![]() Just out of curiosity... you said most enemies/npcs/monsters gang up on the fighter because he rushes in first. Could you change the terrain/situation to make sure your enemies are actually targeting other team members from time to time? How many enemies do they fight on average? Do they fight small groups as well as larger groups of foes? (Single enemies are always a bad thing, imho) ![]()
![]() actually I was talking about this
According to that table targeting a hand should get a -5 to attack rolls... seems about right for targeting a light weapon in your opponents grasp. I thought your gaming group might use this as a guideline to target specific body parts. You don't have to introduce the full Called Shot rules. ;-) ![]()
![]() Diego Rossi wrote:
.... ok your understanding of the spell is very different from everybody else, but a very interesting POV :-) Most understand that you cannot disarm/steal with it and that picking up the object is "free" since it has to be unattended (spell that allow disarms/steal say so explicitly and explain what attributes you use).I guess I'll ask DMs before every PFS game how they understand this spell as people don't agree about the possibilities/limitations of this spell. thanks :-) ![]()
![]() shadowkras wrote:
You still have the ammo problem: you need an object to hurl against your target. Picking up stones works for slings, too. If your DM is picky, he will ask you to make Perception checks to find that grain of sand/dust (imho a very cheesy way to get around the "you need an object to hurl at your target"... the spell description says it requires an object to be hurled).You are not "always armed": It's a ranged attack and a standard action to cast, provoking AoO if not casting defensively. You don't get to make AoO with this.
How often do you get disarmed/sundered with ranged weapons, but not disrupted while casting a spell in that same spot? Especially since you get a -10 to concentration checks? unless you waste a move action?
Psychic Magic Rules wrote: Thought components are so mentally demanding that they make interruptions and distractions extremely challenging. The DC for any concentration check for a spell with a thought component increases by 10. A psychic spellcaster casting a spell with a thought component can take a move action before beginning to cast the spell to center herself; she can then use the normal DC instead of the increased DC. ______________________ Plausible Pseudonym wrote: I get -4 for target in combat, where's the other -4 coming from? Why aren't touch attacks suffering this as well? I don't know ranged rules very well. -4 for firing a ranged weapon into melee combat and another -4 for your target having cover ranged touch suffers this as well, but most monsters have way less touch AC (natural armor, armor/shield AC, ...), that makes up for the big malusYour DM will have to DM-fiat whether cover applies from your position or from the position of the object or both, the spell doesn't say. Plausible Pseudonym wrote: It's pretty bizarre to me that you're worried about contributing levels 1-3 in combat by firing any cantrip into melee combat when you're a 3/4 BAB d8. Maybe just use melee and set up a flank? I was trying to understand the PFS ruling of this spell. I guess I was hoping the class guides to be wrong about this spell being "bad" as it sounded cool at first, but until the Devs decide to errata that spell for more clarity, there are better cantrips to pick for PFS games.![]()
![]() Ok, answering a buch of things here: @Diego Rossi
Quote: If you mean "are you targeting the object you flying" (and so you have to see or touch it), probably yes. I would say that you must touch the object you are hurling, the spell is very similar to Hand of the Apprentice. Wait... you say I need to roll a first ranged attack check to "pick up the item", the roll another ranged attack check to hit the destination target with the item??? I hope I understood you wrong...? @Sundakan
In the end I still don't see any good reason for a Psychic or an Investigator to get this cantrip at levels 1-3 in a PFS game.
