
LadyThuranni's page

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There is nothing wrong with haveing strange co-horts, if worse comes to worse she could always take Leadership I believe and have him as a companion. Our DM did that for me in the past.

Now there is nothing wrong with tormenting PC by killing things and the such, However if you do this to often its just bad gaming, because your players are there to Rp and have fun, not be tortured and made to feel like no matter what they do, there just going to loose it.

This will breed players who are not interested in interacting with others, for fear of it just being another hook to get at them.

(I saw this happen in a gameing group.)

Though if your players enjoy that sort of thing,Meh--just my two cents on it.

Uri Kurlianchik wrote:
LadyThuranni wrote:
Uri Kurlianchik wrote:
LadyThuranni wrote:
If I had access to some Dinosaurs, there'd be a few people eatten. *lol*
And guess who is going to be blamed for this... :)
Umm well, would a I'm sorry help ? -giggles-
It depends whether it's acceptable at court...

-Goes to get the Big Book Of Law- I am sure I can find something about that, if not--well there's always more Dinosaurs -whistles innocently.-

Uri Kurlianchik wrote:
LadyThuranni wrote:
If I had access to some Dinosaurs, there'd be a few people eatten. *lol*
And guess who is going to be blamed for this... :)

Umm well, would a I'm sorry help ? -giggles-

Chris Manos wrote:

I have liked the Eberron adventures Dungeon has published, apart from the latest one with the crashed airship and the dolgaunts. Grabted I can see a lit of cinematic action in that adventure.

Murder in Oakbridge is good. There is a lot of investigational work the characters must undergo to figure it out. I have yet to run it, but am considering it. I also enjoyed [url=]Chimes at Midnight[url], another Eberron mystery.

Murder in Oakbridge
by Uri Kurlianchik
The PCs match wits with a brilliant assassin driven insane by the accidental death of her daughter years ago. To solve this dark murder mystery, the PCs must use their perception and intellect along with their arsenal of spells and abilities. A EBERRON adventure for 5th-level characters.

In the was done with a velociraptor, on the bridge, by....

Hmm Clue: Sharn That would be amusing. :D

I went through Chimes at Midnight also, right after I went through Murder in Oakbridge, but it was harder to identify for me with the villan of Chimes, than it was to identify with Ziki, it could just be a female thing, I can't honestly say! Only that in that situation, I can't say I would have responded much better.

If I had access to some Dinosaurs, there'd be a few people eatten. *lol*

I do not have my book handy to recall if there is anything specific above ground, but I had two tribes of Gnolls, that had set up camp within the area, poseing as bandits, but awiting the return of there prophet.

You'll know who I am talking about in the module, but basically thats what the group did, I played this back in the time it came out. So thats what I did with it.

It did make me cry, I know what its like to see someone go through that as well. It makes you vulnerable, as a parent it is a thing you can not protect your child from it makes you feel so helpless, do breaved of any way to help, other than things that are nearly as bad as the pain there already in!

Thank you for sharing and from one person who has been through this as well, I know where your coming from, hand in there and be strong.

There are never enough words to make it right, but there is a shared sympathy and empathy as it were for you.

Keep your chin up, and best of luck for your boy.

I think it is possiable.
I have a group currently going through this.

Sometimes, you have to declare Live Table, that is that the rules can not be quotes since your character wouldn't be doing that, and having them pass notes after the game, if they are forced to do alot of work usually the subject will drop.

As for trying to make something out of the ordinary like said crossbow, while they can imagine it, the person they are talking too may not have the K. Arcitecture and Engineering to actually do it themselves.

It was said earlier in this thread, something that expensive, would take a looonnngg while to make and an even longer while to enchant.

If they keep being power gamers, you might have to take them aside a explain to them that, this is not that other players game and that if there making it so the game is not enjoyable for the other players, it has to stop.

Or consiquently you can do something with a powerful item like that, like give it its own sentience, and make them make ego checks against it.

Trust me I play a character in a Eberron game, that got ahold of an artifact, and it is NOT all roses to have powerful items, especially when they drain Attributes. (mine takes Con when activated. ).

It might make them think twice.

Uri Kurlianchik wrote:

I am sorry for you loss, may he rest in peace.
DISCLAIMER: the author of this adventure is not responisble for any damage, real or imagined, inflicted upon characters, real or imagined, while running it. Unsafe usage of this adventure may resault in severe bodily harm, level loss and even being eaten alive.

Are you responsiable for Ziki ? Since with the help of an item, she's gotten my PC into alot of trouble. *lol* Lets not forget maiming and possiable loss of sight. Heh!

LadyBard wrote:
LadyBard wrote:

Sweet Water and Light laughter,

I just began running Murder In Oakbridge for my group which consists of the following.

A elven Half-demoness Scout/Wizard
A Halfling Healer
A Shifter Paladin of Silverflame a
A Warforged Artificer

I will keep you posted on how things go.

Just thought I would give a slight update, Not sure how many botchs a single player can role in any given situation! We managed to loose our Shifter, when went to investigate how the man fell from the balcony..and managed to fall from the balcony himself.

Botched his balance roll, and fell, managed to take all of his hitpoint damage, and fail his Fortitude save. Alas for the paladin, who is now one with the Silver Flame we hope.

Oh My!

That is quiet a mess, Lady *lol* It seems like the dice gods are out to get the player, I have seen it happen!

And than exclaimed

CSI: Sharn

Oh that would be awesome! I'd be in. :D If you need any more help, let me know, that would so rock.


Uri Kurlianchik wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Nice work on this Uri...I really enjoyed it. Ziki villain!
Thanks! But are you sure that she is a villain and not a victim? :)


I played through this adventure, and I found that I couldn't argue with her reasons or the fact that my character had empathy for her, so she did something she probly shouldn't do and covered for her, she was trying to help her work through her problems. (Yay for having an item that allows you to object read) It was like she had lived through the same terror, and faced with having gone through the same thing as Ziki, it was all one could do to remain Neutral in outlook, because I had little sympathy for the elf woman who cheated on her husband, being elven as well.

It was a great adventure, and I greatly enjoyed it, thanks for such fun.

Thank you for that :)

dizzyk wrote:
The Madwabbit wrote:
has anyone given any thought or consideration to using dolgrims and dolgaunts instead, to add more Eberron flavor? Or does anyone see any potential problems with that (my PCs are still in the Cairn, so I've got some time

I'm planning on doing this and will definitely share my thoughts on these boards when I get down to making the conversions for TFoE (I'm also very early in WC right now). Seems, at first glance, do-able. My party has 5 PC's, so I might not need to tweak the total numbers in the (erstwhile) grimlock caves too, too much.

I'm also toying with the idea of the Faceless One having mastery over a few Living Spells... seems to fit the flavor there.

I'd also like a copy of this file.