
Kusuriurite's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 64 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Goblin Squad Member

I've always just made it a point to help players who are already tryiing to make the best of things.

Goblin Squad Member

Wyldethorne wrote:

I think one way to incorporate many variable shapeshifting/polymorphing forms would be to have a drop down menu prior to casting that linked to all the available templates for creatures in the game, and you choose which one you want. May be a lot harder to code than I'm thinking, but it'd be nice to not always have to pick from bear/cat/bird.

An example would be a 4th level druid can assume any small or medium animal form. Your Wild Shape hotkey would link to all the S/M animal templates in the game, and you pick the one you want and begin transformation.

I'd argue for allowing one to hotkey specific transformations.

Goblin Squad Member

Kaio Ken!

Goblin Squad Member

Would also be nice to disguise as inanimate objects for stealth reasons. Use the old hide in a pot routine...granted one would have to be wary of wandering knights in green hats.

Goblin Squad Member

Being wrote:
<grumble grumble "hippies" grumble>


Goblin Squad Member

All right let's not make the board all suggestions, complaints and laments. We can have some fun here and maybe a few laughs. I'm not the funniest guy (not like tony, love that guy) but, why not post a few more, humorous suggestions for the game?

I suggest that in some elven (or otherwise fantasy hippie area) town that when a character shouts "Bacon!" they get attacked by a vegan who is offended.

Goblin Squad Member

as far as cooldowns for switching weapons and the like, remember this is a video game and switching weapons usually requires an animation to finish. I'd imagine that time would serve as the cooldown of whatever GW decides.

Goblin Squad Member

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I've seen a few threads in passing on this issue but, did not find one that dealt with this directly.

I assume this is a concern for druid type characters and some sorcerers but, by launch what kind of transformative mechanics would you like to see in game?

Obviously transforming into a full size dragon isn't likely accessible to the player but what about other simple creatures? Will it extend to all enemies? will we have a polymorph spell?

additionally, I see this as a great way for characters to have some semblance of stealth if name tags are not visible at all times (transforming into a creature or member of a goblin mob to blend in with the surroundings). Any one hacking to see your true shape would have a disadvantage in this case as well, since they wouldn't know what attack range you actually have etc.

Goblin Squad Member

Chiassa wrote:

I'd like the option to turn off name tags entirely; in WoW, I only have them on for NPCs (for ease of finding them), but prefer not to see big floaty letters over other players' heads.

Maybe a WoW-like option menu, ranging from "all name tags on" to "all name tags off" with different combinations of on/off in between.

this I like, no more immersion breaking nametags

Goblin Squad Member

Yes please, not ugly name tags over the character. Definitely have a history text log though (john doe killed you etc.) for...purposes.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bluddwolf wrote:

When considering reputation, will there be any instance when a negative reputation is a benefit for evil aligned characters?

If not, wont this reputation system inhibit role playing?

we havent heard much about this. I'd imagine evil people can set bounties ob good characters as well

Goblin Squad Member

Vancent wrote:
Developers need to constantly work harder to make better games, and do it faster, to make their appeal stronger (see what I did there?). Of course, Goblinsworks is a...

don't be a Punk man. But you are right it would be Daft not to strive to get ahead of the pack.

That aside..i'd love to see armor that looks natural.

Goblin Squad Member

Well any armor with designs would get warped with that. Any ornate emblem would become a blurred mess

Goblin Squad Member

The problem is how to get clothing and armor to fit body deformities? We may have to settle with facial deformities unless GW can spare the time to design armor models for such diversity.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hahaha skimpy armor+ugly= hilarity. I Definitely would like for it not to be tied to a stat particularly charisma.

Goblin Squad Member

I do think infinite bounty renewal is exploitable for griefing. Each infraction should carry one bounty per person per infraction.

Goblin Squad Member

Diversity in the population? Brilliant!

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Both sides are arguing for their own fun. Basically for some the metal thong detracts from the amount of fun they have while others, the lack of t&a armor ruins their fun.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

True if pfo wants to appeal to as many people as possible they will make skimpy armor, cosmetic items, premium characters and even player marriage. But thats not what i want from pfo since i have 50 other places to go for those things

Goblin Squad Member

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

I don't like it when people impose the view your fun is inferior to my belief and seek to penalise them as well

The problem with that view is by saying it you effectively do the same thing you are complaining about. By saying skimpy armor shouldn't carry realistic penalties you impose your own view about armor on them just as they do to you.

