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Organized Play Member. 50 posts (2,194 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 9 aliases.
Dave the Dwarf Presents: Legacy of Fire! Kick in the Door RnR Test Campaign: The Ruins of Zuras (PFS) GM Alice's #3-00: First Steps Series [Group 2] (inactive) (PFS) GM Alice's First Steps Part I: In Service To Lore [Group 2] (inactive) (PFS) GM Alice's First Steps Part II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep [Group 2] (inactive) DaWay's PFS Rivalry's End (inactive) DaWay's PFS Snows of Summer (inactive) DM Goat's Frostfur Captives (inactive) First Steps PbP (inactive) GM Endless Forms' PFS 03-19 The Icebound Outpost (inactive) GM FurtiveZoog's continuation of DM Dustin M's PFS First Steps (inactive) GM FurtiveZoog's PFS First Steps, Part I: In Service to Lore (Omega) (inactive) GM Tektite's #00-02 The Hydra's Fang Incident (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS # 45 Delirium's Tangle (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #02-11 The Penumbral Accords (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #43 The Pallid Plague (inactive) GM Tektites PFS First Steps Group B (inactive) GM Tektites PFS First Steps Group C (inactive) P33J's Realm of the Fellnight Queen (inactive) PFS 3-13: Quest for Perfection part III - Defenders of Nesting Swallow (inactive) Shifty PFS Group Alpha (inactive) Verdan...Fortune favors the bold adventurer!!! (inactive)