Kaigon the Miscreant

Kurag Urlot III's page

1,179 posts. Alias of Neltji.


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Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag feels the song flowing through him along with the magic quickening his movements. His hands a blur of action Kurag fires not once, not twice but 4 times at Billy. This is for getting acid on my favorite pair of pants.

Point blank improved precise rapid inspired bof favored enemy deadly aim sneak attack holy
1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 15 + 2 = 19 for 1d8 + 14 + 2 + 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 14 + 2 + (6) + (3, 3) = 31
Rapid 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 15 + 2 = 26 for 1d8 + 14 + 2 + 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 14 + 2 + (5) + (1, 4) = 29
Bof 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 15 + 2 = 23 for 1d8 + 14 + 2 + 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 14 + 2 + (3) + (2, 4) = 33
Iterative 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 2 = 30 for 1d8 + 14 + 2 + 1d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 14 + 2 + (1) + (6, 3) = 32

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

reflex 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kragg will lead the party into the building looking for traps as he goes. He keeps quiet unless he sees some thing problematic and tries to open the door silently as well.

Perception 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17 +1 traps
Stealth 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34 +4 vs giants

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

As Brother casts his spell to find any magical auras Kurag steps off to the side and into deeper shadows. He waits to get the results before scouting ahead of the party needs him to.

Stealth 1d20 + 18 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 18 + 4 = 32

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag activates his wand of gravity bow and pass without trace to mask his movement and let him hit a bit harder. He stands back as Sven hits the door trying to break it and alerting half of Golarion in the process. Let me see if I can lift the bar from the outside if possible.

He slips a dagger between the edges of the door trying to get a purchase on the bar before lifting up.

Disable device 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (14) + 22 = 36

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag leaves his spell hiding the camp in place but chooses some more animal friendly spells for the eventual task of convincing the mammoths to escape or run amuck.

Sounds like a good plan until we meet with the enemy. Then we just have to have each others backs and support each other. I will be ready to move out in the morning.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Not expecting a blizzard as that would be too dangerous for Kurag but a heavy snowfall would be just as good to add fresh snow and make it seem more plausible.

If you are going to take out the tanner that seems like it might be close quarters work. That is not my strength and would think that would be better for all of you. I would stay back to guard our camp and provide cover if needed.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag shakes his head no at the mention of spellcasting prowess. Thise abilities are beyond me. I can harness some of natures powers into spells but I can’t change humans thoughts or feelings.My skills belong elsewhere. The idea that the giants go someplace else to train intrigues me. Would it be possible to spy on them and determine their numbers and perhaps set an ambush for them. I would love to scout the mountains above them and see if there is a way to set an avalanche upon them as they are marching to and from the camps. Hinder enough of them and I could take out the rest at range as they are digging themselves or others out.

As for this Skirtakla, if she is a creature of the night I have no abilities to counter her powers or even protect myself from her. I would follow your lead Sven and yours Ingrid as to how to proceed in that encounter.

Survival check for forecast? 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37 wanting to know about next snowfall to aid in an avalanche

As for the wooly mammoths it may be possible to lead them astray and I do have some skill with animals. The trick would be to get close enough to interact with them without them giving my presence away to the giants. I will have to think on how to manage that.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag jumps backwards almost notching an arrow to his bow at the sight of the red dragon appears before them. His first instinct was that the dragon lied was and going to attack them. Yet when it just continued to speak and not threaten them at all Kurag finally allowed his nerves to relax. His body visibly shook as the adrenaline ran through his body without taking any action. My apologies, Naximarra. Even though I heard your words sometimes instinct takes over. I have acted hastily and almost foolishly. Kurag bows his head exposing his neck in homage to the dragon.

After a moment Kurag lifts his head back up to look at the dragon as a creature and not a foe. While I am not opposed to helping each other take out the threat of the giants, I am curious as to your reasons behind helping us? It seemed that the 2 of you are allies. How have they wronged you?

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Wary as to the trickery of dragons Kurag motions for Sven to come and listen. Who are you and how do you know my name? It takes a lot to get the jump on me out in the wilderness and you have me at a disadvantage so I respect your skills. I will listen to you and take your council but can not commit to anything beyond that. I agree to parlay and if you would show yourself I can offer food and drink as a sign of my honest intentions.

