Lee Stauffenecker's page

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Half orcs add flavor to the game because of the stigma that surrounds them. Everyone who meets the charater knows something unpleasant about his/her past.

I am glad that it is further defined as orc male + human female = half orc. It anwsers alot of questions about Fantasy cross breeding. Have you ever wondered why there are no half kobolds? how about half saytrs? maybe a three quater halfling? Dwelfs? Gnobbits?

By defining the roles of genetics "in game" one can skip all these questions. I would even go so far as to say any half(insert race here) is sterile, with a few that aren't and produce Aasmirs and Tieflings.

If a player wants to be a half breed, but doesn't want the RP of a stigma, I would tell them to try a half elf.