Goblin Squad Member

How about we just have camouflage attached to the player using stealth instead of invisablity?

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Perhaps you could tell me the name of the thread then?

Goblin Squad Member

They have areas of high grass that once entered hide them from view. Granted i don't know how that system would have to be changed to fit PFO

Goblin Squad Member

So something roughly equivalent to blackreach in skyrim at least in the way of it being connected to several points on the surface?

Goblin Squad Member

so how are we intending to handle stealth skills? I'd still like an assassin or ranger to be able to conceal themselves...i know darkness (as well as fog of war type things) but what about a stealth system similar to league of legends?

Goblin Squad Member

Id like to see gamepad/controller compatibility.

Goblin Squad Member

Hell id be satisfied if we got something similar to mabinogi. Granted i hope we get something much better

Goblin Squad Member

Well that assumes having the thing produces complete light rather than a given area

Goblin Squad Member


Find me some undead to track down and i'l help you kill them friend.

Goblin Squad Member

There are good points to this not being implemented sure...

I just don't think "people will cheat the system" should be one of them. After all, one can say that about any part of the game from basic attacks to skill cool down.

Goblin Squad Member

goblinworks blog wrote:

What does "Threaded" mean?

Each character has a certain number of "threads of fate" they can use to tie their equipment to them, thanks to the rather unusual relationship the characters have with the goddess Pharasma—the same relationship that causes them to keep coming back from the dead. These threads cause the items to which they are tied to remain with the character when the character resurrects, meaning threaded items cannot be looted. Higher-level items consume more threads to tie them. Characters earn more threads as they advance in level, but they gain threads more slowly than they gain level-appropriate gear. This means a starting character will be able to thread all of his equipment to him, while a high-level character will probably have to pick and choose what he uses his threads on if he is using all high-end gear. If a low-level character gets his hands on a high-level weapon, he will probably have to expend most of his threads to keep it, meaning the rest of his gear will be lootable.

If a character dies and manages to make it back to his husk before it is looted, he has looting rights and can regain all his equipment. So if his allies can keep his killers away from his husk, they can make sure he gets his gear back.

In addition to the time it takes to loot a husk, each player has an encumbrance limit that determines how much gear he can carry. This starts out at a set number that can be increased by race (i.e. dwarves have a high encumbrance limit), by equipment (bags of holding, backpacks, etc), or by spells or feats. Each item in the game is rated in encumbrance, and you can only carry items that have a combined total encumbrance equal to or below your encumbrance limit. So even if someone kills you, they may not be able to make off with everything they could loot from you. This also allows certain crafting or gathering equipment loadouts, like trading cloaks for backpacks and wondrous item slots for bags of holding.

If you are killed in a non-consensual way, such as being ambushed while minding your own business, you may level a death curse on the killer by praying to Calistria. Doing so costs you reputation, but the cost is reduced if your killer has a low reputation (and if he is a gank-happy killer, he probably will have a very low reputation). Once invoked, the death curse causes your killer's threads to become weakened for a time. If your killer is in turn slain by you or one of your specified agents before the death curse ends, more of his gear may be looted. Your killer cannot have the curse removed by having an ally kill him and refuse to loot him; it only goes away if he is slain by you or someone you specify, such as a member of your group or settlement.

My two questions are as follows:

Are only equipped items lootable? if all items are potentially lootable will there be affordable safe "storage" options?

Goblin Squad Member

Being wrote:
Tact is increasingly rare it seems, or else I am just growing more sensitive to its scarcity.

if nothing else, it's not just you that's growing more sensitive to it.

Goblin Squad Member

I love the idea of dark areas that hide horrible things in them, some of those horrible things might even turn out to be me.

This is especially cool in dungeon and on long merchant trips. Gives a caravan incentive to stop for the night build a fire and "circle the wagons". Meaningful nighttime would add so much to the game in way of bandit companies and strategy as well.

However, I think OP here has alienated many who would agree with him by insulting them (saying they want easy mode if they don't agree) or at the very least I feel insulted.....

Goblin Squad Member

caith wrote:

Hmm...lots of cleavage, impractical armor, and unnecessary ass shots...huh.

well female art directed towards males will have that...while male art directed towards females generally has a nice set of pecs and a more manly posture.

Men and women like different things in their sexy art doesn't make one any better than the other.....*gets off soapbox*

that said, most of the revealing armors on those seem to be magic or diplomacy based characters who aren't likely to wade into a melee.

