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I've been roleplaying for a while and I was wondering when people should be told not to do things that are intentional hurting the party? I love seeing characters with funny quirks and such but this question come from a game I played a bit. Our party was made of a a fighter, an armor specialist, a cleric, a sorcerer, and my alchemist. During the mission we had to row up to a boat to gather learn about some missing people. One row boat was the cleric and the sorceror (They had hired a rowing team) while the rest of us were on the other boat. When we reached the pirate ship (which we knew were slaving pirates) the cleric called out to the pirates to let us aboard the ship. (the module said they don't notice you pull up so that the party can board without being slaughtered.) This lead to the pirates noticing us (my boat tried to get to the other side of the boat so we can board but the pirates noticed us). As we tried to get aboard the boat the pirates proceeded to kick out asses with crossbows, tanglefoot bags and smoke sticks. only one of our fighters could make it up on the ship where the pirates used poison weapons and shanked him to death. The fighted ended with the the armor guy nearly drowning, the cleric tangled, the sorceror down and me bearly keeping the armor guy a float as the rowing crew took us back to shore. The figher who was on the ship died due to attacks or oprotunity when he tried to escape the ship. This was all due to the cleric wanting to play his character like he always had to talk to the enemies and try to reason with them. I nearly killed him for it but I know the rules say we can't kill other players, even though his actions lead to one of our characters deaths. So my question is when is it that the gm should intervene on how a characters roleplaying is getting the party killed. Can bob have a character that sets houses on fire because he thinks that any building with monsters should be torched? Can the Chaotic good person murder a slaver in his house because he decides the guy is evil and must die? Can I play a never allows others to stealth but yelling out loud "Here we come to kill you all you goblin bastards" at the top of my lungs. Thank you for your time.

To answer shadowcat x. The ninja's con was 10. Mostly went for Dex charisma and strength. I built her to help fights and be sneaky. What is toughness? And the only thing I can find on favored classes was it increased you chi.

I have read all the posts and thank you all for answering.
I would like to clarify my position on this as I have read and some may be misinterpreting it. I have no problem with character deaths. As I said, the death of the bard was several bad rolls leading to it. My original question was and still is are there specific rules about one shoting characters. I don't believe that death should never happen. I just am against killing players with something they can't survive at all without it either being something avoid able or some roll on the players part. Sneak past the dragon or punch it in the face, if you punch the dragon then yeah you should die. On the other hand it sucks playing an adventure and a mob with one hit kills you, yes critical can happen. I'm just saying that leincey in the case of a one hit kill should be brought up as the player has no chance of saving their character just makes it seem like players are being punished for how they make their characters. I'd would though say this maybe fixed if the society raise the build points to 25 so players who are playing characters that need more then one stat high can put those points in Con but that is another subject for another time. So to reinstate my point, I have no problem with characters dieing, just with dieing with no chance to survive at all is where I have a problem. Thank you for your time.

Didn't know about vanish at the time. I though vanish was the lvl 20 ablility. I just was wondering if there where rules on that or not. I am of the camp that you should never kill a player without giving them some chance to survive it (they are the heroes of the story after all.)

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This question I am asking due to recently having this problem with 3 character death's (two where the same character.) when one monster attacks them. Two of them are due to critical strikes but I'll explain how they happened. The first was my bard (lvl 1) who out of the three I had the least problem. He falled 3 perception checks to see the ghoul rogue sneak up on him. She rolled and landed all three attacks (all with sneak attack due to me being unaware) and did more then my total hit points and constitution. The second character (Ninja lvl 3) how ever is where I had problems. The villian for the encounter was a summoner with a eidelon which was an amazon version of herself. The party was made of an alchemist, a gunslinger, and an oracle plus my ninja. the alchemist had us not kill her thugs at the store before hand so they alerted her to our prescense. the fight began and the we were pushed out and made to fight at eidelion. The mob imediatly walke towards the oracle so I moved my ninja up to help protect him. The mob then hit the oracle and my ninja (my hit was a critical and with it's two punches killed both characters. I barely had the resources to rez my character then I got a play the Mask of Rasmeir module. One of the enemies (Krant I this he was called, our barbarian overseer) attacked the rouge. The GM rolled his two attacks and with the first one knocked out the rogue. I was behind the mob (trying to flank) so the Gm transfered the critical to my ninja who with all his rage bonuses and weapon damage proceed to completely one shot the ninja. I don't want to sound like a whiner but this does seem unfair the there are mobs in modules you are suposed to be lvl for and they can one shot you with a critical. Is there rules about one shotting players or is it just up to gm discression. Thank you for your time.