Perception 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

correct. That follows the idea that they need to forage for supplies in the wilderness and can get picked off easier.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

The rest of you all do a night sabotage mission hitting supplies to take out the trolls and cave bear while Kurag provides long range support. With the camp alight he can distract them long enough to get you guys out if need be. After that raid then we hit them hard and target the leaders.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag laughs at the futility of the giants. This is perfect don’t you see. They can’t see at night so they put up sconces to illuminate the area around the towers and the silo. All that does is blind them though to anything farther away from the edge of the light. I can be 200 feet away from in the darkness in total cover and still be able to fire at them freely. With the bear chained up it can’t even be set free once it is attacked. Just tell me who you want attacked where and my arrows will draw out a few giants at a time for you to ambush. Should a large group of giants approach we fall back and wait again. Should the dragon come out it would be us versus it without its help from the giants.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag headed out silently once it was determined the ice trolls were able to out out the fire. He vowed to return though with a plan to take both of them out next time and burn the supplies to the ground.

Once back with the other he will ask what they all discovered on their first foray into the giant encampment. There are 2 ice trolls in the supply shed. I would think that if we prepare 2 of us could take the trolls by surprise and kill them and set the building on fire to burn the bodies. Who would want to join me to take out the trolls next time?

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag fights the pull to draw his bow and unleash havoc on the trolls at point blank range. Quite confident in his abilities he figures he could take out both trolls before they could even react to him. The cave bear was the problem. Perhaps next time he could take Gilde with him to take on the bear while he took out the trolls and then they could light the silo on fire. At least they got some good reconnaissance and knew what they were to face next time. Kurag then leaves quietly hoping Brothwr Hawthorne did the same.

Know local ice trolls 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Know nature cave bear 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Sounds good but switch out mess hall for silo as we want to get rid of their supplies first.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

I was thinking just the silo to start on fire to burn the supplies after we loot it. However, the same could be done to the mess hall as well. It would seem that Ingrid takes out 1-2 towers, Brother Hawthorne and I raid the pantry and set it ablaze, and Sven is back up for whatever may go wrong to provide magic support. At the first sign of trouble or even possibly being detected we flee to regroup. We may not get a chance like this on our first night raid.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

I thought Kurag was giving some long ranch fire support at this point but if he is able to communicate with them…

Light it on fire and watch it burn away their supplies. May want to grab some for ourselves if the fare is up to our standards though.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Correct, scouting only today unless we hit a patrol and have to defend ourselves.

We know they have a firework at the towers. Do you think it is possible to collapse one and set it ablaze to destroy it completely? Also if we hit that many at once will they suspect sabotage and come looking for us? Then again if they know it is sabotage but can’t find us that only adds to the frustration to make them leave.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

So we know for sure we have 11 frost giants, 1 in each tower during the day. They don’t can’t see in the dark so we could always do night raids. That would limit my ability to give range support but would allow us to move a bit more freely.

Ideally I would love to get that dragon out here in the open and take it down away from the encampment so the giants don’t realize it was us. Until that happens though stealth will be much harder as I am pretty sure dragons can see well in the dark…maybe even better than dwarves. I don’t want to be caught off guard by a dragon where it can attack us and we can’t attack back.

Kurag grumbles some more about the towers. Blast it the towers are wood after I gave them a second look. So much for collapsing them with that stone magic you have. Any way of doing the same thing but with wood? While I know that Gilde could make short work of them with Ingrid’s help that would leave tell tale signs of destruction. I was hoping for something a bit more subtle than that. Stealing their rockets would be interesting if we could plant them somewhere else.

Right now though we need more information. Brother you up for another scouting run to the north north west while I cover you from afar?

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Thanks Brother. Just because we may not have proper tools and time does not mean that a dwarf needs to make inferior work. That is the result of a lazy attitude such as giants and orcs.

Now as to what we may need to have a defensive position I can cast a spell that will hide our encampment for most of the day as long as a giant doesn’t stumble into it. It will look like normal terrain to all those outside our camp and even muffle sounds and smells. I have some skill with snares as well and can set 3 giant sized snares to limit a patrol from finding us. Kurag turns to Ingrid as she talks about shaping stone. Can you later worked stone or just natural stone? Curious if you could hit the base of a tower to make it collapse in on itself. That could kill any sentries inside and make it look like shabby construction was the cause. First though we need to know what we are facing. Brother if you can go invisible and walk on air to scout that would be a great advantage. I could stay back and cover you should you become visible and any giants spot you. I would position myself away from our camp and take Lucky with me to keep the giants from tracking us back.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

How steep adn tall are the cliffs around the village?

