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Lara Johnson's page

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About Lara Johnson

A waifish girl with a parasite growing inside her body must fight to recover her memories and escape the horrors that surround her.

Lara looks to be in her twenties, though there is evidence that she has had a hard life up until now. Her teeth are bad, she is especially skinny, and her skin is toughened and weathered from living outdoors. Her feet are bare. She has dirty brown hair that has been cropped short, and her nails are cut clean. She wears a dark-colored cloak and black clothing beneath a suit of studded leather armor, and carries a crossbow slung over her shoulder. She has a brace of daggers at her belt and a quiver full of bolts.

Her midsection appears strangely distended, as if she were nine months pregnant. When she summons her eidolon, it emerges through her stomach as if crawling out of her body. Her skin often ripples and undulates as if there were things moving within her, and she seems to have a perpetual expression of stoically enduring pain. Her voice is high-pitched, hesitant, and quiet. She is generally in a state of heightened emotions, though whether that is her own psyche or something she is sharing with her passenger is unclear.

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 18 (+4) Int 12 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 8 (-1)
Str 10-2[optional] Dex 10+2[background]+2[wild] Con 10+2[background]+2[class]+2[race]+2[wild] Int 12+2[wild] Wis 10+2[optional]+2[wild] Cha 10-2[optional]

Initiative +2 (+2[DEX])
Perception +7 (2[level]+2[WIS]+3[Skill Focus])
Speed 30 (light armor)

HP 21 (8+5[2d8]+8[CONx2])

Fortitude +4* (+0[base]+4[CON], +1*[vs aberrations (trait)])
Reflex +2* (+0[base]+2[DEX], +1*[vs aberrations (trait)])
Will +5* (+3[base]+2[WIS], +1*[vs aberrations (trait)])

AC 15 (10[base]+2[DEX]+3[armor])
AC, touch 12 (10[base]+2[DEX])
AC, flat-footed 13 (10[base]+3[armor])

BAB +1

CMB +0 (+1[BAB]-1[STR])
CMD 12 (10[base]+1[BAB]-1[STR]+2[DEX])

MSB +2 (2[levels])
MSD 13 (11[base]+2[MSB])

PSB +0 (+1[BAB]-1[CHA])
PSD 12 (10[base]+1[BAB]-1[CHA]+2[WIS])

dagger, cold iron: +3* (1d4-1* piercing/slashing damage, 19-20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+2[DEX], -1*[Power Attack]; damage: 1d4[base]-1[STR], +2*[Power Attack])

dagger, silver: +3* (1d4-2* piercing/slashing damage, 19-20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+2[DEX], -1*[Power Attack]; damage: 1d4[base]-1[STR]-1[silver], +2*[Power Attack])

light crossbow: +3* (1d8* piercing damage, 19-20/x2, 80' range)
(attack: +1[BAB]+2[DEX], -1*[Deadly Aim]; damage: 1d8[base], +2*[Deadly Aim])

masterwork studded leather: armor +3, max Dex +5, ACP 0

Human Focused Study, Skilled FCB (summoner) +2 eidolon's hp

Alignment Neutral Deity none

Background none

Traits Criminal* (Disable Device) (social, from Additional Traits), Foe of the Strange (campaign), Scout's Eyes* (combat, from Additional Traits)

Summoner 2 (Aberrant / Champion Summoner) aberration focus, blended training, casting (Mid-Caster), casting tradition (Psychic Incubator), eidolon, eldritch pact, life link, martial tradition (Lookout), spell pool (class levelx2+CON), summon monster i; bond senses

Casting Tradition (Psychic Incubator):
Lara carries an aberration inside her body, though she has no idea how it got there. This parasite feeds on her life-force, but also creates a symbiotic relationship between the two of them that Lara can draw upon to create magical effects.

Magic Type Psychic
Casting Ability Modifier Constitution
Drawbacks Center of Power (belly), Consciousness Linked, Draining Casting, Emotional Casting, Extended Casting, Painful Magic (Fort DC 10+half CL), Rigorous Concentration, Unnatural Transformation (Alteration), Witchmarked (movement beneath her skin)
Boons Fortified Casting, +1 spell point per level gained in casting classes

Martial Tradition (Lookout):
Though Lara has lost her memories, she instinctively knows how to assess and identify enemies, and she is skilled at wielding ranged weapons. It is as if she has practiced standing guard with a crossbow while others engaged in nefarious activities.

Bonus Talents:

Equipment: Huntsman Training
Scoundrel sphere
Scout sphere
Variable: Lookouts gain a talent from either the Scoundrel sphere or the Scout sphere.