Quote: All damage from a kinetic blast is treated as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. so the Telekinetic Blast (a kinetic blast wild talent) counts as magical... no matter what object you hurl and no matter what enhancements that potential hurled weapon might have. Does that mean Telekinetic Projectile bypasses DR/magic? It should if people say Telekinetic Projectile is the watered-down version of Telekinetic Blast...In that case, I now have an "at-will" magical weapon with no enhancement modifier... that would be "ok": I can now use it vs DR/magic monsters and incorporeal monsters (half damage), that's something. ![]()
![]() Bane Wraith wrote: Holding a touch spell, you are still able to accidentally discharging the spell by touching anything. Defensive Shock's description does not seem to help the matter either, having no wording one way or another to suggest the touch needs to be initiated a certain way... Can you possibly come up with something more concrete? You can only discharge a touch spell when you touch something/somebody, whether on purpose or by accident. If somebody touches you, the charge doesn't go off: it's not about intent, it's about who initiates the touching. You can't "rub yourself" on your enemy to trigger Defensive Shock on them. You could push somebody into a trap (Node of Blasting, classic old pit, ...) and his movement (forced, but still his movement) would then trigger the trap. Beguiling Gift is another good example for this consistent Pathfinder rule. ![]()
![]() pH unbalanced wrote: Is there a good way for a Rogue to get access to this? It wouldn't be bad with Sneak Attack dice added on. can rogues get it? sure... it's a spell and you can get it via minor magic talent bigger question: can you use it with sneak attacks?
But I still don't see why a rogue would want to waste a talent/feat on that cantrip instead of getting proficiency in a good ranged weapon that can have magical enhancements and be made of special materials.
Plausible Pseudonym wrote: The reason to take it is Psychics don't get any better damaging cantrips and you can use it without having to buy, hold, or smuggle past the guards an otherwise superior basic ranged weapon. Hold a melee weapon (and maybe a shield), use your move action and this from range. That's not strictly inferior to a crossbow in all situations. Hiding a sling and a handful of "metal marbles" shouldn't be too hard for a sneaky character. If having an undetectable ranged option is a must, get this trait...?
Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony. wrote:
![]() Ok so let's try to compare things... Acid Splash (cantrip)
Elemental Ray (sorcerer level 1 power)
Telekinetic Projectile (cantrip)
Telekinetic Blast (kineticist level 1 power... finally found it)
Quote: Alternatively, you can loosen the strands of aether in order to deal damage to both the object and the target as though you had thrown the object yourself (instead of dealing your normal blast damage). So... as Onyx Tanuki put it: Telekinetic Projectile would be a very crappy Telekinetic Blast... no real reason to ever take this cantrip unless it's for fluff. This detail is interesting: Quote: All damage from a kinetic blast is treated as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. so the Telekinetic Blast (a kinetic blast wild talent) counts as magical... no matter what object you hurl and no matter what enhancements that potential hurled weapon might have. Does that mean Telekinetic Projectile bypasses DR/magic? It should if people say Telekinetic Projectile is the watered-down version of Telekinetic Blast.![]()
![]() Dave Justus wrote: X touching Y is the same as X touching X As per the ruling about holding charges of touch spells and other spells like Defensive Shock, it does matter who is initiating the "touch" and who is recieving it. ![]()
![]() WilliamD763 wrote:
And you can do exactly that with Mage Hand... they both have the same weight restriction. With Mage Hand you could actually hover the item in front of one of your buddies to grab and use it. ![]()
![]() Charon's Little Helper wrote:
You killed a full round of actions for the bbeg and the mook... the other party members just got 2 rounds to mop the floor with those 2 guys. Action economy is everything in pathfinder: We once had a group with a divination wizard and most of the group had the "Lookout" teamwork feat... give 2 of the "lookout" people decent perception and the DM will dread surprise rounds. HRHR ![]()
![]() KingOfAnything wrote:
Except in that case nobody will ever use it: any ranged weapon will be better than this spell (this has been noted in pretty much every guide/advice I found about this spell)Acid Splash and the other cantrips have their reason to exist (elemental damage, touch AC, but less total damage) vs normal ranged weapons.
So yes... by your interpretation, I'm better off with the mage hand cantrip and a nice ranged weapon (Investigators get shortbows and crossbows on top of slings).
