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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks, man. Anything specific that you like or dislike?

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A bloodline themed around movement, teleporting, astral plane familiarity, and the social aspect of traveling. Looking for any critique, especially about balance and lore.

Planar Bloodline

Your ancestors spent a great deal of time traveling the planes, and extradimensional energies laced their blood. As a result, you have singular power over planar magic and fine control over your location in space/time. Planar sorcerers tend to adapt well to new places and people, for traveling and exploration is literally in their blood.

Class Skill: Knowledge (planes)

Bonus Spells: stumble gap (3rd), grace (5th), blink (7th), dimension door (9th), teleport (11th), planar binding (13th), plane shift (15th), maze (17th), astral projection (19th)

Bonus Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Greater Spell Focus (conjuration only), Quicken Spell, Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes]), Spell Focus (conjuration only)

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you teleport at least 5 feet using a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability, you increase the save DC of the next spell you cast within one round by 1.

Bloodline Powers: You are as at home on the astral plane as the material one, for you visit often.

Planar Stride (Sp): At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a move action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability. You can move 5 feet for every sorcerer level you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Wayfarer's Charm (Ex): By 3rd level you have developed a remarkable knack for social maneuvering. Diplomacy and Sense Motive are now class skills and you gain a +2 insight bonus on each. At 9th level, this bonus increases to +4, and you can use charm person as a spell-like ability at will. At 15th level, you can use charm monster instead.

Unburdened Steps (Sp): At 9th level, you may act as though under the effects of freedom of movement for a number of rounds equal to your sorcerer level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. At 17th level, the duration of this effect is no longer limited, and you may remain unburdened as long as you wish.

Walk the Planes (Su): At 15th level, you are under the effects of a constant planar adaptation. When you travel to a new plane, you may change the energy resistance type you gain from this ability as a free action. You gain a +4 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with the natives of any plane you visit, including your home plane. In addition, you no longer need line-of-sight for your Planar Stride ability.

Liberated Soul (Su): At 20th level you are truly free to explore the cosmic wilderness. You gain the following abilities.

  • You may cast any spell of the teleportation subschool as a move action.
  • You automatically succeed any saving throw against a spell or effect that would move or teleport you against your will.
  • You are always considered a native of any plane you visit.
  • When you use astral projection and similar effects you are no longer tethered by a silver cord and may travel into and out of the astral plane as you will.
  • It is no longer possible for you to arrive off target when casting any spell of the teleportation subschool, though you must have at least a reliable description of the place to which you are teleporting.

Blakmane wrote:

You are very right - Divine Grace is a pretty nasty thing to lose, but on the other hand it allows me to make the archetype-defining elements (combat syle/bonus feats and the various wraths) feel strong and useful, rather than the watered down abilities of many published archetypes. It's a very iconic defensive paladin ability, so that's why I actually like that this archetype replaces it, for both flavor and mechanics reasons. It's supposed to feel like a holy berserker, half-fallen already, and not insignificantly weaker defensively than his brothers.

The bit about the smite ending is a relic from when I had a high level wrath called Dual Smite, where you could select two evil enemies instead of one, and get all the bonuses against both. I figured that was too strong, especially when adding Versatile Smite letting you carve up legions of monsters all on the same smite evil, basically leapfrogging your two smite targets. I figured I may as well keep that line in just as insurance.

I'm also not too fond of Extra Smite, for various reasons. Too simple and it far, far outweighs the other two options. Thanks for the feedback, I'll probably try to come up with a better idea.

Bumpity bump - anyone have some feedback? Come on, I'll accept a smug dismissal...


*This archetype is designed to be an "offensive" paladin, since aside from the Oath of Vengeance I couldn't find such a thing.

*My primary fear with this archetype is that it's too powerful. I've been very careful not to add more damage, since the paladin already does so damn much (while smiting). Instead I've focused on mobility and offensive utility, as well as modifying how smite evil is used. There's also the possibility for a little cute fire AoE.

*I'm aware that the core paladin doesn't add any new mercies at 15th and 18th level, even though this archetype's mercy replacement does add more options. Honestly, I didn't notice this discrepancy until it was almost done. Feel free to comment if this just doesn't work right.

*I'm not convinced about the capstone ability. It feels one-dimensional and a little weird, and possibly too strong. I honestly didn't put that much thought into it.

*That's all for my notes - please enjoy reading about...

Ashen Zealot

It is every paladin's burden to punish the wicked, but the righteous battle sometimes creeps into his very soul. For this crusading whirlwind, the destruction of evil is less a holy work and more a holiday. Though he carefully upholds all the normal paladin tenets, sometimes his eagerness to attack troubles his allies and superiors.

Since an ashen zealot struggles every day to balance his oath to do good with his lust for violence, he feels a special kinship with the angelic but ruthless peri, and at higher levels will often earn the attention of these tormented beings.

