Kyphexler's page

* Venture-Agent, Colorado—Parker 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.


I hope someone can continue this thread. My group has been using this and we are in book 5 now. Please continue this work.

Venture-Agent, Colorado—Parker

Someone that plays at my local store has a Warcat as an inquisitor animal companion. The animal companion does extremely well and I decided to look into whether or not it was legal for Society play.

I think the Warcat is not legal based on what I read on additional resources. It seems the Player Companion it is introduced only has two legal animal companions and the Warcat is not one of them. If this is true, how does one go about alerting them to the fact they need to fix their character?

Venture-Agent, Colorado—Parker

If I have a level 2 character and run a level 3-7 adventure using a level 4 pregen, can I apply that chronicle sheet for my level 2 character immediately or do I have to wait until that character is level 3?

I thought I read in the guide that you can apply any chronicle sheet to a character that is lower level than the chronicle.

My guess is the original post probably went unconscious during the charge attack and was below 0 hp. This, to me, would render the paladin unconscious and unable to cast Lay on Hands as a swift action.

Venture-Agent, Colorado—Parker

Question is can I use lay on hands with this oversized weapon just like any normal 2 handed weapon?

Seems pretty OP to deal that much damage and still be able to heal myself each round.

Venture-Agent, Colorado—Parker

I am having trouble with encounters that require some sort of flight.

Question I have is can I purchase leather barding for my mount and add spell charges,(fly 20 charges) and can my INT 6 bonded mount activate fly?

I believe I should be able to purchase armor/barding for my mount. What about Celestial Barding for my mount? How much would it cost?

Any other less expensive ideas for allowing my mount to fly or obtaining a flying mount via Chronicle sheet or other means? This is PFS CORE character.

Right now, I am thinking I need to buy oil/potions of fly to make mount fly.

Thanks in advance.

My paladin is level 6.

Wings of flying will not work for my mount as no shoulders slot. Does have head and neck slots.

I am thinking of buying the potions, but hoping to get my intelligent mount to activate the armor with fly charges. According to the FAQ which does apply to CORE, my animal companion can activate stuff.

Of course I have a bow, but I also need to help prevent my party from taking hits.

I am having trouble with encounters that require some sort of flight. The other day my group was going to experience a TPK because I couldn't get to the fight with my AxeBeak bonded mount.

Question I have is can I purchase leather barding for my mount and add spell charges,(fly 20 charges) and can my INT 6 bonded mount activate fly?

Any other less expensive ideas for allowing my mount to fly or obtaining a flying mount via Chronicle sheet or other means? This is PFS CORE character.

Thanks in advance.