Unless you are crazy enough to allow this spell vs enemy-held objects... (it doesn't say anything in the spell after all and I should not read stuff into it?)? but that is way stronger than any cantrip should be (steal maneuver for free). ![]()
![]() Charon's Little Helper wrote:
I have to agree with Charon's here... get a Magus in your group using a rapier. Then wait for the keen rapier to critical (on a 15-20 roll, thats almost every 3rd hit) with shocking grasp: 2d6 + 10d6 ... with intensified metamagic shenanigans? 2d6 + 20d6... that's the damage of a magus at level 5! Also, what will you say when you get a witch in your party putting nearly everything not immune to mind-stuff asleep with a super-hard will save (no HD limits for the witch hex)? However:
![]() KingOfAnything wrote:
Ok and if it's not physical nor energy... what is it? how does untyped damage work here? Energy damage depends on the material:
Rules wrote:
I guess my regular group (non-PFS) houseruled it "wrong": wooden door didn't get any hardness nor half damage vs fire attacks. And whether force is particularly effective...? I have no idea how PFS rules this one, TBH (I'll have to look that up). For us [force] worked full-strength vs pretty much every material.Imho it's bad to compare Telekinesis (I couldn't find Telekinetic Blast) with Telekinetic Projectile, transmutation vs evocation is a big difference here, and the hurled object doesn't take any damage with Telekinesis.
So... in many ways Telekinetic Projectile doesn't make sense, compared to supposedly similar spells. In closing: I think Telekinetic Projectile needs a full rewrite, because this is just soooo confusing.
![]() Many people use this TK force image... however [force] has a huge side-effect, imho:
It means the hurled object does not get it's hardness applied to resist its own damage... after all, if it's the [force] that does the 1d6 points of damage, why should a piece of paper take more damage than the rock of adamantine, when both deal the same amount of damage to the target?
As the spell clearly does not have the [force] descriptor, I disagree with "TK force" effect/field. ![]()
![]() Diachronos wrote:
Sooo... you changed an encounter because you were mad and got the player's character killed? that's kinda sad....? If he was so untouchable (armor class?)... how hard was he hitting? how good were his will saves?And why not just tell him OOC that his obnoxious behavior is killing your fun of DMing this group? After all we are all playing/DMing to have fun with friends and nice people? Cheating on monster saves or having more monsters pop up out of the blue just to drive home the point that you are the all-powerful DM, is a surefire way to annoy your players. A DM, by definition is all-powerful because (s)he is _the DM_. ![]()
![]() I think there are 2 strategy basics, a DM should always remember: - action economy
- magic is part of the world
as the existence of magic is common knowledge, so is the fact that armor hinders arcane magic and divine magic requires a holy symbol/focus of some kind...
Now if your players then decide to mix their armor up to confuse their foes, that's a clever way to disguise, reward them for outsmarting their enemies :-) My opinion: as long as everybody get some time to shine with their specialty I don't see a problem. We actually had a DM with my regular group that got voted to not DM any more: he felt like it was necessary that every encounter ends with the players near 0 hitpoints and he often "cheated" encounters just because he thought it would be more challenging... for us players it was actually less fun and more tedious because we didn't feel like we got rewarded for clever planning and we ended up near death all the time, no matter how smart or stupid we acted (when we acted stupid as a result, that DM would cheat the encounter to save us from death-by-stupidity, making these games even less fun). Smart teamwork should be rewarded, not punished. So my big question to you: are your players having fun or do they think all encounters are too easy no matter what? are you unhappy because you never ever get a single encounter that seems to be partially challenging? ![]()
![]() Another interesting question would be: can you manipulate "ghost touch" items with it and hit ethereal creatures with it? that could fall under the "magic item" exclusion, however an item considered to exist on the material and ethereal plane should affect incorporeal creatures: you are hurling a "dual-plane" object at them...? ![]()
![]() Hello, I've been unable to find any PFS "official" Ruling about the Spell "Telekinetic Projectile". Spell Details:
Quote: deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage to both the target and the object. The type of object thrown doesn't change the damage type or any other properties of the attack, even if you throw a weapon or magic item in this way. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/telekinetic-projectile Obviously, hurling a weapon with this spell does not change the bludgeoning to slashing/piercing (aka damage types), nor does this apply any magical weapon enchantments. This one is obvious. Less clear is whether hurling cold-iron/silver/mithral/adamantine objects will bypass resistances of monsters?