Kurag crawls forward to get a look at the camp. From his vantage point he spies a few areas that he thinks are lookouts (A) and one of them more isolated to the east than the others. I say we at least need to know what we are up against. Unless any of you have some scrying magic we need to do this the old-fashioned way and sneak in to have a look. That area to the far east is tempting as I think it would give us insights as to what else is going on and what defenses they may have against us.

A to the far east then the north east area that is isolated with O,M,N,K

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Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Wait we need subterfuge and stealth so we add a paladin and a priestess of Torag to the group...now he tells us lol.

The paladin arrives to challenge each giant to solo combat while the priestess continually heals her. The rest of us takes bets on who is going to win or knock her out first. We bankrupt the giants and send them home for the win!

Playing to the strengths of the party, oh yeah.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

From behind the 2 dwarven lasses, Kurag appears on his horse having scouted ahead off the path. Its bout time you Sven and you Brother finally hurried along and spotted these 2. I have kept an eye on them for a while now making sure they weren't giant magicians trying to sneak past us to the citadel. I overheard them talking and they are true dwarves and pious ones at that. Torag definitely is blessing this meeting and our journey south-southwest.

Kurag hops off Lucky and approaches the lasses. My name is Kurag Urlot the 3rd. You can call me Dragonslayer if you want although Sven and I are still discussing who actually gets that honorific. This is Lucky, my trusted friend. Our honor and pleasure to meet you 2. As to what our plans are we are on our way to some giant encampment. Apparently the small force we just routed was a proving ground for lesser giants trying to earn their mettle to join the real force. It will be great having some staying power up front that can handle themselves in a fight.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.


Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Welcome meat shields! As your resident trap finder I want to assure you that I have only lead 2 dwarves to their deaths by not finding the traps. The rest they did themselves.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Huzzah! More dwarves to rally with!

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Hmmm have to put on the thinking hat. Wow nice characters out there

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

All good for whatever people want to play

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

I have a running total of arrows on my profile. Should be enough to share with you.

No to the dwarven plate or any of the other magic items. Would just take my share of the sold items and make some purchases or upgrades if possible.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

I would think with the forge being consecrated to a Torag the boon to the weapon would be lawful rather than axiomatic. Still nice but not overly broke like holy can be.

Never seen reclusive before. Will have to look into it. I don’t do a lot of research into anything that isn’t in the core book or the advanced books

Don’t have loot list that I know of

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Whatever people want to play is good by me.

I am assuming that with all the giants slaughtered we at least found a bow and armor to resize for Brother Hawthorne

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Taking 8th level of ranger!

+1 BAB
+10 hp
+1 fort and reflex saves
Favored terrain: Mountain +4; ?cold/underground/urban? +2
+1 2nd level spell
8 skills: stealth, survival, ride, perception, disable device, acrobatics, know geog, know nature

If any one has a suggested terrain to take I will listen. I have no idea where the campaign is going from here. I am increasing the mountain terrain to +4.

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Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Sven, looking at all of the options you have listed I would go for God-meddled but not sure if that would get clunky in a play by post with the random generator.

Also nice job transforming the forge Sven!!!

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Surprised by the sudden success in their attacks Kurag took a second to realize the dragon dropped to the floor. Rolling forward through the gout of flame the expelled from the maw upon landing Kurag was able to see that at least one of the torches was lit by the fire. Go complete the ritual while I guard the dragon. I will not kill it yet till I know the ritual is completed and we know longer need it’s breath.

Kurag then moved forward and extracted the broken arrows that were imbedding in the creatures flank and causing it to bleed out. Once the arrows were removed the bleeding slowed down and Kurag was convinced that it was safe from dying on them.

Stabilize the dragon 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Assuming that the compulsion is based on the dragon horn and nothing else Kurag wastes no time unloading g on the dragon hoping to anger it and make it breathe on them.

Rapid fire hasted improved precise inspired deadly aim with all the buffs 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 16 for 1d8 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 2 = 19
1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 31 for 1d8 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 9 + 2 = 18
1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 34 for 1d8 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 2 = 13
Crit confirm 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 27 for 2d8 + 18 ⇒ (2, 5) + 18 = 25
Iterative 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 22 for 1d8 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 2 = 19

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

All good here. I just wish I had a back up bow for you Brother. Something to consider in case mine ever gets sundered.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.