The ashen zealot has the following class features.

Aura of Good
The power of an ashen zealot's aura of good is equal to half his paladin level.

Fanatic Speed
An ashen zealot's land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to land speed, and applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load.

This ability replaces Heavy Armor Proficiency and Shield Proficiency.

Lay on Hands
An ashen zealot's spirit does not exalt in healing by touch quite like using such energies to harm his enemies.

When using lay on hands to heal the wounds of a living creature, the zealot heals only 1d4 hit points for every two paladin levels. When using lay on hands to damage an undead, the zealot still deals 1d6 points of damage per two levels.

At 2nd level, an ashen zealot must choose one weapon style to pursue. The style manifests as a bonus combat feat at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level. He can choose feats from his selected weapon style, even if he doesn't have the normal prerequisites.

The benefits of the ashen zealot's chosen weapon style apply only while wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor. Once the zealot chooses a weapon style, it cannot be changed.

Weaponry Options

Two-Handed Weapon
If the zealot selects two-handed weapon style, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat:

Cleave, Power Attack, Pushing Assault, and Shield of Swings.

At 6th level, he adds Furious Focus and Great Cleave to the list.
At 10th level, he adds Dreadful Carnage and Improved Sunder to the list.

Two-Weapon Combat
If the zealot selects two-weapon combat style, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat:

Double Slice, Quick Draw, and Two-Weapon Fighting.

At 6th level, he adds Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Defense to the list.
At 10th level, he adds Greater Two-Weapon Fighting and Two-Weapon Rend to the list.

Weapon and Shield
If the zealot selects weapon and shield style, he regains Shield Proficiency and can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat:

Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus, Shield Slam and Two-Weapon Fighting.

At 6th level, he adds Saving Shield and Shield Master to the list.
At 10th level, he adds Bashing Finish and Greater Shield Focus to the list.

This ability replaces Divine Grace, the mercy gained at 6th level, and Aura of Faith.

Rather than learning to cure debilitating effects with his lay on hands ability, an ashen zealot instead centers his holy powers on becoming a more fearsome combatant while he has chosen an evil to destroy. At 3rd, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th levels, an ashen zealot can select one wrath. Each wrath modifies the zealot's smite evil ability, as follows.

At 3rd level, the zealot can choose from the following wraths.

Alacrity: The zealot's thirst for battle is a whip that drives him. While smite evil is active, the zealot's ground speed is further increased by +10 feet.

Extra Smite: The zealot can use smite evil once more per day. This wrath can be selected multiple times.

Ghostly Smite: While smite evil is active and targeting an incorporeal undead, the zealot's armor, shield, and weapons count as if having the ghost touch properties.

At 9th level, the zealot adds the following wraths to the list of those he can select.

Anchoring Smite: While smite evil is active, the force of a zealot's aura prevents his target from using abilities such as dimension door, plane shift, and teleport. To use such an ability while the zealot is within 30 feet, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the zealot's level + the zealot's Charisma modifier); failure means the ability does not function, as if the target were affected by dimensional anchor.

Immolate Evil: While smite evil is active, the zealot can spend one daily use of his lay on hands ability as a swift action to replace one of his prepared 1st or 2nd level paladin spells with a wizard spell of the same level with the fire subtype. If the zealot casts this spell before his smite evil ends, the spell deals half holy damage and half fire, and the zealot's current smite evil target does not get a saving throw. If the zealot does not cast this spell before his smite evil ends, the spell is lost.

Light Step: While smite evil is active, the zealot ignores the movement penalties of difficult terrain. This ability only functions while the zealot wears no armor, light armor, or medium armor.

Smite Corruption: While smite evil is active and targeting an evil spellcaster, the zealot gains use of the disruptive and spellbreaker feats which count only towards the zealot's smite evil target.

At 12th level, the zealot adds the following wraths to the list of those he can select.

Peri's Blessing: When the zealot activates smite evil he can spend one daily use of his lay on hands ability to grow feathery, fire-red wings which provide a Fly speed and average maneuverability. The wings last for the duration of the smite evil, and linger afterward for 3 rounds.

While flying using this ability, the zealot moves at 40 feet if wearing medium armor, or 50 feet if wearing no armor or light armor. This ability does not function if the zealot is wearing heavy armor, or carrying a medium or heavy load.

Power of Life: While smite evil is active and targeting an undead opponent, the zealot gains a +4 sacred bonus on saves against that opponent's attacks that paralyze, deal ability damage, or grant negative levels.

Smite Wyrm: A chromatic dragon targeted by the zealot's smite evil can use its breath weapon every 4 rounds, instead of every 1d4. In addition, the zealot gains evasion against the targeted dragon's breath weapon.