Not clear at all is what happens when hurling splash weapons?
If I missed something important on my google-fu while searching for my answers, please do tell me. :-) PS: I really need a PFS answer, this is important for my PFS Psychic Detective. :-) ![]()
![]() Hexcrafter Magus specializing in weakening the enemy (spell-combat with a major curse or black spot? yessss). Inquisitor of Cayden Cailean (great fun as a "Rock Stepper" dwarf): "Stupidity does not equal bravery, and bravery should never be sought at the bottom of a keg."
![]() So.... you are telling us that a single normal bee would be able to lift a giant because encumbrance/armor rules don't apply to flying in Pathfinder rules? In general you need to be one size smaller then your mount (as per the mount rules). And I'd say that lifting a creature ("kidnapping style") requires a successful grapple (even if the creature is willing) to show that you get a good grip on that which you want to carry away (you are basically rolling grapple vs gravity). With just these two, you limit quite a bit of nonsense. ;-) ![]()
![]() nate lange wrote: @kyoni- i know its not a strong build (i keep saying its not a strong build), but the OP asked for it so i'm trying to generate a build that won't be a total anchor (instead of just telling him to change his mind)... its like when someone asks for a rogue build: plenty of people point out that you'd be better off with a vivisectionist (which is basically what you've done), which while true may not be what they want- so i'm the crazy guy trying to figure out how to build a rogue worth playing... or, in this case, a magus/MT worth playing. Cyrad wrote:
I'm fairly certain that giving the OP a list of traps/runes/and utility spells from the wizard list and how to access them, was an appropriate answer. The idea of mystic theurge was a bad one and the OP finally agreed to drop that idea.
But I don't believe in class names /class feature names anyways, if that concept/idea was better served by being an arcane duelist (bard) for various reasons, then I suggest it (and I did). ![]()
![]() nate lange wrote:
Except you could have given haste to your group with a straight magus just fine... I don't see what cool buffs your cleric levels add for that group, that they don't already get... unless you swap divine favor for prayer, and to me flanking does not count because everyone, even the fighter would want this, to hit more reliably anyways. suggested Monster AC for CR level 11 is 25... that is +-0 partylevel vs. monsterCR average AC (thus not supposed to be very hard) nate lange wrote: spell combat will be more useful for cleric spells since it will let you get off self/party buffs and still be able to attack; spell strike could be fun with the inflict spells (as you mentioned), bestow curse, or poison- or (if you happen to have Close Range) things like the alignment based smites, searing light, and spit venom, but clearly won't be a game changer. what party buffs? you didn't use any (haste is available to magus , too)... by the end of round 3, most fights should already be "under control". your problem with inflict/bestow curse/poison/... will be your low caster level and wisdom, all those require saving throws.
![]() @nate: the big problem is: magi live and die with spell strike / spell combat...
you'll notice that most mystic theurge builds try to compensate those by either picking spells that don't require these (especially attack rolls):
so while this wont be too hard on "lower" levels (7-12), by level 14-15 this will become really tough! magus6/cleric1(check if your DM allows this first, though)/mystic theurge5, means a BAB of 4+0+2=6 at level 11...
