Kurt Onstad's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Question on Room I3: In the "Creatures" description, it says "A pair of elemental infernos...live here."

Then for the stat block, it says Magma Guardians (4).

Which is it? "A pair" or 4?

It's not outright stated, but reading through it, it seems like this is at least implied, and wanted to hear other's thoughts on how they ran it.

The Tree of Dreadful Dreams in Huntergate Waystation: It gives an HP and BT "per branch." If a branch is broken, does that lower the number of characters that can be trapped and/or the number of Attacks of Opportunity the tree can get? And can you eventually break enough branches (possibly six?) to deactivate the trap as a whole?

Or, do branches keep coming out to give six traps/AoOs always, and breaking a branch is only useful for freeing a single creature in that particular branch?


BeardedTree wrote:
I should actually than you for bringing this up because I had to go back and read up on staves, I didn't know the greater staff of fire had as many spells on it. (I only thought it had the 2nd and 3rd level spells on it but now I know it has all the lower level spells too) I would say that she would indeed uses her intelligence as her casting stat for DCs (at least that's what i did when she used Fireball on my guys) and would guess that she has a +20 to hit with Produce Flame. If you take into account her to hit with the staff in melee is a 13 with a -1 to strength, that gives us a base +14 before you add her +6 Intelligence modifier. At least that's what I'm going to go with. My only question is why is she at a +20 with her crossbow but a +19 with her dagger?

But, would she have the same proficiency with simple weapons (staff, dagger, crossbow) as she does with arcane(?) spells? She's a "Creature 8" so let's take 8 as her level for calculating attacks (not sure if that's correct, but it's a starting point). With a Dex of +4, a magical bonus of +1, then she's getting a +6 to reach a bonus of 19 with her dagger, which makes her a Master at simple weapons. Is she also a Master with the spells through the staff? I mean, the ability is called "Staff Mastery" and not "Staff Expertise" or "Staff Training," so maybe, but there's no concrete info that tells us this.

As for the additional +1 for the Crossbow, who knows?

Sporkedup wrote:

I thought the point was she is not a spellcaster at all and can't use the staff or spells from it in any way? She just thinks it looks cool.

Well, the Staff Mastery ability she has says she can "cast spells from her staff of fire as if she had the spells on her spell list and could cast them." Also, she is capable of placing 4 charges on the staff.

I looked through this thread, and couldn't find an answer. Since Hezle isn't an actual spellcaster, what are you using for her attack rolls and spell DCs when she uses the Staff of Fire? DC 26 is what her alchemical abilities are, so I would guess that's the same for the DCs with the staff (unless you have evidence that points otherwise), but what about if she uses the Produce Flame to attack?