
Kunzite's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts (202 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Dark Archive

So, there are allot of rules around liches and their phylactery. But I love flavor. Let me explain what's going on then move from there.

There is this old artifact in my world called the Sky Stone. Well, that's it's name now. It has the ability to block fiends from entering a place. Very powerful. It was lost in a war and found by a lich, inactive. She, not wanting it used but unwilling to brake it, made it her phylactery.

The heroes now have it and are unwilling to brake it because this artifact can insure the safety of an entire city IF they can extract the lich's soul from the stone. And I, the GM, don't have the heart to tell them they can't do this. And, as the GM, I can make this happen, but I am currently lacking the creative juices to find a way to purify the artifact.

So I have come to ask the help of wiser GMs then I for advice. Assuming a lich can be killed, permanently, if the phylactery is stripped of the soul in it (making it no longer a phylactery), how might this be possible? Please be creative!

Dark Archive

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I am trying to fine tune ways to use maps and get PCs together to get this campaign started again. Almost there!

Dark Archive

As a new player on the Message boards, I am hoping this is the correct place for this. My players and I have been playing a story under my creation for a while when myself and two others needed to move. While we are in the middle of a huge plot twist, it seemed like a good place to transfer to online play.

If this is the wrong place for this, please tell me and I will move it to the proper thread. Thank you.