thanks to class features and spells a magus can actually bump his attack bonus to fighter-levels and higher quite easily
@nate: not taking weapon enchantments into account (which a magus can have too), what cleric-features/spells do you suggest to get those missing +5 BAB back? (1-3 level cleric spells only) - bless only gives +1 morale or
also the mystic theurges low hit dice (d6) would put you at serious risk on that front line better be a straight bard in this case also, what cleric spells would you suggest using with broad study spell combat/spellstrike? other then "inflict" spells, I don't see anything interesting at first glance? ![]()
![]() I advise against the cleric-multiclassing or mystic theurge. If all you really want is some extra spells that grant you trap-like runes, wards and such: Alarm - Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
all of these are on the wizard spell list and you can gain all of these through the magus arcana: Spell Blending (Ex)
No need to multiclass into anything divine... what specific cleric spells did you have in mind that you absolutely want? because if you are out for bless and such, then you are better off exchanging your magus for a bard (arcane duelist), you'd get a good bunch of group buffs (good hope, for one) and get to channel your magic into your weapon with arcane strike and bladethirst. (Also: bard would fit the librarian knack for knowledge?)
![]() Slamy Mcbiteo wrote:
Then why not be honest and talk with that witch? Tell him/her that you don't have the time/knowledge/... to change all the encounter of that AP to make the encounters challenging for them and you'd like him/her to trade that slumber hex for something that does not ruin single-monster encounters all the time.If that player is remotely concerned about his and the group's fun, he/she'll agree to drop slumber for something else. By the way: how the blazes did the witch get to DC20 at level 4? how high is the witches int? point buy? already decked out with headband of intellect +4? ![]()
![]() I guess this is why I strongly dislike gunslingers... they don't bring anything to a table except damage. So If I were you, I'd consider the gunslinger like a blasting wizard and be a support-oriented spellcaster...:
personally I'd take the witch, but that's a matter of taste ![]()
![]() Devilkiller wrote: Touch attacks are a trivial barrier at higher levels. At lower levels they do provide some control, but the standard stagger effect would still have no save. I've tried to provide some evidence that this is a decent power. Some have proposed that it is flat out overpowered. Obviously opinions vary. The fact that they vary from "useless" to "overpowered" is odd but perhaps not unusual for the message boards. Regarding the Witch's Slumber hex, I think that's a pretty high powered option itself, but at least the enemy gets a saving throw, and if that save succeeds the enemy is immune for 24 hours. The fact that the Gentle Rest combo can act as a no-save "clean up" to failed Slumber attempts doesn't make it any better. I ask again: if the touching is trivial for you (it is not for me)... would you agree to make the entire ability a ranged ability that has a saving throw, but WITHOUT the touch attack part? yes? no? why?![]()
![]() Devilkiller wrote: I just want the monsters. and PCs for that matter, to have a fair chance against a sleep effect which will likely result in their death. Why is the touch attack part not chance enough? why do you need to double the chances of failure? if you double it nobody will bother with it any more. It seems like their cleric's chance to hit with his touch attack is unusually high in your games?Devilkiller wrote: Regarding our "lonely BBEG" comment, many encounters published by Paizo and other companies only feature one monster. Most DMs I know run mostly published adventures and want them to be as "ready to run" as possible right out of the box. Unfortunately this is often close to impossible... whether it's Gentle Rest or another combo, some players will come up with something that works really well and make part of the published encounters a push-over when they shouldn't be. That is not a problem with Gentle Rest, it's a problem about the general balance that does not and will probably never exist... it's up to the DM to balance encounters. And yes that takes quite a bit of work and time. Devilkiller wrote: What happens to single foes is important. I’d also like to point out that they’re not always BBEGs. Not every monster should need a supporting cast of mooks. Anyhow, even if a fight has 2-4 foes it would often be pretty efficient to take out 1 per round with a coup de grace combo. The last one... because while an enemy is standing nearby, coup de grace provokes AoO from all of them... taking 3 solid hits from 3 enemies while performing the coup de grace, could seriously hurt the fighter, especially at lower levels. Or one of the enemies could, instead of hitting for damage do a maneuver to trip the fighter: no coup de grace until the fighter gets back up. Devilkiller wrote:
the witch uses her slumber hex on the first round: sleeping foe, the fighter coup de grace's, while the cleric, magus and sorcerer are watching but then I'm not sure why the sleep + coup de grace would be any better then everybody just whacking the lone monster good? between the magus and sorcerer and fighter they should have enough damage to kill your monster on the first round anyways?
