Black Dragon

Kuvan's page

12 posts. Alias of Diaz Ex Machina.

Seeking suggestions on canons, running "rennissance" game, major cities controlled by humans or gnomes have BRASS canons (keeping them too expensive for most population centers).
Thank you for any suggestions rendered.

I'm new to the d20 system in general and it seems as though even an idiot like me can figure out 3.5, why would they need to make a 4th edition? won't that just mean that all the source material i've spent my hard earned hourly pittance (in a cubicle, mind you!!!) for no good reason?
seriously, if wizards of the coast wants to rake in some cash quick like, they should do what was done with the He-Man cartoon series... reinvent the cartoon, make it hardcore, with awesome fights and villains who aren't fooled by, "Hey, Venger, you're shoe laces are untied!" no joke, they're going to do a big budget He-Man flick now (random flashback of marlon wayans trying to portray a rogue... twitch, twitch)so it obviously reminded a few people of what they've been missing.
anway, back on task, a 4th edition seems uneccessary, 3.5 is good, real good... (shouldnt have had the Marlon Wayans flashback, now I'm thinking of that D&D movie the Sci-Fi channel did... I think i'm going to be sick) so is it true?

Hi, i'm new to this whole forum thing, so i'll probably make myself sound like an idiot... please, forgive me.
Anyway, my question is as follows: The 'Shackled City' Adventure path looks awesome and soon it will be the very first D&D campaign ever run by myself. i purchased the book because i didn't even know of the existence of your 2 fine magazines at the time (yes, i have been living in a cave for the past 30 years... it's fun, try it.) Is there any information as to whether or not there will be an 'Age of Worms' book?
I've only been playing D&D for a year or so and have found your publications quickly stirring the imaginative brain-pot... thank you for any response you give.
Unless it's to make fun of cave dwelling.