Kurag celebrates with the village in the return of the 2 rescued prisoners. This is cause for a joyous celebration. It is our privilege to help them and you as well. Hopefully the trials and tribulations are over for you and yours.[b]

Back at the citadel Kurag helps clear out the up start giants before preparing for the dragon. He will cast resist energy fire upon himself along with aspect of the falcon and cat’s grace. From his wand he will cast gravity bow just before the party confronts the dragon. [b]I am as prepared as possible. Do we stay in a line to tempt the drain to breathe on us? If so who has torches at the ready?

Kurag will have his bow in one hand and a torch in the other[/ooc]

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Wife and family got into a car accident and just getting back to normal life. Will be posting here this weekend

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Good luck and enjoy the time off. We will be here gathering resources and components till you get back

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

2 weeks! Dang nice job.

Option 2 works for me as well as it makes the most sense based on the information that we as characters have

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

So I am at a loss now. I was rereading the thread and it seemed that at one point we weren't going to do the ritual then we decided to do the ritual but couldn't. We need the other 2 components to the ritual (fire geodes and clay)

We have the dragon horn that when blown will have all dragons nearby that can hear it respond but no way of controlling said dragons or know how many may arrive.

We killed the tyrant giant and cleansed his cathedral but even so we don't know how to disperse the army and we can't take on a full giant army just ourselves.

Do we lock the front doors, leave the captives here to maintain a ruse of it still being occupied, and go get the other 2 components? Do we hand wave that since we have cleared out all the areas already? Do we just make a bunch of skill checks to move things along? I feel that we have floundered lately and need to pick it up again somehow.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag looks at the others and shrugs his shoulders. My best guess is that we piss off the dragon enough that it breathes fire upon us. When it does so one of us holds up a torch so that it is lit and then takes it down to the forge. Anyone want to volunteer to be the target of the flame?

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Are we ready to take on a dragon though? If it is dragon fire that is needed for the ritual, should we gather the remaining components first? Then, once he breathes fire, we light the torch and bring it down here for Sven to complete the ritual. I don't fancy trying to keep a dragon trapped for a few days while we gather the clay and water.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Urarhash is dead and will trouble this realm no more. Kurag then pulls some rations out to give to the captives to help after their wounds are healed.

So this symbol of Minderhaal…do we leave it or get rid of it? Do we still need to recover the other pieces of the ritual?

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Stealth unless someone else casts invisibility on him

Kurag would leave at night to allow himself the advantage of darkness and his darkvision ability.

Stealth check using pass without trace wand twice 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (5) + 20 = 25 Uh oh

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

I have never been one to mix and match wits with words. My skills lie in more direct action or subterfuge. I can safely say that I could get out of here with Lucky but no guarantees that I could get the rest of you out without one of you being spotted. I could retrieve the items we need and make it back here in short order while staying mounted and hiding my tracks. However, that still doesn't solve the problem at our doorstep. We need to disperse the army by flooding the valley here, giving them orders to disperse, or finding a way for them to attack each other and do the dirty work for us.

As Kurag literally has no way to influence an army other than killing one giant at a time he heads to a window and tries to survey the army before him watching and looking for weaknesses.

After a few hours of watching his inaction gets the better of him and he makes his way through the complex clearing out any remaining riff raff. Once that is done if there are still no answers, he volunteers takes Lucky out to go grab the materials for the ritual himself.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Anyone good with illusions and bluff that can make an image of the after command the army to disperse?

If that doesn’t work then toss his decapitated head out of the fortress and make an intimidation check.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Indeed, what we can't use ourselves we sell and put to good use that way. First stop is to find a bow for you Brother. After that we need to go retrieve the rest of the ingredients to get the forge relit. There were 4 components we needed: clay, water, dragon's breath, and fire geodes. We have 2 of them but we will need to get the other 2 if we want to relight the forge. All told I believe we could make the trek in 4 days time to get there and back unless one of you have ways of magical travel to make the trip shorter.

Maybe sooner on Lucky if the nice GM allows no random encounters to just get the materials and come back.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag does as asked and chops the heads off the giants before the party is healed. After that as the healing washes over them he searches the bodies for magic items and the reason the main giant was resisting some of his arrows damage.

perception 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27

Rarpok has not participated in any online campaigns.