![]() Lifat wrote: @Kyoni: So you are basically saying that a 2nd level spell is better than a first lvl domain power? Shouldn't it be? And I'd even argue that Hold Person works on far fewer targets than the 1st lvl domain power. A domain power should be usable throughout an entire PCs career... if it becomes worthless (ie: never used) at level 3 then I'd rather pick a different domain that stays useful even at levels 7, 12, 18... Lifat wrote:
It would be the same thing as just houseruling the entire sleeping part away. To sleep a target you need to:- touch it to make it staggered - touch it AGAIN to make it sleep and you want to put a save on top of that? some people already pointed out that this touching has roughly a 50%-70% to land... let's make it simply a 60%, ok?
now if we assume the save has a 70% chance (most probably less due to MAD cleric) to still affect the target we are down to 25% chance (most probably less then 20%) of actually having everything go as smoothly as you'd like... As I said: a lot of other classes can do this with a single standard action (spells, hexes, whatever)... so it's already unlikely the cleric will do this because others will be quicker, as they don't need two melee-rounds to set it up. Spellcasters can do this before the monster even reaches melee.
I'd really like to see some numbers from the "needs a save" crowd, because some numbers are off if you feel that the chance of success is more like 70%+ and not 40%- for the sleeping going as smoothly.
![]() Ilja wrote: Hey Kyoni, that's uncalled for and a fair bit off-topic. Let's leave the assumptions of foul play and the off-topic fudging rants at the door and discuss the actual ability, shall we? I did discuss the actual ability... and I keep asking again and again why the "touch attack" part is dismissed so easily by Devilkiller and others and they keep insisting how important that saving throw is. I put the "rant" in a spoiler... better? ![]()
![]() No magic means there are no arcane spellcasters at all? and no divine casters too?
If this is your first time DMing, I heavily advise against any houserules, especially such drastic ones, that change the entire game balance.
If this is not your first time: Make a list of available classes, don't go "you could, I advise against it". What's wrong with paladins and monks when magical classes are not available? because otherwise there's fighter/barbarian/rogue/ranger? Also, how do you intend to handle the healing? Be aware that spellcasting draining HP means somebody patching people back together. Without magic? What's stopping some PC to hand his gems to another PC because he doesn't want spells? What will be the consequences? Honestly all of this sounds like too big a change... I seriously advise against it. I fear this will end with a martial-centric group who'll just ignore spells altogether as in a no-magic world enemies shouldn't have access to magic either. ![]()
![]() Devilkiller: coup de grace provokes an attack of opportunity: lonely BBEG problem again also if you really want to put a saving throw on gentle rest, I'd be fine with that under the condition that you make it ranged and remove the touch attack. That way you get your precious save and I have a decent chance to have this ability actually work. Because as long as killing the monster outright is more efficient then trying to sleep it with little chance of success, I'll just go ahead and rage-pounce it. anecdote about fudging saves:
But the more I read what you are writing the more I fear you are the kind of DM that adjusts saves and HP on the fly if dice don't go your way? (I might be wrong though).
I've seen one DM once, who fudged dice of saving throws because he didn't like how his monsters were debuffed/cc'ed...
This little anecdote is to underline how players will always try to find the strategy that's most likely to work. Put too many chances to fail on gentle rest and nobody will take it any more... so back to my question...
