Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie watches the errant heroes go with a look of pity. "One does not send good troops after bad, or so I've heard. So too, do not overly burden yourself with water. It is a trifle for me to make." ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kælen wrote:
Kyrie giggles. "Some of us more than others," is all she says. She wasn't much for small talk. She waits patiently for Thorn to get back. ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() "Indeed, we have both kinds. Lycanthropes are invariably evil, mono-thought murderers that are killed by heroes looking to make a name for themselves. Because of them all heroes carry at least a silver dagger as soon as they can afford it. Kitsune are useless. Only because they are invariably bards, and not even good ones. I've yet to meet a kitsune bard that was worth...literally anyone else. They can neither fight nor cast, and so I'd rather have a stout warrior, dumb as rock and hard as stone, by my side. Or front as it were. No offense intended, Daniel." ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Hey guys. I need a really big favor from each one of you. So...I kinda screwed up. On character creation I had ZERO idea what a 'template' was and I didn't even bother looking at them. Upon further review, I found one that I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE EVER SINCE I STARTED PLAYING RPGS ELEVENTY BILLION YEARS AGO. Hence, I kinda wanna be it now since this is almost definitely the only chance I'll get ever. ^_^ The GM said he was down with it, but that I had two options: 1) I could try to become it over time, but this would be long, hard, extremely expensive, and would involve considerable time and effort. 2) We could just say I was this the whole time. Obviously option #2 is much much much preferable to me. I recognize the incongruity in RP this would bring, but, on the whole, it's the smaller price to pay. So, um, it would be great if you were all on board with this because it would greatly minimize the awkwardness. ^_^ ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie takes a step back and rolls her ball of fire into the nearest one. damage!: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2) = 12 If its still left kicking she throws another bolt into it. more damage!: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie coos with glee and awe as the Sleep spell lays waste to the undead hordes. "I...I am speechless. Y...your magic is strong. I...I want to learn." Her thoughts swim with untold reserves of power that could be hers if she were given even a glimpse into this unforeseen way of breaking the laws that were, to her, until recently, immutable. She keeps her ball of fire moving to aid the others in combat, and continues to choose targets with her force missile. Fire!: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5) = 11 damage to one that a PC hurt but didn't kill yet: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie moves the sphere to her left, along the next column of advancing zombies. damage: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) + 1 = 7 Then she sends an unerring missile at the next closest attacker. force damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() "Why don't we shed a little light on the subject?" Kyrie asks rhetorically as she summons a flaming sphere in the middle of a likely path of attack. Flaming Sphere. I put a yellow X on the map where it is. Any creature moving the through the space takes 3d6+1 damage, Reflex save DC 17 to negate. ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie sends a Force Missile into the zombie attacking Jelissa. Damage!: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Huh. Now that I see Titus in action, I don't know why I was worried about us going into melee. ^_^ ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie keeps walking forward at a slow, steady pace. She can feel the arcane power within her jerk to be let free, like a dog trained for war straining at a thin leash. It wanted to be let free. And she wanted to free it. Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 As she nears the stone she tossed, she leans down and picks up another one. The stone in her fist grows bright as the near light goes out. She tosses the new one forward, and thus the path before the group is always illuminated a good deal ahead. "Are you certain? Given what we have been told the odds of finding a wandering band of normal humans seems...well the word 'unlikely' is to be a grand understatement." ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Through habits hard earned in the evil temple, Kyrie again casts Light on a people and throws it ahead, as far as she can. is it also a 46(!) Perception dc to hear the zombies? ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Oh man, yer making me feel bad DM! =) I honestly didn't know it was night. That's a good reason why we can't see far. (we don't need to retcon just on account of me) Um I sent you a pm. Did you get it?) ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() "I find that most problems can be solved by setting something on fire. Lets see if that still holds true." Casting Flaming Sphere on the big Blue zombie. damage from Fire!: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5, 5) + 1 = 13
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() How many zombies total? And Imma wait for a clarification on how far away they are from us. This will give us a better idea of the tactical situation, the proportionality of a force response...and if we should all just run screaming. =) ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() GM Wolf wrote:
(Emphasis added) Whoa whoa whoa there Tex! HOW far away are they from us?? Like, are you literally stating that we've been walking for awhile and then only noticed three big huge loud groups of zombies when they were almost right on top of us? As someone playing two ranged characters, I'm really confused about this. Like, I stopped watching The Walking Dead after that one episode where everyone was on the highway, AND they had a guy on top of an RV keeping watch, and the group was STILL surprised by a massive group of walkers. Is...am I reading this right? That is what the description says, yeah? Is there some reason we didn't see them any sooner or...? (Also, are we able to get a map at all?) IMHO. YMMV. Thank you. =) ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() "Oh a necromancer? What fun. We should take her out first and see what happens to her hoard." Kyrie checks the book to see what it has to say on the subject. know arcana: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 know dungeoneering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22 ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 As usual, Kyrie resumes her nose in the book as soon as she is across. Vaguely detecting sounds she but barely glances up. "Hm? More zombies? How about we attack them at range this time instead of charging headlessly forward?" ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Sorry, I may have missed this, but do we know where we are? And where we are going? Without a map I'm having a hard time keeping straight where we are in relation to...everything else. =) ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Know Arcana. All of the Arcana: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 Kyrie stands and looks over the desolation wrought by the explosions. She closes her eyes, waves her fingers, opens her eyes, and finally nods. "I know not these jets that any peasant or child can fly, or of these great 'bo-oms' that they drop, but none of that occurred here. Though I have not yet gained the control to conjure such myself, I have seen the great spells of destruction cast by my masters at the Academy where I was raised and this," she waves her out-stretched hand to take in all the destruction, "was most -definitely- done by another wizard. One of no small power, I'd wager. " ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie's eyebrows raise at the mention of devastating entire cities. "Oh my! Well that IS impressive now, isn't it?" Then she looks away. "So you're most powerful mages can destroy an entire city?" She gets this curious little smile. "But can anyone bring them back?" ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() GM Wolf wrote:
Kyrie listens non-plussed about the jets. "Mmm. I see. In my world a mage of middling-talent simply casts the spell to fly, and then they send fireballs down from the sky. But if your primitive tek-no-logy allows you to fly at all I suppose that is at least something." Kyrie will assist the examination of the bodies with the coldness of someone who has simply seen far-and-away too much carnage to be bothered with something as mundane as gore. If any body parts are still moving nearby, she'll put them to final rest with a few Rays of Frost. Is the Fire a different thing in a different spot? ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kylie sighs. Men. So quick to want to whip out their great big swords and show the world what they can do. And they still can't get the job done. "Thorn, do be a dear and take a note from us womenfolk standing back here. Zombies are not known to be good sprinters. Please pick up a bow. You'll live longer." That done she raises her hand and a single silver bolt launches itself unerringly at the wounded zombie. Forcebolt!: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie shakes her head, pulling herself away for something as trivial as explosions. "Hm? Oh, yes. I am not from this world, but I pulled from a temple that had been overrun with undead, so this world seems not so different from mine. I have heard much talk of this 'tek-no-logy', but I've seen little that does not compare with the deeds of my own experience. Some say that this light coming from ceilings without flame are wonderous, yet," she holds her hand aloft and puts a halo of light on hand. "I can do so with equal aplomb. Indeed, one might posit that any sufficiently advanced Magic would appear as Tek-no-logy." She looks about her, as if just now noticing the mansion is gone for the first time. "Yes, explosions are usually the harbinger of interesting times. Let us see to that and the fire and radiate out from there." Rule of Two! =) ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Prodded by Dan's...prodding, Kyrie finally makes some prudent selections. At last folding the book under her arm, she almost casually scoops up a scroll-worked crown and puts it on her head. Satisfied that she is nearly fully kitted out, she grabs a rather dependable looking backpackHaward's Handy Haversack, and fills out the gear with a slender wandWand of CLW. Dan, for his part, realizes he might be baby-sitting this prima donna for a loooong tiiiime, and fills his own ruck with more mundane items, grabbing all the ammunition and MREs that will fit into his sack...and her's after some earnest convincing. ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() 1) Thank you for the link to legacy ITems. 2) More confusion! So, about the Background thingys:
So, we get a free Background feat every even level? (So we should all have one right now?) And that can be, not merely these things, but most anything that is not a combat feat? ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie watches Dan and then ginerly accepts the de-wrapped bar. She didn't want to try again, and mostly just wanted to get back to her book, but the nice foreign lady had seemed adamant that the thing was good, so she tried again. The granola bar fills her mouth with satisfying flavors and gratifying crunches. "Oh, this is much better. And it seems not over-moist, so they should keep well. Perhaps we should stock up? Most places over-run by undead are not over-full of iron rations." That most people would not understand why 'iron' was in that sentence does not cross her mind. ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() "Hm?" Kyrie initially remarks, her eyes still glued to the book. She had tried to inventory it, to at least find some end to the endless. She couldn't even find an -end- to the pages, so she tried to categorize the topics. It couldn't be done! And at least half a dozen times she found herself stopping and reading a massively interesting missive that could not be simply passed by. It has, she conceded to herself, been an inappropriate amount of time to respond, so she should do so now. "I am Kyrie," she begins, tearing her eyes away with some effort. "Called The Remorseless because I have no brook evil-doers. If one hast cast their lot with the fell forces, I stay my hand not a moment to vanquish them and all their ilk. Some call it cruel, I say that the body is healthier once the cancer has been cut away. Many have died from gangrene simply because they paused too long before slicing the limb. I say let not good go undone because the inevitable was but off over long." She nods cordially to all gathered, pausing at Thorn. "You bring...Omens? You bring things that that tell of other things that are yet to be brought?" she mumbles in rapt curiosity at how that works exactly before coming back to Sona. "I don't need any water, I can make my own." She raises a hand to point a finger into space, but then hesitates. "Oh, wait, maybe I shouldn't do that here. This is hardly a filthy dungeon room that requires cleaning....