Versatile Smite: The zealot can spend one daily use of his lay on hands ability to switch the target of his smite evil as a swift action. Smite evil still ends if its current target dies.

At 15th level, the zealot adds the following wraths to the list of those he can select.

Freedom of Conviction: While smite evil is active, the zealot's movement is unhindered, as though under the effects of the freedom of movement spell. This ability requires the light step wrath, and only functions while the zealot wears no armor, light armor, or medium armor.

Incinerate Evil: While smite evil is active, the zealot can spend one daily use of his lay on hands ability as a swift action to replace one of his prepared 3rd or 4th level paladin spells with a wizard spell of the same level with the fire subtype. If the zealot casts this spell before his smite evil ends, the spell deals half holy damage and half fire, and the zealot's current smite evil target does not get a saving throw. If the zealot does not cast this spell before his smite evil ends, the spell is lost.

This ability requires the Immolate Evil wrath.

Isolating Smite: While smite evil is active and targeting an evil outsider, the zealot's ferocity prevents his target from using summoning abilities to call additional outsiders to fight. To use such an ability while the zealot is within 30 feet, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the zealot's level + the zealot's Charisma modifier); failure means the ability does not function.

At 18th level, the zealot adds the following wraths to the list of those he can select.

Rampaging Smite: Upon activating smite evil, the zealot may expend two daily uses of smite evil to instead enter a state of holy rage. All of the zealot's attacks are made with a bonus of half his Charisma modifier, and deal half his level in bonus damage. In addition, the zealot gains a morale bonus to his AC equal to half his Charisma modifier, and is immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities. Only evil opponents are subject to these bonuses. Rampaging smite lasts for a number of rounds equal to zealot's level.

While rampaging, the zealot may not use any wrath that requires a specific target. If the zealot attacks a non-evil opponent while using rampaging smite, the smite evil immediately ends and the zealot is nauseated for one minute per level.

Heart of the Peri: The zealot permanently grows feathery, fire-red wings which provide a Fly speed and average maneuverability. Fly is now a class skill for the zealot. While flying using this ability, the zealot moves at 40 feet if wearing medium armor, or 50 feet if wearing no armor or light armor. The zealot cannot fly if wearing heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load.

In addition, when the zealot activates smite evil he can spend two daily uses of his lay on hands ability to ignite the wings with wrathful flames, which permits him to make two additional wing attacks per round. These attacks are considered secondary natural attacks and deal 1d4 + 1/2 Str modifier, +1d6 additional fire damage.

This ability requires the peri's blessing wrath.

This ability replaces the mercies gained at 3rd, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th levels.

Divine Bond
Upon reaching 5th level, an ashen zealot must choose to form a bond with his weapon or weapons. In addition to the weapon qualities listed, an ashen zealot can also add one or more of the following: Bane, Grayflame, Cruel, Menacing, Vicious, and Vorpal.

In addition, an ashen zealot can spend a daily use of lay on hands to activate divine bond as a swift action.

An ashen zealot who has chosen the Two-Weapon Combat style can add bonus or qualities to both weapons with a single standard action, as long as the total bonus added does not exceed the paladin's normally allowable limit.

Aura of Faith
At 8th level, an ashen zealot's weapons are treated as good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction. Any attack made against an enemy within 10 feet of her is treated as good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.

This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if she is unconscious or dead.

This ability replaces Aura of Resolve.

Ashen Fanatic
If a zealot has not fallen by 20th level, he becomes a terror of holy wrath. His DR increases to 10/evil, and whenever he strikes an evil outsider, chromatic dragon, or undead while under the effects of smite evil, the zealot can also force the target to make a Fortitude save or be slain. The DC for this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the zealot's level + the zealot's Charisma modifier. After successfully slaying an enemy this way, the smite evil immediately ends.

This ability replaces Holy Champion.

My available DMs run very combat-heavy games, with railroaded stories flimsily stringing together the fights. I like to call it Diablo-style DnD. There's nothing wrong with it, but I enjoy myself most when my character is as "useful" as it can be (allowing some slack for flavor and roleplaying), so you have to build your character with that in mind.

So I've been exploring ways to fill the skill jockey role for a game like that, while also hitting as hard as I can when the fighting starts. I don't expect to do THF-level damage, but if I can come close while flanking/sneak attacking, I'll be plenty happy.

I've looked at a TWF Knife Master, which seems pretty good. I lose Trapfinding but traps really aren't as scary in these games, and d8 sneak attacks sound really juicy. Not real sure there's a better option.

I've also looked into weird alternatives, like a Trapper Ranger with THW style and a wolf companion. Seems like pretty solid damage, at least on par with the highest level rogue DPR you'll find, with all the skills I'd ever need.

What's YOUR go-to option for trap/skill monkey plus contributory damage?