Diplominator |
Changes I've seen and enjoyed. Taken together, I think they make the monk much more useful party members.
Problem: Can't hit much if they move
Solution: Full BAB. They get it for most other things anyway.
Problem: MAD
Solution: Make the wisdom bonus to AC replace dexterity, so dexterity is much less important. Make the static AC bonus start at +4 and increase by +1 at every even level. IF you're feeling really generous, extend this defensive replacement to initiative modifiers, too. They'll still need dexterity for acrobatics, though.
Problem: Flurry is mechanically opposed to movement, a hallmark of monks (certainly more so than flurry).
Solution: Replace the chain of TWF feats from flurry with the vital strike feats at 6th, 11th, and 16th levels. To compensate for the lack of initial benefit, give monks 1.5x strength to damage, as if using a two-handed weapon (They *ARE* two-handed weapons). This bonus would be incompatible with TWF. Keep flurry as an option for monks that like TWF with a staff or something.