw, you may roll the same saving throw as if you were the one subject to the effect requiring it. You may use this ability after your ally has rolled, but before the GM declares if the roll was a success or failure. Your ally may choose to use your saving throw in place of his own.)

1st Combat Reflexes
3rd Bodyguard

Racial traits:
Adaptable Luck
(3/3)x per day
Some halflings have greater control over their innate luck. This ability gives them more options for how they can apply their good fortune from day to day, but also narrows its scope. Three times per day, a halfling can gain a +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If halflings choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. Using adaptive luck in this way is not an action. This racial trait replaces halfling luck.

Fleet of Foot Some halflings are quicker than their kin but less cautious. Halflings with this racial trait move at normal speed and have a base speed of 30 feet. This racial trait replaces slow speed and sure-footed.

Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.

*= 1 rank
****Bluff +13: 4 ranks+3 class+3 cha+3 wis
****Diplomacy+10: 4 ranks+3 class+3 cha
****Sense Motive+12:4 ranks +3 class +3 wis +2 morale
****Perception+12: 4 ranks + 3 class +3 wis +2 racial
*Intimidate+9: 1 ranks +3 class +3 cha +2 morale
*Sleight of hand+6: 1 rank +3 class + 2 dex
****Stealth+16: 4 rank + 3 class +2 dex+4 size +3 wis
*Disguise+7: 1 rank + 3 class +3 cha
*Survival+7 (+9) : 1 rank + 3 class + 3 wis (+2 tracking)


Spells Known
Acid Splash, Brand, Sift, Daze, Read Magic, Light (trade daze for detect poison at 5th lvl)
1st Level (3/4)
Keep Watch
Expeditious Retreat
Disguise Self
Litany of Sloth
2nd Level (2/2)
Honeyed Tongue

Enhanced Diplomacy, Mending, Purify Food and Water, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Magic
1st level (6/7)
Ill Omen
Embrace Destiny
Comprehend Languages
Touch of Truth Telling
Cure Light Wounds
2nd level (4/4)
Oracle's Burden
Cure Moderate Wounds


4/6 times per day
Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Ki pool: 4/5
Ki talents:
Arcane arts (swift action 1 ki point: +4 cl for spell)
Lay on Hands (1 ki point (swift action heal self or standard action heal other; 2d6)
Wushu Buckler: (1/2)lvl to cmd

Determination (1/2)x per day
Aggression: The preacher may reroll an attack roll that she just made before the results of the roll are revealed. She must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll.

Defense: When the inquisitor would be hit by a melee or ranged attack, as an immediate action she may add a +4 insight bonus to her Armor Class against that attack, and if this makes the inquisitor’s AC higher than the opponent’s attack roll, the attack misses.

Warning: When a preacher’s ally within line of sight would be hit by a melee or ranged attack, she may call out a warning to that ally, and the attacker must reroll the attack and use the results of the second roll.

Cunning Initiative: Add Wisdom to Initiative
Detect Alignment @ will.
Stern Gaze +2 morale to intimidate and sense motive
Track +2 to survival for tracking.
Lore of Escape (add wisdom to bluff and stealth)
Hide Tracks (trackers take -5 penalty to find them)
Spells, see above.


Legalistic (Ex)
Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual.

Mute (Ex) Lem's oracle curse renders him mute. He can’t
speak, use verbal spell components.
casts all spells as if using the Silent Spell metamagic
feat without modifying that spell’s actual level. In addition,
Lem can communicate telepathically with any creature he is in physical contact with. Hhe can also maintain a telepathic bond with one specific creature at a time by taking a full-round action to link her mind to that creature during telepathic communication. Lem can
change the target of her telepathic link once per day.
At 1st level, as an immediate action, you can force a creature within 30 feet to reroll any one d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. Once a creature has suffered from your misfortune, it cannot be the target of this revelation again for 1 day.
Channel (as a cleric of your lvl 1+cha x per day)
(4/4)2d6 DC15
Spells: see above