![]() Diego Rossi wrote:
However the text clearly says move AND ATTACK... if you drop that "and attack" from the spell's first sentence, you'd be right, but why specify the "and attack" then? breaking out of combat maneuvers is not an attack but an opposed check... Also if all this spell does is negating the reduced movement or being entangled, this spell should not be a 4th level spell... would be more in line with slow and haste (3rd level) in that case.Hold Person is level 2 Hold Monster is level 4 Do you think it should suppress Flesh to Stone? why yes, why not? Diego Rossi wrote: You are still under the effect of the spell, it simply don't suffer its drawbacks. Ok, my bad, I missed that suppressed instead of canceled part. Since FoM lasts 10min./lvl we never had this issue. ![]()
![]() Diego Rossi wrote:
If stagger is not canceled by Freedom of Movement... why does Freedom of Movement cancel Slow? Slow Spell wrote: An affected creature moves and attacks at a drastically slowed rate. Creatures affected by this spell are staggered and can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both (nor may it take full-round actions). It says staggered right there in the description. Freedom of Movement specifically calls out Slow as one example of spell it counters, so I'd say anything that applies "staggered" and is a spell or spell-like is countered. However Freedom of Movement does not cancel sleep and I see no reason why it should... but you have to stagger a creature before the second touch will sleep it, anyways. PRD wrote: This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. All combat maneuver checks made to grapple the target automatically fail. Imho this means any magic taking away your standard and/or movement action is canceled by Freedom of Movement. The word "even" makes the difference for me, though I'm not a lawyer and not that good at grammatical finesse. Being dead is not a magical effect that prevents you from acting, it's you not being alive any more. Sleep is a good question... at my tables we handle it like this:
That actually makes me think that if you really want to put a save on Gentle Rest it should probably be fortitude... how is that a mental ability (aside from the sleep spell being will save?). Most fatigue/exhaustion magic use fortitude? so do most effect that stagger and allow a save or have anything to do with death: fortitude. ![]()
![]() Lifat wrote:
If you absolutely want to have it be a save I request that it doesn't require a touch attack any more... usable at 30ft range... sounds fair? Having it require TWO touches for the sleep and a save and stoppable by spellresistance, puts into worthless category. Because that's way too many chances to fail, and I'm not waisting my standard action to maybe-with-lots-of-luck take away his move action. And for *** sake give those BBEG some sidekicks... this game is about action economy, so of course a 4vs1 fight is not even remotely fair... just giving that big dragon a bunch of measly kobold slaves will change the entire fight! Other cool cleric domain powers have been pointed out by others already (I love travel and liberation), but why only compare to other clerics? it's not about what a cleric can do, but what characters can do, would you accept this power if it were a witch or a sorcerer doing this? ![]()
![]() Karui Kage wrote: A Will save is better than nothing at all, and the Witch hex also has the 'once per creature per 24 hours' limitation. If you make your save, they can't try again. Heck, even if you need a natural 20, that's still a 5% better chance you'll negate the effect then what this ability has (IE: no way to prevent it). Ok, I did not intend to continue in this thread because people seem to camp on their POV no matter what... but here I go again. Gentle Rest: is a touch and is (sp)=spell-like, so it needs a touch attack (two for the sleeping) AND it needs a spell resistance check. Witch Hexes: The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch’s level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier.
Misfortune (Su): Will negates; creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. (Extend duration with Cackle)
![]() Don't forget that survival is mostly about following tracks, finding north, and finding food/drink. For catching rabbits/food, I'm fairly sure that setting up simple traps would be know by both. Rabbits/birds also exist in parks in modern cities... why shouldn't a street urchin have learned how to catch these? when you are hungry/starving you'll be happy to eat anything you can get your hands on.
But looking at tracks to ID the creature who left it would be covered by knowledge skills anyways... survival is for following those tracks. The only thing that would be weird, is if a street urchin knew how to assess dangers in wilderness (ravines, quicksands, ...). But usually I prefer to roll knowledge geography for these (but that's our table's houserule). It also gives knowledge geography more uses, because right now it's a rather pointless skill. Natural hazards are already covered by Knowledge Nature: DC 15 + hazard's CR ![]()
![]() Is your group already out-performing you? Also, what would happen if your character talks to that fellow character needing an armor upgrade and just hand him your breastplate and agree that in exchange you get the big cut on gold so you can buy/order something useful soon?