Feats Combat Expertise* (bonus), Deadly Aim* (bonus), Extra Combat Talent (level 1), Power Attack* (bonus), Skill Focus* (Perception) (human 1), Weapon Finesse* (bonus, exchanged for Finesse Fighting talent); Additional Traits (level 2)

Skills (5 ranks/level, +1 Skilled)
Disable Device +8** (2[ranks]+2[DEX]+3[class]+1[trait], -0*[ACP], +2*[item])
Escape Artist +4* (2[ranks]+2[DEX], -0*[ACP])
Knowledge (arcane) +5 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class])
Knowledge (civilization) +5 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class])
Knowledge (divine) +5 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class])
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class])
Knowledge (martial) +5 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class])
Knowledge (occult) +6 (2[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class])
Knowledge (planes) +5 (1[ranks]+1[INT]+3[class])
Perception* +7 (2[level]+2[WIS]+3[Skill Focus])
Sleight of Hand* +4* (2[ranks]+2[DEX], -0*[ACP])
Stealth +4** (2[ranks]+2[DEX], -0*[ACP], +2*[item])

Languages Aklo, Common

Combat Talents:
x7 (x1 blended training, x2 feats, x4 martial tradition); DC 14 (10[base]+0[half BAB]+4[CON])

Equipment sphere (from martial tradition)
Finesse Fighting* (from Weapon Finesse*)
- Huntsman Training* [discipline] (from base sphere)

Scoundrel sphere (from martial tradition)
- Bob and Weave* (from Hidden Scoundrel drawback)
- Hidden Scoundrel drawback

Scout sphere (from martial tradition), Scout
Advisory Scout (from martial tradition)
Find Gap (from level 1 feat)
Identify Rhythms (from summoner 2)

Magic Talents:
x3 (x2 casting tradition, x1 eldritch pact)

Alteration sphere (from eldritch pact), Shapeshift (Blank Transformation); CL +2; DC 15 (10[base]+1[half CL]+4[CON])
- Size Change* (from Unnatural Transformation drawback)
- Unnatural Transformation drawback

Life sphere (from casting tradition), Cure, Invigorate, Restore; CL +1; DC 14 (10[base]+0[half CL]+4[CON])
Deeper Healing (from casting tradition)

Equipment belt pouch (1 gp), burglar's outfit (free), cold iron dagger (4 gp), blunt durable crossbow bolts x15 (30 gp), crossbow bolts x30 (3 gp), durable crossbow bolts x30 (30 gp), light crossbow (35 gp), masterwork backpack (50 gp), masterwork studded leather armor (175 gp), masterwork thieves' cloak (50 gp), masterwork thieves' tools (100 gp), silver dagger (22 gp)

The creature that Lara summons appears to be a human child, but with a surprisingly long neck and additional useless limbs that make it seem almost like a crab or a spider as it crawls forward. These appendages look like arms and legs, though they are in a constant state of change-- growing in and out of its torso as if it cannot make up its mind what it should look like. Lara calls it "Baby."

Str 10+1 (+0) Dex 14+1 (+2) Con 13 (+1) Int 7 (-2) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)

Size Small

Initiative +2 (+2[DEX])
Perception +2 (2[level]+0[WIS])
Speed 20 (no armor)

HP 20 (10+6[2d10]+2[CONx2]+2[FCB])

Fortitude +4 (+3[base]+1[CON])
Reflex +2 (+0[base]+2[DEX])
Will +3 (+3[base]+0[WIS])

AC 17 (10[base]+2[DEX]+4[natural armor]+1[size])
AC, touch 13 (10[base]+2[DEX]+1[size])
AC, flat-footed 15 (10[base]+4[natural armor]+1[size])

BAB +2

CMB +1 (+2[BAB]+0[STR]-1[size])
CMD 13 (10[base]+2[BAB]+0[STR]+2[DEX]-1[size])

PSB +1 (+2[BAB]+0[CHA]-1[size])
PSD 13 (10[base]+2[BAB]+0[CHA]+2[WIS]-1[size])

bite: +6* (1d6* bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +2[BAB]+2[DEX]+1[size]+1[Weapon Focus], -1*[Power Attack]; damage: 1d6[base]+0[STR], +2*[Power Attack])

tentacles x2: +6* (1d3* bludgeoning damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +2[BAB]+2[DEX]+1[size]+1[Weapon Focus], -1*[Power Attack]; damage: 1d3[base]+0[STR], +2*[Power Attack])

unarmed strike: +6* (1d3* bludgeoning damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +2[BAB]+2[DEX]+1[size]+1[Weapon Focus], -1*[Power Attack]; damage: 1d3[base]+0[STR], +2*[Power Attack])

Armor none ACP 0

Base Type Horror (bite 1d4, 2 tentacles 1d3)

Alignment Neutral Deity none

Eidolon 2 (Aberrant) aberration breed (Mutant: Biped), aberration eidolon, armor bonus +2, darkvision, evasion, link, max attacks x3, share spells, Str/Dex bonus +1

Evolutions (x3: x2 levels, x1 biped)
combat training [Weapon Focus (natural attacks)]: 2; improved damage [bite]: 1; limbs* [arms]: 0; limbs* [legs]: 0

Feats Combat Expertise* (bonus), Deadly Aim* (bonus), Extra Combat Talent (level 1), Power Attack* (bonus), Weapon Finesse* (bonus)

Skills (4 ranks/level)
Acrobatics +7* (2[ranks]+2[DEX]+3[class], -0[*ACP])
Athletics +5* (2[ranks]+0[STR]+3[class], -0[*ACP])
Escape Artist +7* (2[ranks]+2[DEX]+3[class], -0[*ACP])
Perception* +2 (2[level]+0[WIS])
Stealth +11* (2[ranks]+2[DEX]+3[class]+4[size], -0[*ACP])

Languages Aklo, Common

Combat Talents x1 (x1 feats); DC 11 (10[base]+1[half BAB]+0[WIS])
Open Hand sphere (from level 1 feat), Sweep, Unarmed Combatants