Kster809's page

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_Ozy_ wrote:

Yes, you can stack those. Madness bombs don't really have a direct effect other than decreasing wisdom, but can work in synergy with someone else casting a spell requiring a will-save.

For a more direct effect, consider smoke + confusion bombs.

Isn't confusion asterisked?

Hi there. I was wondering how stacking bomb effects work. I know that you cannot stack the asterisked effects in the Advanced player's Guide, but you can stack the non asterisked ones. Does this mean that I can stack Smoke Bomb (asterisked) with Madness Bomb?

If so that would be so awesome as a distraction!

LazarX wrote:
Chain shirt isn't subtle armor unless it's mithral.

It doesn't necessarily matter if it's hidden. It's under clothing for the sake of fashion and decorum, not for sneaky reasons.

Hey everyone! I'm making an alchemist character who is like a Victorian gentleman (e.g. tailcoat, top hat, cane, etc.) However I feel like he may be a little vulnerable, partially due to his age (40, so he has a -1 penalty to str, dex and con) and partially due to his outfit. He however is too gentlemanly to don armour on his adventures. How can I give him armour which is concealed?

My ideas:

  • Some sort of subtly reinforced clothing (e.g. a jacket lined with mail)
  • Wearing armour underneath his clothing
  • Some sort of amulet or enchantment to magically reinforce his clothing

The first two are most fitting for the character, but any will do. My GM doesn't mind a little rule-bending and proxying as long as it isn't broken!

Also it would be preferable to stay within the core rulebook or advanced player's guide.

I was thinking of making a demonhunter character who would be using mostly ranger abilities (preferred enemy: demons, preferred terrain: plane - Hell) and would use mostly vanilla ranger mechanics but would wield a pistol and have a melee weapon as a backup. The character is a dwarf and wears an eyepatch at all times, concealing a demonic eye (this doesn't have to give any effects, but it would be cool if it allowed him to see things that others cannot). My GM is fairly lenient and would allow some small bends of the rules, as long as it's not broken.

My question was how could I do this as legitimately as possible? I would prefer to stick to the core rulebook, but some delving into the advanced guide would be okay.