Hey everyone! I'm making an alchemist character who is like a Victorian gentleman (e.g. tailcoat, top hat, cane, etc.) However I feel like he may be a little vulnerable, partially due to his age (40, so he has a -1 penalty to str, dex and con) and partially due to his outfit. He however is too gentlemanly to don armour on his adventures. How can I give him armour which is concealed?
My ideas:
- Some sort of subtly reinforced clothing (e.g. a jacket lined with mail)
- Wearing armour underneath his clothing
- Some sort of amulet or enchantment to magically reinforce his clothing
The first two are most fitting for the character, but any will do. My GM doesn't mind a little rule-bending and proxying as long as it isn't broken!
Also it would be preferable to stay within the core rulebook or advanced player's guide.