
Lóngshēng's page

5 posts. Alias of bigrig107.


GM SuperTumbler wrote:
Lóngshēng wrote:
Couldn't get around to finishing background and personality today, will get it done tomorrow after work.
Lóngshēng might be slightly too versatile compared to other characters, but I need to spend some time with the build to decide.

Absolutely willing to whittle down her powers and general abilities to something you’re more comfortable with, this is my first foray into this system so kinda just went with what felt cool and fun.

If you could provide some pointers as to what general areas/categories you’d like her to specialize in over others, that’d help me decide which way to go with her. Not familiar enough with the system yet to know what is good to cut and what is fine.

Couldn't get around to finishing background and personality today, will get it done tomorrow after work.

GM SuperTumbler wrote:

It is a choice you can make. Any effect can have any save that makes sense. If it is fear based, that would make the most sense to be Will. But it could be that it causes vibrations in the target and affects their reptile brain or something, skipping their will and affecting their body.

Just an example of how the rules can serve the flavor.

I’ll definitely switch it to Will, that makes a lot more sense. Think I just got confused by an example in the book somewhere. Thanks!

Alright, finished her build details I think. Switched out the 20 PP suffocation I had for a 10 PP water cannon and a 10 PP custom dragon roar. If someone could take a look at the roar specifically and make sure I did it right, I'd appreciate it!

I've put the base build start here, working on modifying a few things here and there so she'll look slightly different in the final product. Thanks so much DQ!

Current ideas I'm working with are switching out the drowning water power for some sort of "create water then use it to bull rush (or appropriate term for M&M) enemies" power, and maybe seeing if I can fit in a dragon's fear roar or something.

Will at least have background and personality typed up by the end of today.

Edit: just found the water cannon power from Power Profiles, might just use that.