Also, be aware that talking "I got less wealth", is usually not the best way to tackle the problem... better say: hey, that breastplate is seriously hampering my mobility, I can't move in that darn thing! Explain to your DM how that breastplate will penalize your dex, which is your most important attribute: you have a +4 but breastplate limits you to +3 and slows you down, which is not a good idea for an archer who might want to get out of a danger zone. Two more things that might be helpful to sort this out: you and your fellow players should make a google-doc list of all items and who has them, that way your DM can always check who has what and adjust more easily. Also, if that DM is an old AD&D / 3.5 DM he might be under the false impression that you, being an archer, need the equipment for becoming a switch-hitter. While some builds can do that in PF, it was way easier before. Make sure your DM understands that you want to purely focus on archery and mobility. A DM handing out weird items is not necessarily because he wants to penalize you but often because he might think "oh, if that was me, I'd love this to be able to do that" but your way of playing your character and your expectations might be very different. Talk to him about what you expect out of this character and how you intend to fit into the group, because he might have the wrong idea.
![]() Bruunwald wrote: Why don't you GM? Then you can act on all of your "suggestions," and maybe not be so angry about it all. I already do... and it's not a gripe with the fellow DMs at my two tables, we all enjoy the games we have and learn from each other on occasion. It's a gripe about DMs coming to this forum and complaining how their players beat the lonely BBEG because power X from class X is "broken/OP/whathaveyou"... these powers are not overpowered or broken.
Have a look at the last few pages of this forum concerning overpowered class features and what people suggest to correct this: 9/10 it's, why is that BBEG alone? where are his minions? ![]()
![]() Claxon wrote: As far as your character being overly concerned with his death, perhaps he's not meant to be an adventure if he is this afraid of death. There is a healthy middleground between biting dirt every second fight and a 50-33% chance of biting dirt on one particular challenging encounter after 3 "normal encounters", as you say ;-) and only with the wrong tactics, as you admitted yourself... I'm asking all the DMs out there posting about how their players ruin their BBEG because class ability X is sooo unfair and their poor BBEG does not stand a chance. Fights should not come down to "which side has the largest healing&HP-to-damage ratio". ![]()
![]() Karui Kage wrote: One cleric, with quicken spell-like ability, could put down** spoiler omitted ** on the first round with a single touch. By that point, PCs are likely 17th-18th level, so beating an ** spoiler omitted ** isn't all that difficult. Granted, still need to get to him to touch... but if you can, game over man, game over! lol. Why on earth is that CR ~17 BBEG standing all by himself, with no contingency plans nor access to "Freedom of Movement", a lowly level 4 spell? Freedom of Movement wrote: This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell Daze, stagger, stun, paralyze, ...? not doing anything! As for sleep: witches can do this from level 1 (Slumber Hex) too and good luck with the saving throw, you'll fail. And since that Hex is SU (read supernatural) Spell Resistance does NOT apply... I've already driven our DM insane by targeting his high-levelmonsters with some cute witch (su) hexes... and with enough knowledge I know which one is the monster's low save: fort or will. Actually there are only 3 (SP) witch hexes... neither of these will ever require me to roll vs SR (a summon, a dream thingy and woodland stride; still puzzled why woodland stride is SP for the witch???) ![]()
![]() To go more into detail, you could use the kicking character's strength modifier plus some bonus to determine how far away the weapon will slide...
the bonus could be something along the lines of +1 for every 5 increments you beat the CMD to succeed on the maneuver? ![]()
![]() MurphysParadox wrote: Character death is absolutely meaningless after about level 9 because you can just hop over to a temple or teleport to home base and get a rezz (or, heck, have the party's cleric/druid/whatever raise the person on scene). This might be true from a metagame perspective, however RP-wise my character would seriously question his skills, if he's biting dirt on a regular basis... can he change something to fix this (items/magic)? if not, should he stop chomping off more than he can chew (less powerful foes)? or maybe he cannot fix it and should just retire before the gods refuse to give him yet another chance at "life"?