Full Name |
Kuch Crisnor |
Race |
Half-Orc |
Classes/Levels |
Monk 1 |
Gender |
Male |
About Kuch Crisnor
Kuch Crisnor
Male half-orc monk 1
Human, Humanoid, Lawful, Orc
Percep +3; Senses low-light vision
Defense HP 21 Hero Points 1 Res 1
TAC 14; AC 14
Fort +3 (+4 against paralysis and sleep.); Ref +4 (+5 against paralysis and sleep.); Will +4 (+5 against paralysis and sleep.); +1 against paralysis and sleep.
Speed 25 ft.
Str 18 (+4); Dex 14 (+2); Con 12 (+1); Int 10 (+0); Wis 14 (+2); Cha 10 (+0)
Skills Acrobatics +3, Athletics +5 (+5es, penalties, or modifiers).), Farming Lore +1, Medicine +3
Feats Dragon Stance, Half-orc
Languages Common, Orcish
Other Abilities flurry of blows, powerful fist
Other Gear candles (10), climbing kit, healer's tools, hourglass, [i]minor healing potion[/i], ordinary clothing, rations (day)s (5), religious text, torchs (10), waterskin, purse (25 sp, 8 cp)
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