And, my initial question stands. What plans have we for attacking the undead? If we are to have sanctuary for some time, do we wish to sortie now? Might we have some days to thin their ranks? And when the inevitable happens, do we want to stay here and make a stand of this place, or do we have some other location we must needs run to?" ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() GM Wolf wrote:
"Wait, and are you saying that we get one artifact and one lesser item of power? There's a distinction so I just want to be clear." As she says this she's eyeing a rather...endless...book. ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() "Okay stop stop stop wait!" Kyrie yells. "I hear that we're surrounded by zombies and at some point real soon they're going to attack. I have two questions.
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() "NO NO NO NO SEND ME BACK!" she shrieks, entering into view in a huff. From her overly-complicated travelling garb to the magical glowing staff she's obviously one thing--a wizard. With all that portends. "Who's in charge here? Who sent this floozy to start yammering about some zombie attack?!? I was in a temple of actual evil. _Elemental_ _Evil_. That mean anything to anyone?" She winds down and her eyes start to wander into the vault. "Okay, that's impressive. But don't think this makes up for anything!" ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Hi guys! Today was nuts at work but I wanna get a post up now, but my NPC isn't finished, but it does get its own alias! (Because I already have the perfect one. ^_^) Tally ho! ![]()
![]() Awesome! Gonna be busy today, but I'll post as soon as I can. Redundant question: Our NPC has to be an NPC class, yeah? Or can it be anything?
ALSO! Character picture has been updated! Apparently the first one wasn't working how it should be. So I killed it as a lesson to the others. (Wow. Google fell down on this one and DuckDuckGo picked up the ball. Go figure!) ![]()
![]() I'm yer huckleberry. Now what's all this I here about an NPC? There's a lot of talk about it in this thread but I don't see it mentioned in the initial post? Is that still a thing we're doing? If so, which classes have all been selected? Also, is the NPC gonna post on their own? I need an alias for them? (I mean, I totally already have one picked out, so it's no probs, Imma just asking. =) ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Fezzik Faststrike wrote: What do we want to do about magic item creation? Currently we don't have anyone who can do that. Good to be back, Fezzik. =) Of note, I still plan to be _totally_ 100% committed to item creation. I've never really seen any feats that would make a wizard drop dey' panties, but access to any magic item, at (sort of) any time, can really increase play satisfaction. =) I mean, right now I have Wonderous ITem. We need any more cloaks of protection? (Hey, GM, it looks like we haven't gained any levels, but did we get any swag? Do I need some swag to keep up? Can I hand-make something appropriate? I mean, I might've had the time... ^_^) ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Thank you. =) I've been thinking, and, yes, I want back. Although I won't be as prodigious as I once was, I can say that I can check the boards twice a day; now, and about twelve hours from now, daily. Imma miss Zinnath, but, secretly, I always thought he was OP AF. The dragon race build meant he could do everything I could, AND be sneakier than a well-played thief. Good to see all the old faces, and the new faces, and the in-between faces. Tally ho? ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Orveiss wrote: For expedience, a lot of other pbp games say that if two or more players propose an action, the whole group automatically goes along. I'm totally okay with that! Most importantly, I don't want to hold up the action with disagreements of where we go. :) It's called the "Rule of Two" and it's usually a good idea. Oh, um, hi guys. I'm, like, still alive. An' stuff. ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Kyrie steps to the side, trying to get a better look at the newcomers. Not able to see them, she fires at the closest wounded monster that she can. Magic Missile Intense spell Damage!: 1d4 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + (1) + 1 + 2 = 8
'Good thing I made those pearls,' she thinks as her last natural spells goes flying. 'I got something special for the smelly ones," she states. ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() Fezzik, perhaps you qualify for some kind of paralyzation-based prestige class by now. ![]()
Evoker 3| HP 23/23 | 1st: 4/4[(P:3/3)] 2nd: 2/3 Focus: 1/1 | FM: 7/10 | AC (MA:16)12/12/10 | F+4, R +5, W+6 | Perc:+4 | Initiative +9
![]() I don't see any live ones on the map. Kyrie steps back to help the maneuvering of the paralyzed ogre and sends a brace of bolts into the nearest undead that she can see. Magic Missile Intense spell Damage!: 1d4 + 1 + 1d4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 1 + (3) + 1 + 2 = 11