BeardedTree wrote:
I should actually than you for bringing this up because I had to go back and read up on staves, I didn't know the greater staff of fire had as many spells on it. (I only thought it had the 2nd and 3rd level spells on it but now I know it has all the lower level spells too) I would say that she would indeed uses her intelligence as her casting stat for DCs (at least that's what i did when she used Fireball on my guys) and would guess that she has a +20 to hit with Produce Flame. If you take into account her to hit with the staff in melee is a 13 with a -1 to strength, that gives us a base +14 before you add her +6 Intelligence modifier. At least that's what I'm going to go with. My only question is why is she at a +20 with her crossbow but a +19 with her dagger?
But, would she have the same proficiency with simple weapons (staff, dagger, crossbow) as she does with arcane(?) spells? She's a "Creature 8" so let's take 8 as her level for calculating attacks (not sure if that's correct, but it's a starting point). With a Dex of +4, a magical bonus of +1, then she's getting a +6 to reach a bonus of 19 with her dagger, which makes her a Master at simple weapons. Is she also a Master with the spells through the staff? I mean, the ability is called "Staff Mastery" and not "Staff Expertise" or "Staff Training," so maybe, but there's no concrete info that tells us this.
As for the additional +1 for the Crossbow, who knows?