Ury Sevenskulls

Kuraj Shur'andar's page

23 posts. Alias of Billybrainpan.


Here is the crunch for my mounted fury. I already had it built so i'll post a backstory soon.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Kuraj hops down to help with the bodies. He loads two of the bandits onto Vuk's horse and two onto Garians. He loads one of the other bodies onto his own bloodsteed. "Someone should take the other one."

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

I didn't know if vuk would interfere with my charge.
Kuraj CHarges forward on his blood-steed, lance raised to strike at a man's chest.
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15Damage: 2d8 + 14 ⇒ (8, 3) + 14 = 25

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

You never answered my question, making it very hard to decide what to do.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Can I charge past Vuk?

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Everyone stop! Snipers in the trees.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

@Vuk - sounds good.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

It might make sense for Kuraj to go ahead of Vuk. He has better speed, ride and perception. other wise he will behind him.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Kuraj rides with his shield and lance readied for battle.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1


Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

I am checking in regularly but Kuraj hasn't had much to say. Just thought you should know that I am still playing.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

As the woman tries to move him Kuraj stands right wear he is like a big orc statue, until she goes away. He sits down at the bar and drinks a rather large tankard of ale.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

HA, HA, HA , HA, HA! Go ahead elf, tell the lady.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Just got back from my trip.
Kuraj follows Frunthpyllin, slouching down as much he can and trying not to scare the ladies.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Let us leave this god forsaken place.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

I'm sick of this place with it's books, and shelves, and tea. We should leave.
Kuraj looks uncomfortable in the library.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Kuraj refuses to read anything, even in his own tongue.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Kuraj has a basic understanding of reading but refuses to do so. Instead he paces around the library muttering to himself in orc.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Kuraj looks at the locket like everyone else, grunts, and hands it along.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Kuraj enters cautiously and stands against a far wall, obviously not feeling comfortable at the table.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Kuraj Has said little to the driver save for a few muffled words and some grunts. He pays little attention to the farmers actions.

Male Orc Mounted Fury 1

Kuraj is a hulking orc from the Black Souls clan. He is 7'1", 250 lbs and has long black hair in a braid down his back. His eyes are jet black with no whites and his skin is a light grey shade. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder of two crossed axes dripping with blood, however a wide scar runs through the tattoo marring the image. On his back is a heavy shield and a long heavy blade. His armor appears to be from the scraps of various pieces of metal, overlapped in a scale like pattern. He refused to ride in the coach with the others and instead rides along side on his horse, Za-Hren. Za-Hren is a big horse but not huge, he is dark black with the only difference in color being a long scar down one side. A thick lance with a heavy cruel looking tip is strapped to his side, resting on his saddle bags. Strangely Kuraj seems to comfortably ride him without a saddle, preferring instead to ride against the horses skin directly.

Kuraj can speak the common tongue and orc but prefers to speak neither. He also isn't great at talking even when he does.

I certainly can. I already have him mostly done minus a backstory. Here is the alias.

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