Goblin Squad Member

Granted id be more concerned about them being available by launch of the full game

Goblin Squad Member

I'm assuming pharasma is in there too since players carry her mark

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

I want each player to give their character the look they want.

If someone wants to run around in a chainmail bikini and still be protected, I think they should be allowed to. If it's possible to enchant a simple bracer to provide extra Armor Class, then surely it's possible to do the same with a chainmail bikini....

I disagree.. i dont want to be fighting paladins who soak up my hits while looking like stripper mcfee.

Goblin Squad Member

True just so long as those armor pieces protect about as much as they look like they do

Goblin Squad Member

To clarify i am talking about after open enrollment when they are able to play. Not as a way to get them into the beta

Goblin Squad Member

@vancent hahaha I plead the fifth...

Goblin Squad Member

I figure a forging system to improve whatever gear you take a fancy to would be welcomed. Sort of like masterworked items but not just on construction

Goblin Squad Member

Vancent wrote:
Being wrote:

If flagging is automated maybe there should be a /forgive mechanic available to the victim.

If I am heavily engaged and strafe into the path of a friendly fireball I may well want to minimize the mayhem resulting from my clumsuness.


Makes sense to me.

as someone who often plays an archer, i am in favor of this.

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:

The solution is cosmetic armor. I'm not overly concerned about how much skin my character shows but I hate gaudy, or evil looking armor. Others love it. Why force people to wear armor they don't like for stats?

Whether it be by allowing us to change high stat armor to look like items we prefer visually, or doing a cosmetic equip system like LotRO, don't force us to wear armor we don't like just for stats. Then it doesn't matter if the uber-gear is bikini-mail or a clown suit.

uber gear should appear uber IMO (again excluding illusion). I'm fine with people wearing or customizing their armor to look how they want but, i think plate armor should always look like plate armor. Perhaps allow people to smith spiky pauldrons and other visual pieces to their liking but, retail the overall base of the armor.

Goblin Squad Member

Kryzbyn wrote:
Kusuriurite wrote:

high heels are not for combat, people who wear them are vulnerable. this is how it should be.

There is no reason a knight should run around in a chainmail bikini and receive any real protection from it and annoying for those females who want to look like actual combatants.

Unless of course, they've paid to have their armor glammered to look like chainmail bikini and high heels.

illusions not withstanding of course. Since the armor itself is not what it appears.

Goblin Squad Member

Chiassa wrote:

I still remember my shock and horror in WoW when my female warrior (the "tank" for our group) got a piece of quest-reward plate that was (a) a BIG step up in armor and adds, meaning I really needed to equip it, and (b) basically bikini bottoms and thigh-high boots, while my friend's male paladin wore the same piece and was fully clothed. Bad enough for non-roleplayers; for roleplayers it can be not only frustrating but completely immersion-breaking as well. I agree that no one should have to equip that type of armor.

On the flip side, of course, no one should have to equip head-to-toe armor either. I can see barbarians in particular wearing minimal armor, and non-combat types like my bard might find showing some skin to be advantageous.

Ideally, I'd like to see a variety of armor skins available at roughly equivalent power levels. But at minimum, armor shouldn't be gendered; a piece's artwork should have the same representation on female as on male characters.

^this I wholeheartedly agree with.

Goblin Squad Member

high heels are not for combat, people who wear them are vulnerable. this is how it should be.

There is no reason a knight should run around in a chainmail bikini and receive any real protection from it and annoying for those females who want to look like actual combatants.

Goblin Squad Member

i'm very happy for unrestricted pvp not because i like killing or being killed however.

What i want from PFO is something akin to .hack or yureka manga i read when i was little where if you were a murderer you would be marked as such and other players would hunt you down. Sure you have some people that would do horrible things, or trick others into murder but, that's what makes the game appealing to me, that I have to be on my guard.

Some of my favorite moments in gaming are when a trusted comrade betrays me and I strike out for revenge on them or have to run for my life. Without that, without the idea of groups forming to protect themselves and others, bounty hunters tracking down PK'ers and bring them to justice, or being able to stab the jerk in the back who you just saw gank a newbie, this game looses most of it's appeal.

Goblin Squad Member

actually i was looking forward to depending upon other players to hunt down pk'ers....

so I emphatically hate the idea of an evil character being smote by the game in any way.

Goblin Squad Member

i have a few friends i'm trying to bully into playing the game, can i add one of them as a shieldmate even though they missed the kickstarter?

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